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Posts posted by EllMorrow

  1. I've added a testimonial slider to my site because it has the scrolling feature that I want to use to showcase the logos of clients that we've worked with.

    However, I can't seem to add images to the block, only text.

    I want to replace Dream it, Build it and Grow it with client logos.

    Is this possible? I simply want a scrolling slider that works in the exact same way, but with images rather than text.

    Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 11.47.54.png

  2. On 5/24/2021 at 11:04 AM, tuanphan said:

    Add to Design > Custom CSS

    /* form title color */
    legend.title, .form-item {
        color: white;


    How do I change the form field title and description text colour for an individual form? I'd got the block ID number and code to change the background of the form to white, but I don't know how to change the text colour so that it's visible

    Code to change the form background to white (screenshot attached for reference)

    #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1673009862760_11011 {
      background: rgb(255,255,255);
      padding: 20px;

    URL: https://www.bon-creative.co.uk/content-audit (I've removed the code for now in case anyone views the page and can't read the form)

    I'd like to change the form field title colour to black, and the descriptions to a dark grey colour.

    Screenshot 2023-01-06 at 21.45.46.png

  3. 13 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    Can you share your website URL?

    (this advice assumes you are in SQS 7.1)

    1) You should be able to do this without CSS, in the section settings you can adjust the height between S, M, and L, or by using the slider to select a VH number, or by setting it to fill screen (if on Fluid Engine)

    2) In the header settings (available when editing any page) you can add a button, if you want it to the left of the social icons, that can be achieved with CSS, I can provide the code after you've enabled the button and shared the URL.

    Thanks Ziggy, URL is in the post now! I added it originally to the Site URL box but for some reason it wasn't saving.

    1) Found the section height VH sliders, thank you! Didn't realise it was in the Edit Content menus rather than Edit Design.

    2) I've enabled the button

  4. Hi,

    1. I'm looking for some CSS that will reduce the section height of the Our Services section on our homepage as it isn't editable from what I can see. If I could also use this code for other sections separately (such as the gallery below the Our Services section) so that I have some flexibility going forward then that would be fab.

    2. I'd also like to add a unique button to the menu bar/header that links to a custom URL (screenshot attached for reference). The style would be the same as the other buttons on our homepage ('Book a call' and 'Find out more'). Is it possible to do this on desktop and in the mobile burger menu?

    Thanks in advance!

    Website URL: https://www.bon-creative.co.uk/home

    Unique header button with link.png

  5. On 12/4/2022 at 1:19 AM, tuanphan said:

    Use this CSS

    h3.portfolio-title, h3.portfolio-title:after {
        font-family: 'Fontspring-DEMO-visbycf-extrabold' !important;


    Thanks so much @tuanphan! Two more things if you'd be able to help

    1. How do I add a darker/different coloured background to the photos on hover? And change the text colour if required? I love how this portfolio page looks, for example: https://www.sandrarsobral.com/

    2. Can I make a portfolio item link to another page? We have two portfolios on our site (social media work and event photography) and we think most people will go to 'Work' rather than 'Photography'. We'd like to link to the Photography page within the Work page portfolio items.

    You can see that we've created a portfolio item called Event Photography on this page: https://www.bon-creative.co.uk/work. I just can't figure out how to make that link to a different page rather than go through to the item - is it possible? 

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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