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Posts posted by BrookAurora

  1. Site URL: https://flower-platinum-ttsw.squarespace.com/journal/walking-with-a-reactive-dog-tips-and-thoughts


    Sorry if this has been asked before! I've tried searching the forums but nothings coming up. Any help or advice would be really appreciated 🙂

    I've inserted 3 individual images in a row on my blog page and want to get them to align horizontally so the top and bottom of all the images match up properly. I realise I could use a gallery block for this but putting 3 images in a row in a gallery block then looks odd when it's viewed on mobile sites as one of them will be placed below the other two. I'd also like to place portrait and landscape images side by side which isn't possible in the gallery block (at least I can't seem to do it if it is!).  In the screenshot the 3 images at the top are in a gallery and the 3 below are individual, I'd like them to match up if possible so they look tidy and straight like the top row.   Thank you! 

    Screenshot 2022-10-13 at 08.16.04.png

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