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Posts posted by IhabKhiri

  1. I'm using a blog page and blog post for a service page (Corporate IT Training), showing icons using 4 image blocks.


    While they look great on desktop, on mobile, they turn into large blocks, disrupting the layout.

    icons in mobile view

    Is there a way to make these image blocks smaller or more visually appealing on mobile without losing the desktop view effect?

    This is my website: https://www.workplaceconsultant.com
    This question concerns this specific page: https://www.workplaceconsultant.com/capabilities/learning-development/corporate-training 


  2. I'm currently working on customizing the hyperlinks on my website, specifically within the paragraph texts and blog posts. My objective is to have all hyperlinks in underlined. To achieve this, I used the following CSS code:

    a {
        text-decoration: underline;

    However, this code seems to be too broad, resulting in everything, including the blog titles in my blog's basic grid section, being underlined. I'm looking for a way to restrict the underlining to just the hyperlinks within the paragraph texts and blog posts. Could anyone guide me on how to modify my CSS code to achieve this specific effect?



    For reference, my website is: https://www.workplaceconsultant.com

    Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


  3. On 10/11/2023 at 5:50 PM, studiofounded said:

    Hi @Ihab-Workplace!

    Visitors should be able to visit your site and immediately understand what you do. I recommend developing the home page with more copy to describe what you offer, your brand story, your unique selling points, your specific services, etc. This will also support your SEO and help you be found easier! 

    I would definitely add more information about your offer. Exactly what services do you provide?  What do costs/timeframes look like? Who do you work with? Who don't you work with?  Do you work in a specific location or remotely worldwide?

    Lastly, I recommend adding the newsletter sign up to the home page so it's easy to find. Explain what subscribers will get from it — what value will your newsletter offer? You can incentive sign ups by offering a useful or exciting freebie in return for their email (for example, a 10-point guide on things business owners need to know about email security). 

    Let me know if this helps!

    — Hannah

    Studio Founded

    Thank you so much! I've taken your advice and currently working on a proper value proposition.

  4. Hey there, Squarespace fam!

    I'm Ihab. Over the past year, I've spent quite some time creating [www.workplaceconsultant.com], a website for my consulting practice!

    I'm originally not a web designer but I've given it my best shot in design and content, but an extra pair of eyes (or several) always helps!

    • User Experience: Was it easy for you to navigate? Did you feel something was missing or out of place?
    • Homepage Aesthetics: How did the design and layout vibe with you?
    • And anything else you suggest or come accross!

    I aim to target the following audiences:

    • Folks wanting to know more about me or Workplace Consultant — potential clients, recruiters, HR maestros, or just curious individuals.
    • Tech enthusiasts keen on diving deep into Microsoft SaaS and similar platforms.
    • IT admins at companies looking for specific info, how to's etc. 

    Here is a quick preview:


    I am happy to return the favour by providing feedback to your site! 


  5. website: www.workplaceconsultant.com

    I had a GIF as a back visual for my homepage; at some point, the GIF stopped working.

    I removed the GIF and deleted it entirely from the asset library. However, when the website loads, the website shows the error text text "An engaging, colourful video of Workplace elements showing Workplace Consultant's Mission_ United Teams, Smart Tech and Optimized Workplaces v2.gif."

    How do I solve this? 


    Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 17.55.01.png

  6. Hi there, i have been running a broken link checker (brokenlinkcheck) on my website. (www.workplaceconsultant.com) 

    It keeps reporting 41 broken links that I can't identify, apparantely its an old contact link page in my navigation. But I other than the navigation contact button (which works fine) I don't have any link to the contact page. I have also set a mapping between the old url and the new one, nevertheless without success. 


    /style><div class="fluid-engine fe-64a44b101dd8325af5690a6b"><div class="fe-block fe-block-628ac3be5f8ade61ec8a"><div class="sqs-block html-block sqs-block-html" data-block-type="2" id="block-628ac3be5f8ade61ec8a"><div class="sqs-block-content">
    <div class="sqs-html-content">
      <p style="text-align:right;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="sqsrte-small"><a href="/site/privacy-policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy<br></a><br><a href="/site/terms-conditions" target="_blank">Terms &amp; Conditions<br></a><br><a href="https://www.workplaceconsultant.com/site/algemene-voorwaarden">Algemene Voorwaarden</a></p>
    </div></div></div><div class="fe-block fe-block-fb94a8239465f9110445"><div class="sqs-block html-block sqs-block-html" data-block-type="2" id="block-fb94a8239465f9110445"><div class="sqs-block-content">
    <div class="sqs-html-content">
      <p class="sqsrte-small" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><a href="/about">About<br></a><br><a href="/site/contact">Contact</a><a href="/home/contact"><br></a><br><a href="/approach" target="_blank">Approach</a></p>
    </div></div></div><div class="fe-block fe-block-yui_3_17_2_1_1690034360668_26153"><div class="sqs-block image-block sqs-block-image sqs-stretched" data-block-type="5" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1690034360668_26153"><div class="sqs-block-content">


  7. By adding the HTML tag <div style="overflow-x:auto;">, I made the table responsive. Kindly suggest if you have any better approach. Here's the code:

    <div style="overflow-x:auto;"><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
                <td style="width:200px"><strong>Left column header</strong></td>
                <td style="width:900px">Table text right column with increased with compared to left column</td>
    </table> </div>


  8. Hi there, I am attempting to arrange some text in a table on my website. I have used a codeblock with HTML for the page content and. Everything is going pretty well, even managed to underline hyperlinks within the codeblock. However, when I switch to the mobile view, the table does not adjust in width as it should. Can I please get advise on how to make the table responsive? Thank you.


  9. On 11/16/2022 at 6:43 PM, Michael_Thomson said:


    I'm looking to see if something is possible with SquareSpace before we agree to migrate over. 

    We work with several partners who insist on doing validations with a file on the root domain rather than the preferred TXT record validation on DNS. For this we have to put a file in a folder at the root of the website in a folder called /.well-known. The file for example would be called test.devicemenagement and it would contain a text string for validation. 

    This would then enable various partners to validate us on www.domain.com/.well-known/test.devicemanagemant

    To further confuse this we need to add in a MIME type or contact to make sure the file extension of *.devicemanagement is downloaded as a JSON file.

    Does anyone have any ideas of this is possible with Squarespace?



    I have the same question, have you  found a solution or work-around in the meantime?

  10. 4 minutes ago, tuanphan said:

    How can I make those images look more like a button, right now they are not inviting / look like buttons.

    I don't see images. Can you take a screenshot?

    Hi there, this is the button: 


    Thanks so much for taking time to check it out!

  11. On 7/5/2021 at 10:14 AM, pmaroday said:

    Site URL: https://oopsvegan.com/


    I am wondering how can I add hreflang tags to my blog posts. I have a multilingual site with 2 languages (English and Spanish). Google seems to not differentiate the 2 languages because when i add the name of my website on Google, the search result give a mix of English and Spanish. View screenshot attached. Will adding a hreflang tag solve this, what else should I be looking at?


    Thanks so much



    Google doesn't use hreflang or the HTML lang attribute to detect the language of a page; instead, we use algorithms to determine the language. 

    Google reference

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