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Posts posted by Hooray

  1. I have the same question as russw.  Looking for a way to store and reference additional info about my customers.  If an external db is required--such as sortable--how would I grab the customer ID or email from SS to send through an API call?  Thanks

    On 4/6/2022 at 11:38 AM, russw said:

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I guess you know the next question... can you point me in the right direction regarding how I might "pull this information into Squarespace so that it can be displayed"? Would that have to be something like a code block with JavaScript that makes an API call?

    I should stress my requirement is to pull from that external source only the data that relates to the member or customer that is signed in. So when the JavaScript or some other mechanism sends the request to the external data source, it's gonna need to send something that identifies the member/customer too.



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