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Posts posted by Obi-Wan

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    This post may answer your question, the coding for backgrounds was subtly changed on the backend, so you may need to update your code:


    Hi Ziggy! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my concern, however, the link that you suggested says that I do not have permission to see it. I'd love to see the link as it may be helpful to me. Do you have an idea as to why I am blocked from seeing the link?

    Thanks again!


  2. Hello! 👋

    I am having an issue with parallax scrolling for background images. It seems that the issue arose about the same time that SS had headers and footers disappearing/changing colors. According to the SS status page, the header/footer issue had been fixed but apparently that fix caused the following code to stop working altogether. The problem is that, when I put the following code into the Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > Footer section, all of my background images completely disappear. 

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/parallax.js/1.4.2/parallax.min.js"></script>
      $('.has-background:not(:has(.sqs-video-background))').each(function() {
        var findImage = $(this).find('.section-background img');
        var imgUrl = findImage.data('src') + '?format=2500w';
        var dimensions = findImage.data('image-dimensions');
        var imgWidth = dimensions.substr(0, dimensions.indexOf('x'));
        var imgHeight = dimensions.substr(dimensions.indexOf('x') + 1);
            imageSrc: imgUrl,
            naturalWidth: imgWidth,
            naturalHeight: imgHeight,
            speed: .5,
    document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].onresize = function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 100)
    <style>.has-background{background-color:transparent!important}.has-background .section-background{background-color:transparent!important}.has-background .section-background img{visibility:hidden!important}main .has-background.background-width--inset{margin:4vw;padding:0!important}main .has-background.background-width--inset:not(.content-collection):not(.gallery-section) .section-background{top:0!important;right:0!important;bottom:0!important;left:0!important}.sqs-catalog .section-background img{visibility:visible!important;}.has-background .section-background .sqs-video-background img{visibility:visible!important}</style>

    I have been using the code above flawlessly on multiple sites for some time without a hiccup until recently. I tried using SS built-in parallax engine for my background images but it isn't nearly as smooth as what the above code did for background images. My websites just aren't the same without it. 

    I have also tried other similar bits of code that is supposed to do the same thing (actually, used to do the same thing before the SS header/footer issue) as the above code but those will not work either. 

    I was wondering if anyone has had similar issues as I am having or maybe someone could look at the code above to see what might be causing the background images to completely disappear?

    Thanks in advance for your time!

    Website: https://cello-dachshund-wage.squarespace.com/config/

    Password: WCB2022

  3. Site URL: https://womentalkconstruction.com/


    I am wanting to reduce the space between specific image blocks on my home page. The images are links to streaming services. 

    I have tried various code and came close but, it always throws other areas out of alignment. 



    The blocks in question are: 


    Thanks in advance for your time.

  4. 16 hours ago, HunterD said:

    @Obi-Wan  As a legendary Jedi Master, I thought you could help us. Seems like you have the power to do so.

    Ha! While the force is in and around all things, unfortunately, it doesn't reach the deep, dark catacombs of the SS devs thought to lie far beyond the edge of our known universe. Otherwise, I certainly would have gathered all of the midichlorians within me to force-fix the CSS Editor by now. 😆

  5. @laurel

    I had (having) the same issue. CSS stopped working for me all-together on Friday. I opened a ticket with SS and I will post below the response they sent me back through email. 


    ##- Please type your reply above this line -##

    Your request (7501937) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.

    Luke S. (Squarespace)

    Apr 15, 2022, 7:51 PM EDT

    Hi Michael,
    I am reaching out to follow up on our previous chat, regarding the issue you have been experiencing with our CSS editor.
    Following further investigation, it was confirmed that the issue you're experiencing is related to a bug on our end that we are currently working to resolve. With this being the case, we have reported your particular site to our Engineering team, and they’re currently prioritizing the issue.
    Please keep in mind that there are many moving parts we need to address before we roll out a solution. We thoroughly test all fixes before they’re released to ensure they don’t affect other Squarespace components or customers.
    As a result, we can’t guarantee how long it will take to fix issues like the one affecting your site. Also, because of the volume of requests we receive, we can’t always follow up personally when the issue is resolved.
    Lastly, I do want to acknowledge that customer bug reports are an important part of how we continue to improve our platform, so I appreciate you taking the time to report this to us. If you come across any other unusual behavior, or have any further questions, please let us know.

    Luke S.

    So, the reason that it is taking so long is that they have to test all the things before committing to a patch. They need to make sure that the patch will not affect other users or break something else. As terribly inconvenient as this is, I can understand where they are coming from having been in their position. If you are like me, CSS really takes your website to the next level and in some cases, (my case) even goes as far as breaking the design without it. 

    I hope everything works out for you and your client despite the CSS issue. Have a good day!

    ~ Michael 

  6. Hello,

    I just had this problem pop up today as I was adding some CSS to my website. I have tried clearing cache, using alternate browsers, removing all CSS and entering various code one at a time, and still nothing. All of the code I had in there just stopped working all-together. 

    URL: womentalkconstruction.com


    EDIT: I just read where Squarespace was having trouble with CSS at the moment. I will wait a bit and maybe they will sort it out.

    EDIT #2: I opened a ticket and SS confirmed it was something that was wrong with the CSS editor on their end. In my case, it had to be escalated to an engineer. I am still waiting on a fix but they said that they would notify me through email once the issue had been resolved. If there is any additional information that I can provide after I get the response, I will certainly add that information here.


  7. 1 hour ago, creedon said:


    The space is not there now that I can see so I assume you set the number so that it wouldn't show?

    I'm thinking that space is where the pagination goes. If you don't want the pagination you could set the number lower so you can see the source, grab the class name for that area and display none.

    Thank you! That did the trick. I was able to keep the lower number of items I wanted visible and hide the pagination gap. 

    Have a great day!

  8. Hello
    I have browsed the forum as well as this post for similar issues to the one that I am having with my site but cannot find a similar post. I have a space between sections that popped up all of a sudden and will not go away. I haven't done anything different and it's only on this one page, not site wide. I have removed and replaced sections around the space, adjusted padding settings, completely removed all css code, etc with no solution. The space between the footer and the next section up is the space that is the issue. While hovering my cursor over that area while in edit mode, there are no available options that pop up like there would be if I were hovering within an editable section. It's just a blank area between editable sections. So weird. Any thoughts?
    URL: Episodes — Women Talk Construction Podcast
    Thanks in advance for any help!


    EDIT: After inspection, it seems it has something to do with the side-by-side-blog section that is ABOVE the section pictured above (the media player within the mic background). It seems to be a 'pagination' thing from that section.


    EDIT #2: That is exactly what it is. When I change the amount of items that can be viewed on one page to a higher number (to where every item is on one page) then the gap disappears. If I select a lower number of items to be displayed on the page and there is an 'older post' link appears at the bottom of the side-by-side-blog section, it creates the space again between the footer and the section above. Is there any way to negate that action with css? Thanks

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