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Posts posted by ZachGallant5

  1. Hi there,

    I've recently embedded an Acuity scheduling block into my client's site, just using the 'Scheduling' block and adding the 'Custom Scheduling Page Link'.

    I'm noticing there's a lot of white space above and below the "Powered by Acuity" text. Is there any way to remove that section completely or at least reduce the white space? I'm worried the section below the scheduling is getting lost here.

    The scheduler is from my client's vendor, not from my client themselves, so I don't have access to the back end of the Acuity Scheduling page, just the direct link for embedding

    My client's website is https://www.goodwoodfamilygolf.com/lessons for reference!

    Thank you!

    Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 11.04.47 AM.png

  2. Thanks bangank36,

    Unfortunately, that didn't seem to work when I tested, it looked the same as your image.

    I'm looking to decrease the space between the text "taxes included" and that first image of the "small bucket" of balls—is there a way to do that?

    I know that the image itself has a bit of empty space at the top to keep everything in line on desktop!


  3. Site URL: https://www.goodwoodfamilygolf.com

    Hi there,

    Wondering if there's a way to decrease the space between the text and the first icon here, only in mobile. Reference attached—it would be on both the home page and the driving range page. I made all the images the same height so they lined up in desktop but this creates a bit of a gap as there is empty space above the small and medium bucket icons.



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