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Posts posted by baronsantiago

  1. YO! yes need individual project password capability. Seems like a simple feature to add no? Some work by designers and artists are confidential but need to share limitedly to make a living. thanks. would be great to get this feature ASAP!

    UPDATE One way around on this is to create a separate "Not linked" page. this can be password protected. However, you can't direct them through the image block in your gallery/portfolio page but you can add a landing page which can say the confidentiality of this project and add a button that will link to the "not linked" page you created. 

    Also note, you will need to re-create the layout to match your other non-secure pages–or not. whatever floats your boat. 

    but again, @squarespace_developer need to make this a functionality so users wont have to go through this.

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