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  1. LeauxFi's post in Wanting list item images to be greyscale until button hover was marked as the answer   
    Sure, so when you want to target a specific section or block, use the ID Finder and put it BEFORE the code you use. Then use the { } to hold the code as usual. So in short itll look like  Section/Block { entire code }
    In this example, I'll use a block from my own site and it would look like:
    //GREYSCALE MOUSEOVER ON SPECIFIC SECTION SIMPLE LIST section[data-section-id="6635cc2fb4f49d34d81efa34"] { .list-item-media { transition: all 1s; filter:grayscale(1); } .list-item:hover .list-item-media {transition: all 1s; filter:grayscale(0)!important; } @media only screen and(max-width:640px){ .list-item-media{ filter:grayscale(0)!important; } } } Let me know if this works
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