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Posts posted by WuTangForever

  1. On 1/7/2022 at 10:15 PM, tuanphan said:

    See how to upload image & get image url.

    When you have url, add a Code Block >> use this code

    <img src="/s/mountain.png" width="50%" />


    Thanks for the reply, you're really awesome for helping so much!

    I will give this a shot tomorrow when I am back on my work computer. That is the code I was trying, minus the "width" part, and I could not get anything to work. I will report back here when I try it tomorrow.

    Thanks again

  2. 2 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Try this code

    section[data-section-id="618a8d101b196313d7d86ae0"] {
     .section-background {
        margin-left: 50%;
        position: absolute;
      & {
          background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;


    Thank you for the reply!! I assumed you meant rgba so that's what I added, and this is what it gave me:



    Any idea how to make it transparent and not gray?


    Thank you for your help again!

  3. Site URL: https://defendingabuse.com/

    I apologize if the title is confusing, I'm not sure how else to word it. 

    I am trying to create a half background with an opacity of ~.5  to insert some text into. I need the background to go in front of the background photo that I have, obviously.

    I have provided an example of exactly what I am talking about below. I use CSS background properties relatively often but I am still a noob and every time I have tried it will not work.  Screen Shot 2022-01-05 at 2.51.01 PM.png

    The photo below is my site with what I have so far. I made it red so its easy. Here is the current code:

        background-color: red;
        padding-left: 50%;

    When I try and add opacity, it affects the entire section. I only want it to affect the red half!



    Please help!

  4. Thank you, that worked.

    Yeah, I am not sure why but on certain elements, like the floating sections, I have to add a border in order to round it. Normal "border-radius" does nothing for them, even if I put a !important after the desired radius. 

    I think I must have done something in the earlier CSS when I made them float that is affecting it.

    Anyway, thank you again I appreciate your response!!

  5. Site URL: https://defendingabuse.com/our-team/shannon-smith

    Hey, all! 

    Let me pre-face this with letting you guys know I am pretty new to CSS still.

    I have added some custom CSS to make certain sections appear to "float" over other sections - as you can see in the photo below. I tried to round off the edges of that section but it wasn't working, so I added a 10px border to it and rounded off the border to get the same effect.

    The problem is, as you can see, there is a very thin white line that goes around the section in between the section edge and the border I added and I cannot figure out how to get rid of it.

    It's kind of hard to see in the attached photo but feel free to visit the link and scroll down a little and you'll see what I mean.

    Any input is really appreciated.

    Thank you

    Screen Shot 2021-12-10 at 12.14.20 PM.png

  6. Site URL: https://defendingabuse.com/our-team/shannon-smith

    Hey guys, I implemented some CSS drop shadows to photos and videos on my site. For some reason, on mobile only, there is additional space behind the photo that the shadow applies to and it looks bad.

    Check out the photos I attached, you can see the space above her picture. Again, this ONLY happens on mobile, desktop is fine. I am relatively new to html/css.

    I have adjusted margins and padding to no prevail. Any idea how to fix it?


    Thank you!

    Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 2.01.48 PM.png

    Image 2021-12-01 at 6.27.21 PM.jpg

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