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Posts posted by GlennieS

  1. I have tried to set up the Google sheet notification but it's not working for me. What am I missing? The sheet notification setting I have entered is for any change > email straight away.
    How do I get this to work?
    Thanks in advance if you are able to solve this for me,

  2. Thankyou for your reply Tuan. I am developing a second blog on my site and would like the header colour to be different for its item pages. The code I currently have for one blog is as follows ...

    body[class*="collection-type-blog"].view-item header#header {
        background-color: #6ec4cd !important;
    body[class*="collection-type-event"].view-item header#header {
        background-color: #ffdf77 !important;

    How do I have code that applies a different colour to each of the now 2 blogs?

  3. What code would change the header background colour on blog posts. This is a second blog on the site and I want to have the change of header colour apply to this blog only. I want to keep the post content section as white background.

    I assume the code would be added to the Blog Settings > Post Blog Item Code Injection.

    URL is www.sandypoint.vic.au/plants

     Thanks for helping,


  4. Product page. Image displays as square on desktop, good.  But, on mobile the aspect ratio displays as 3:2 (I think) and the image is cropped to fit, no longer round. Screenshot attached. 

    How do I get mobile image to display as square? Is there a setting I've missed?

    product image aspect ration on mobile.png

  5. In a past life I used a CMS that was great for reusing content. A block (called a box on LibGuides) could be copied into another page as a stand-alone piece which can be edited separately to the original. OR ... even more helpful .... a block could be reused as mapped to the original, which means one edit will update all instances of the reused block. 
    C'mon, let's have it please!

  6. On 5/25/2020 at 7:10 PM, tuanphan said:

    Add Code Block with this code

    <div class="mouse">  
      <div class="mouse-icon">
        <span class="mouse-wheel"></span>
      .mouse {
      margin: 50px auto;
      width: 100px;
    .mouse-icon {
       width: 25px;
       height: 45px;
       border: 2px solid white; /*you can change 'white' to a hex color*/
       border-radius: 15px;
       cursor: pointer;
       position: relative;
       text-align: center;
    .mouse-wheel {
      height: 6px;
      margin: 2px auto 0;
      display: block;
      width: 3px;
      background-color: white; /*you can change 'white' to a hex color*/
      border-radius: 50%;
      -webkit-animation: 1.6s ease infinite wheel-up-down;
     -moz-animation: 1.6s ease infinite wheel-up-down;
      animation: 1.6s ease infinite wheel-up-down;
    @-webkit-keyframes wheel-up-down {
    	0% {
    	    margin-top: 2px;
    	    opacity: 0;
    	30% {
    	    opacity: 1;
    	100% {
    	    margin-top: 20px;
    	    opacity: 0;
    @-moz-keyframes wheel-up-down {
    	0% {
    	    margin-top: 2px;
    	    opacity: 0;
    	30% {
    	    opacity: 1;
    	100% {
    	    margin-top: 20px;
    	    opacity: 0;
    }@keyframes wheel-up-down {
    	0% {
    	    margin-top: 2px;
    	    opacity: 0;
    	30% {
    	    opacity: 1;
    	100% {
    	    margin-top: 20px;
    	    opacity: 0;

    I like this but the icon is not centred in the code block. I want to add text below saying Scroll down. So they need to line up. Hope you can help. 

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