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Posts posted by Deanogrigio

  1. 2 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Use this CSS code

    /* WeGlot Mobile */
    .header-menu-actions.language-picker.language-picker-mobile * {
        font-size: 15px !important;

    Also, I see the menu mobile has this problem


    Thank you! 

    Regarding the problem you called out - this seems to appear on Desktop and Mobile the first time a user visits the site. It eventually resolves itself after a few seconds. 

    Any idea what might be causing it in the first place? 


    On 4/10/2022 at 6:00 PM, tuanphan said:

    Can you try again? I just tested & it should work


  2. https://southmoorpto.squarespace.com

    password: pto


    In the footer I am trying to remover the underline from hyperlinks while also adding a hover color. 


    The below code works for the phone number, but not for my navigation items (Home, Fundraising, Calendar, Board, etc.) What am I doing wrong?


    //Add Hyperlink Hover

    footer a:hover {
      color: #0D974B !important;

    //Remove Link Underline
    h1,h2,h3,h4,p,code,nav {
     a,span {
       background-image: none!important;
       text-decoration: none!important;

  3. Hello, 

    I am utilizing a Summary Block on my Homepage to pull forward Events. 

    The Summary Block looks good in edit mode, but on the live site it's adding a lot of extra padding / whitespace after the content. 

    You'll see in this example (where I used a purple color block) there are only 5 upcoming events, yet there is a significant amount of extra padding added below the events. 

    Why is the extra space being added and how can I remove?



    Password: pto

    Screen Shot 2022-12-09 at 1.23.45 PM.png

  4. Site URL: https://l100.org/conference-registration%20(pw:%20l100)

    I have a specific form that must be filled out after adding a product to your cart. 

    The button at the bottom of the form is not visible because my default button style is white + outline. 

    I would like to adjust ONLY the button style / color on Product Forms. Is there a way to do this with CSS? I am looking to adjust the default colors and hover colors. 


    Squarespace support posted an answer to this at the bottom of the below page, however that affects other button locations not just product forms. 



    Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 9.53.17 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-08-03 at 9.53.22 AM.png

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