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Posts posted by CoorlasArchitecture

  1. 12 minutes ago, paul2009 said:


    Squarespace takes responsibility for all the redundancy and backups to keep your website up and running.

    None of this 'admin' is exposed to us as users to allow us to take our own backup but as you suggested in your title, there are workarounds for anyone who wants to take an active part in backing up.

    The workarounds were great tips. Thanks for sharing - Implementing those helps.

  2. Looking for confirmation on this - Is there really no native backup export option for Squarespace? Like, worst case scenario their servers and backups and backups were wiped in a cyber attack, we don't have the option to download a readable backup that can be uploaded into their platform?

  3. This may be an overly specific request - The Google Appointment pop-up appears too narrow on the mobile view, resulting in cutting off information and making it difficult for users to navigate and schedule appointments. Is there any way to adjust the width or padding in mobile view to allow more of the Google Appointment content area to be shown?


    Use the "Book Now" button to see Google Appointment Pop-up:





  4. On 3/14/2024 at 9:11 PM, Beyondspace said:

    I created this freebie to unblock the gallery block for users, check Classic Gallery block. For those who are using Personal plan, the script is available as Tampermonkey script, too

    @CoorlasArchitecture @nparkdesigns



    This is a great option - thanks for your efforts on this one - I will be giving it a try in the near future.


    Looking to bold the labels/titles of all form entry field types. I was provided with this code:

    div.title span {
        font-weight: bold !important;

    Which work for the Checkbox, Phone and Name titles/labels, but the Email, Text and Text area categories of the form did not turn bold with the CSS code provided. To clarify - I do not need the "First Name" & "Last Name" subtitles bolded.


    Thanks in advance for your attention to this,



  6. 9 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    You mean bold these?



    Yes, the Checkbox, Phone and Name titles/labels all turned bold with the code you provided, but the Email, Text and Text area categories of the form did not turn bold with the CSS code provided. Thanks for your attention to this.

  7. 5 hours ago, jaydiprewa said:

    .form-item span, .form-item input, .caption-text, span.description.required.fs-unmask {
        font-size: 1rem !important;
        font-weight: bold !important;


    Note: you can keep or remove the type to make it bold the text. 

    Hi thanks for responding, but this bolds everything including the checkbox options. Is there a way to only bold the labels/titles?

  8. Hi - Is there any way to reduce the padding in the mobile view for galleries (Slideshow: Simple).


    I understand you can change the height of the overall gallery section, but that affects the height of the images as well. I want to keep the image height large but reduce all this ridiculous extra white space.






  9. Has anyone else found a clean simple method for adding a carousel block within a section, not AS the entire section. I'd like to do the same thing with several projects in a section shown in multiple carousels with multiple images each complemented with text about the project.

    These massive slideshow sections only serve a broad purpose to feature general images, and the portfolio pages are garbage with terrible options for showcasing multiple projects.

  10. Is it possible to change a project name in invoicing? When creating a new project, it specifically says the project name can be changed later, but I cannot find how/where to edit the project name.


    Thanks for you help in advance,

  11. I'm trying to left justify the newsletter signup in mobile view only in my footer. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Below is the CSS code I am trying to us:


    /* Justify Signup on Mobile Only */
    @media screen and (max-width:640px) {




    Thank you in advance,




  12. When I use this CSS to eliminate the animation on my portfolio page it seems to mess with my navigation folders by "unfolding" them. That doesn't seem normal. Is there any way to prevent that, or has this script been updated anywhere else to simply target the portfolio projects and not the animation on the entire page? I think I have a transition on the navigation link color that may be conflicting with this CSS code transition. 


    Was using this code:

    body#collection-6132ebc5f6f13b0e87db18f2 * {
        transform: unset !important;
        opacity: 1 !important;
        transition-delay: unset !important;
        transition: unset !important;


    On this page:




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