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Posts posted by SonjaSEOsupport

  1. Site URL: https://creativebeast.co.nz/

    Hello, I have a client with a Squarespace site, and there's something in the source code I cannot locate on the website and correct it (because data in the source code is not correct anymore). Where to locate "siteDescription"? I found Site Tagline in Design - Logo & Title, but there is no "Site Description". Here's what I need to fix, please open the source code to locate it because it's not visible from the front end: "<p>Creative Sense Media is a video production service based in Newcastle, Australia. We specialise in custom video productions which are heavily story and audience focused. Blending the customer\u2019s vision with our specialised skill to ensure the final product is bespoke and engaging. </p><p>Contact us now, we would love to work together with you. </p>" The site is https://creativebeast.co.nz/. It appears on all pages.  Thank you.

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