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Posts posted by ThatOliver

  1. Another solution would be to create one large "gallery" popup image (instead of 3 individual images) that the homepage image links to, but I can't control the image "thumbnail" on the home page. It auto-creates that and often creates weird crops of the popup image. 

  2. Hello! 

    I'm on a Squarespace trial, so I can't link any URL for reference. But I'm working with the GATES template as I'm an artist looking to simply display imagery. 

    The GATES template allows for a lot of images, but when you click an image, it simply pops up larger. What I'd prefer to do, is have each image pop up and display a column of images. So each main image on the home page would be clickable to a small popup, , multi-image gallery. Probably just 3 images?

    The image below is just a sketch I'm working with. But you can see once the image has been clicked, I get this great little lightbox popup of the full image. If there were 3 stacked images in that popup window I could scroll thru, and then close...that would be perfect! That way I can show the final image and perhaps a couple of process imagery all in the same little window. Almost like each popup is it's own small 3-image gallery. Is this possible?

    Thanks for any help!


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