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Everything posted by aadmint2021

  1. Thank you for this! Is there a way to edit the numbers so that each #/unit group appears on its own single line? I'm also trying to figure out how to make these bigger in size but I'm a designer not a coder, and I've tried tweaking them to no avail. I also had the same concern as @Bmosello and @taylorlaidlaw -- hoping to find a solution so that the numbers start counting as you scroll down, so that you can actually see the numbers animate! In the below code, the data number is entered as "2.4" but shows up as "2" in the counter. Is there a workaround for this? <h2 class="timer count-title count-number" data-to="2.4" data-speed="900"></h2> Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much!
  2. Can you share the code? I'm actually trying to do the same for my client. Thanks!
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