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Posts posted by roem

  1. Hi @tuanphan,

    Thanks for your response, your fix works, but only with a single row.

    I've created a new page on the test website that shows exactly what I will try to do on my real website. I tried to use your fix from your response on the new website page, but it doesn't seem to work.

    As you can see in the below image, the text boxes aren't the same height. By the way, these text blocks are part of the image columns, and I just set "margin-top: -35px" to eliminate the gap between the text and image blocks.

    How do I make the text blocks maintain equal height on this page?

    Thanks again!


  2. Site URL: https://cobalt-endive-6g42.squarespace.com/

    Hi all, 

    I'm trying to figure out how to make three text blocks--arranged side by side--maintain equal height as you resize the browser. I haven't been able to find many posts that address this issue, though I keep seeing "display: flex" brought up as a potential solution. I've been playing around with it for a few days and haven't come up with anything.

    As you can see in my screen shot, I just want the red part of the other two text blocks to always match the height of the the third one. Simply adding in something like "height: 200px" doesn't work because it's not responsive.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Site Password: 123



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