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Posts posted by RYH0429

  1. Hi there, 

    I'm looking for recommendations for a live data table solution that I can embed on our Squarespace website. 


    • We're creating a job board for our Squarespace website. 
    • Employers submit their job posts using Jotform. (We have an enterprise Jotform account and use it for all our webforms. It connects their responses to other forms, syncs to our CRM and out members like it so this submission vehicle is non-negotiable).
    • I've used Jotform tables and reports to display form data in the past but they don't have the functionality we require for this job board 


    • 1000-2000 active posts monthly
    • Single source of data but would like the capability to consolidate data from multiple sources if possible.
    • Sync directly with Jotform or with a Google Sheet
    • Live data table needs to be searched, filtered and sorted by public viewers
    • If data table syncs directly with Jotform, I need to have the ability to apply filters to limit which posts are visible on the data table. 
      • I need to makes sure that only 'Approved' job posts are viewable and searchable. When edited the job posts change to  'Edited' or 'Disabled' and those posts need to be removed from the live data table when those updates are made. 
    • Needs to be easily viewed and used on mobile (most users will be viewing from phones)
    • Viewers should have the option to download or print their filtered results from the table
    • Ability to format responses, including links, emails and images


    • An aesthetically pleasing interface that's easily customizable
    • Card view vs Table view
      • It would be great if the data table offered a card view vs table or list view option
    • Lightbox/Preview Job Post
      • List info in brief and show full job post when clicked
    • Ability to create a variety of filtered views from the same data source 

    Your help is much appreciated! 

  2. I need to know how to apply/activate reCaptcha on Pricing Plan and Paywall Sign-up blocks.


    We provide online training and use paywall signups to control registration and access. In this case the price is free.

    The participant creates a password and provides their name and email. 

    When they do this using the paywall block, they complete the following tasks in the back end: 

    • Create an Account on the website
    • Sign up as a Member of the specified Pricing Plan 
    • Signs up for the Mailing list associated with the specified Pricing Plan

    Unlike a FORM block or NEWSLETTER block, the paywall block does not have an option to activate reCaptcha. This results in the participant getting multiple emails to confirm the above actions. They get an account activation confirmation and an email verification email. 

    I want this to stop and the best way seems to be to add reCaptcha on that paywall signup but I can't see how. 

    Please help! 🙂




    Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 12.44.36 PM.png

  3. On 7/2/2021 at 2:23 AM, tuanphan said:

    Hi. Design > Site Styles > Color >> Adjust here.

    If you still can't solve, please share link to your site, we can help easier

    I am having the same problem. 

    I have a transparent .png image that I want to use as. background. As you can see, the theme editor  has a black overlay and black background but the transparent image has a green background. I've removed that colour from every conceivable setting in that theme and still it persists. 

    Changing the theme doesn't change that green background on the transparent image. 


    I produced a work around image but I would love to know how to solve this issue. 

    Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 1.16.12 PM.png

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