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Posts posted by Crystal__Voyager

  1. On 5/15/2022 at 1:17 AM, tuanphan said:
     jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
       $('<div class="sqs-block-button button-block tp-custom-button"><div class="sqs-block-button-container--center"><a href="https://google.com" target="_blank" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element">Back to Store 1</a></div></div>').insertAfter('.main-content-inner-wrapper');

    This is exactly what I wanted to do but when I pasted this code into the injector on this page the button did not show up 😞

  2. Site URL: https://crystal-voyager.com/crystal-voyager-store


    Because of the product amount limitation of 200 items per page, I have had to split my store into two different pages under a folder labeled Shop. I wanted to add a button or link to the bottom of the page that says go to page 2 (and the reverse go back to page 1) at the bottom (after the last product before the footer). I cannot figure out the best way to do this since store pages only allow you to add products, not additional links or buttons. I know this needs to be done with code injector but I cannot figure out how to place this option in the right location. It always just goes to the top of the page. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with this. It seems like it should be so easy!

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