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Posts posted by ka00876

  1. Hi All,

    I've just completed a build for a local artist who is doing painting workshops.

    She has just suggested she would like a calendar with all the workshops and availability on.

    Can anyone suggest a way of doing this which will integrate with the sales of workshops that are already set up.  If I have totally redesign I will but advice on the best way to get the result she's after would be greatly appreciated.

    New Requirement:

    A calendar with all workshops and availability shown.  If they can click on the work shop with a link to booking I feel like that will probably be the next request so if there is a way to do this I 'd appreciate anyone's suggestions.

    Thank you,


    Password F0w2n45!

    Website: https://susie-ray-workshops.squarespace.com/

  2. If I'm selling a service I'm not sending anything other than a link and password which is the first part of that service.  Does anyone know how to get around the fact that I don't need to fill in the fulfilment profiles which only give me the option of shipping.

    I seem to be going round in circles and have to put in a shipping option?

    Can anyone help?

  3. 22 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    I don't see many issues, where are the main pain-points?

    It can be tough when a client has a very specific idea of how they want their website to look, appreciating how dynamic a website needs to be before starting on a design and steering towards layouts that will cope better with a reduced width is helpful, but when you have a static wireframe to start with it can box you into a corner.

    The recent work page may work better in terms of alignment if the images on the right are set to top align rather than center.

    Hi Ziggy

    Really appreciate you taking the time to look and for the advice.  I'll have a go with the image alignment and see if it helps. EDIT- this did help thank you - still having problems with the client but images are looking great.


  4. Hi All

    Would really appreciate some feedback on this website, This is about my 15th/20th site on Squarespace now but I'm hitting a brick wall with meeting the client brief ( she has drawn up each page), expectation level and spacing.

    The client wants all clean lines and everything lined up across all screens.

    When I'm looking at my views - full screen, laptop, ipad and phone the site is doing as requested but she looks at it on her ipad and says its all over the place, she also looks at it on desk top and drags the screen to make it smaller and isn't happy with the way it moves.

    I'm not sure there is much else I can do but if anyone knows of any coding that could help me or advice on how to handle this I would really appreciate it.

    Perhaps it looks terrible on your screen?  If so please let me know!

    I'm aware the copy is small and hard to read with it being grey, plus the lack of privacy policy etc but she is insistent these are not included.

    Really looking forward to hearing your comments, advice or similar jobs and how you've managed them

    Thanks in advance, Kelly


    Password: Cornwall

  5. Would anyone benefiting from the referral system be able to help me with this question:

    If payments for subscriptions are made for new sites by my clients but the ownership of the sites stay with me, am I still eligible for the referral payment and if not, what do I need to do to be please.

    Thank you in advance.


  6. Site URL: https://dove-okra-rb73.squarespace.com


    I am trying to add code to a Squarespace site for the first time.  I normally just find a work around but using 7.1 I'm unable to.

    Two main problems

    Headers on Full screen look great but are oversized on mobile.

    I have this code from @tuanphan when I add it and save nothing at all happens.

    @media screen and (max-width:640px) {
    body.site-title .logo a {
        font-size: 20px;


    I also tried numerous different code options yesterday for changing the size of the home page gallery on mobile view.  The first code I put in worked but for the pictures on the page not the gallery so I deleted and tried again with some other codes but from this point onwards, no changes happened.

    I am assuming it's something I did wrong when deleting the initial additional code so I apologise now for being so dense.  If anyone can help me I would appreciate it.



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