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Posts posted by SimonDEvans1969

  1. Site URL: https://bgbodygoals.com/boot-camp

    I’m having problem adding 3 Paypal Buttons (each is a different price option) to a page on a site. I’m making a website for a client (it is set up to a Business Plan). We/she have connected the site to her PayPal account. She has sent me 3 separate pieces of code for 3 different price levels of her service (personal fitness training). However hard I try though, In her Payment/booking section I can only get ONE of the 3 code blocks to show a PayPal button. I've found that if I remove any 2, the remaining one then appears. I’ve also found that I CAN get all 3 of the prices onto the site.... but only as long as they're on separate Index pages(!) - but I can't seem to get 3 to show on the same page.

    I MUST be doing something wrong somewhere. I've tried searching every forum thread, Googling etc but I cannot find anybody with a similar problem and there's no mention of "multiple Paypal button" issues on the SqSpace website. Can you tell me where I'm going wrong?
    I’ve asked a Squarespace technician on the Live Chat, but it has stumped them too, and they’ve pointed me here. (There is also a suggestion that it may be a PayPal problem…) Thank you.

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