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  1. SaranyaDesigns's post in change direction of dropdown arrows on mobile menu only. was marked as the answer   
    @Ellagrace try this in custom CSS:
    .header-menu-nav-folder-content .chevron--right { transform: rotate(-45deg); }  
  2. SaranyaDesigns's post in Hi, I need help, I want to change the position of the language switcher element in the Header of my website. was marked as the answer   
    Try adding this to custom CSS:
    .header-actions .language-picker { order: 1; } .header-actions .user-accounts-link { order: 2; } .header-actions .showOnDesktop { order: 3; } You should check the order in mobile is still the way you want it after you apply this as well, otherwise you may want to add @media (min-width) parameters as well.
  3. SaranyaDesigns's post in Hide Link on Desktop Site was marked as the answer   
    Gosh, this template really doesn't give you much to work with in terms of targeting the right selector...
    Try this in your custom CSS:
    .header-nav .header-nav-folder-item:first-of-type { display: none; } Note, if you add new menu items or change the order at all, you may have to adjust the targeting to be more specific, for example:
    .header-nav .header-nav-item:nth-of-type(3) .header-nav-folder-item:first-of-type { display: none; } Which is targeting the desktop nav (not mobile) then the third menu item, then the first dropdown item. Hope this helps!
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