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Posts posted by CourtneyCarlton

  1. Site URL: https://www.mfcreativedesigns.com/wedding-portfolio

    I am trying to figure out how to apply an image hover effect to our clickthrough blog post gallery image links. On our website URL above -- https://www.mfcreativedesigns.com/wedding-portfolio -- you can see a page full of images that are actually blog post clickable links, that once clicked, are full of expanded galleries. Currently, nothing indicates that these blog post images are clickable/expandable, other than the written note at the top of the page. I would like to apply a hover effect that indicates they can be clicked on to see more. Something like an image fade, when the image is hovered over... anything that will give it the visual clickable effect.

    I spoke with squarespace customer service, and they said our template does not allow this modification, so we'd have to add custom code in order to do so. 

    Can someone please help? Thank you so, so, so much in advance. So grateful for this community!

    (@tuanphan -- any idea on how to do this?)

  2. On 5/31/2022 at 5:35 PM, derricksrandomviews said:

    Here is some code that should help. If you are using summary blocks you only need paste the last snippet into your custom css. But all three are on my site:

    .img.thumb-image:hover {
             opacity: 0.6;
               filter:alpha(opacity=60);  //For IE8 and earlier 
      .image-slide-anchor:hover {
             opacity: 0.6;
    filter:alpha(opacity=60);  //For IE8 and earlier 

    img.summary-thumbnail-image.loaded:hover {
     opacity: 0.5;

    Thank you for your help! I haven't been able to figure this out yet, but wanted to thank you for your response. I really appreciate it!

  3. Site URL: https://www.mfcreativedesigns.com/wedding-portfolio

    I am trying to figure out how to apply an image hover effect to our blog post gallery images. On our website URL above -- https://www.mfcreativedesigns.com/wedding-portfolio -- you can see a page full of images that are actually blog posts full of expanded galleries. Nothing indicates that these blog post images are clickable/expandable, other than the written note at the top of the page. I would like to apply a hover effect that indicates they can be clicked on to see more. Either a fade, or for the title to appear when hovered over... anything that will give it the clickable effect. Can someone please help? Thank you so, so, so much in advance. So grateful for this community!

  4. @tuanphan AMAZING!! That solved the problem. I can't tell you how long I sat here yesterday trying to solve the problem myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    One more thing; that code changed the link colors and everything else on the home page successfully (yay! happy dance!), but one of the header navigation links is a folder. I know this must involve much more code in order to invert/manipulate the folder color as well for just the home page (changing the folder link color to white (it stayed black on the home page)), and changing the drop-down links back to black (they changed to white with the code you provided).

    Any chance you know how to get around this, too?? I would love to send you a venmo or coffee giftcard for your trouble! I really appreciate your help. 

    Here is the website I'm working on: https://www.mfcreativedesigns.com/

    Thank you again!

  5. Hi bangank36 and @tuanphan!

    I am also trying to solve this dilemma. We need the header text -- navigation links, logo, social icons, search bar -- to be white on our homepage as it lays over an image, but we need the header navigation text on the rest of the whole website to be black.

    How do I manipulate the color of the header text on the homepage only?

    I have tried copy/pasting the above code into the Custom CSS block, but it hasn't seemed to produce any change.

    I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you in advance.


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