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Posts posted by lindsayscholz

  1. 1 hour ago, KwameAndCo said:

    You'll need to share the password too.


    As much as I'd like to encourage the good practice of putting the password with help requests, looking at the line of CSS you shared, I realised what you were using.

    You can watch the video below or just copy the CSS if you don't care for the logic.


    Oh wow, thank you so much – this is incredibly helpful and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to record this tutorial! Targeting the image wrapper makes perfect sense now, as well as the additional steps that you shared.

    Apologies about not sharing the password, I always forget 🤦‍♀️ Thank you again! 


  2. Site URL: https://sailfish-turquoise-4mac.squarespace.com/

    Hi there!

    I'm currently wrapping up a website design for a client and am running into an issue applying both padding and image borders to the Gallery Slideshow Reel in 7.1. Right now, I'm able to apply padding to space out each image and the slideshow as wireframed, but when borders are applied they aren't directly on the image – rather, they're outside of the bounds of the padding. 

    I've attached screenshots here of my current view using the below CSS, and the original website wireframe of the desired look for the slideshow. Any troubleshooting tips for what I should target with my CSS would be super helpful – thanks so much! 

    Current code: 

    .gallery-reel-item img {padding: 15px}

    Current View.png

    Desired View.png

  3. On 9/24/2021 at 3:02 AM, tuanphan said:


    It looks like you done style for tags. Do you still need help to make tag overlap top of image?

    Hi there, yes! Help would still be appreciated – the CSS styles I applied add the tags to the top of the image, but they float off of the images on scroll. Any advice on gettin the tag to stay fixed on top of the image across different devices sizes would be amazing.

    Thanks so much! 

  4. Site URL: https://sphere-earthworm-5t8a.squarespace.com/

    Hi there!

    I'm currently developing a site for a client with a blog – for each blog post, the client would like to have the post's category as a styled "tab" fixed and centered at the top of the post (I've attached the wireframe as an example). The password for the site is oakandstone2021, as it isn't live yet.

    I'm using the below CSS, which appears to get these tabs to happen, but they aren't responsive or staying fixed to the post at different screen sizes: .blog-categories {background: #DDD4C9; padding: 8px 20px; position: relative; top: -460px}

    Any help would be greatly appreciated – thanks so much! 

    Blog Category Tags Design.png

  5. Site URL: https://www.codasevents.com/home-new

    Hi there! 

    I'm trying to add a 1pt white border above this site's navigation links that spans the full width of the header, however, the code that I used to achieve this in 7.0 is not working in 7.1.

    I've been able to add the border below the navigation links (screenshot attached), but would like to mirror this above the links as well to separate them from the header branding.

    Any tips would be appreciated – thanks so much! 

    Screen Shot 2021-05-25 at 7.31.48 PM.png

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