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Posts posted by DesignWonder

  1. Wondering if anyone has had success with installing TikTok Pixel to their Squarespace website. I have a potential client for website design that had inquired about this specifically. I will also be running some tests for it but wanted to throw it out there to see who else has used them together and what their experience was. 


  2. Just went through this for a clients e-commerce site and wanted to share the solution I was directed to in case anyone was unaware of the updates. Squarespace now partners with TaxJar which automatically calculates your taxes for you and you get to have a free account on TaxJar if you join it through your Squarespace.

    We set her state to Massachusetts as she also has a store front there. This automatically calculates all taxes for us based upon MA rules. Then within Squarespace, if you go to each product under organization you can assign a tax category to items that may need to be taxed differently in your state... for us this was clothing which needs to be 0%. So all her clothing will have this tax category selected so that these items are not taxed, and all other products I leave it blank so they are taxed at the 6.25% rate. More on it here under Step 3.

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