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Posts posted by miahanson

  1. Thank you again Creedon. That definitely works, but I would have to recode the entire markdown. If there is more simple Javascript to alter the entire page of PDS and SDS's to open in a new tab, that would be much easier. I have tried a few things like 

    window.open(url, '_blank').focus();
    <div onclick="openInNewTab;">SDS</div>


    $('a[href*="pdf"]').click(function(e) {
        var documentUrl = $(this).attr("href"); // get the url of the pdf
        window.open(documentUrl, '_blank');

    within the header code of the page. Can't find the exact code. If you have any suggestions, that would be great. If not, I will alter the markdown code as you suggested.

    Thank you again!


  2. Site URL: https://manatee-squid-rmnx.squarespace.com

    I have a markdown block on my page https://manatee-squid-rmnx.squarespace.com/data-sheet-selector-2 within my site. There are several drop-downs where the user can choose data sheets for different products. I want the pdf of the data sheet to open in a new tab so that the user doesn't have to go back and forth through the process for additional data sheets. Here is my code:

    <h3 class="dropdown box">N-100 Fast Dry Series: <span style="color:grey; font-size:.8em;">Designed for smaller presses with fast turn-around times. Also for metering and dampening system rollers</span><span style="text-align:right; float: right;">+</span></h3>

    <p>[PDS][1] &nbsp;&nbsp; [SDS][2]  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;N-100 Economical, Fast Dry Blanket and Roller Wash</p>

    [1]: /s/N-100pds-h465.pdf
    [2]: /s/Nova-N-100-Rev3-SDS-p54d.pdf

    <p>[PDS][3] &nbsp;&nbsp; [SDS][4] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;N-103 Economical, Fast Dry Blanket and Roller Wash</p>

    [3]: /s/N-103pds-5k5g.pdf
    [4]: /s/Nova-N-103-Rev2-SDS-enk4.pdf

    My questions:
    1. Is using target="_blank" safe to use? I have read that it can be tampered with?
    2. Where does that go within Markdown, or do I have to add it to CSS or any other custom code?

    If there's anyone out there who can help, thank you so much!

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