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Hey @pawprintblessings - super cute dog collars!! I think you probably want to consider having people land on your shop as the homepage rather than having people click through trying to find the product (so making the shop the homepage). From there you could pull a few sentences from your about us page and add them to your shop page - not too much so people have to scroll but just enough for people to feel more connected to your brand - like sharing your love of dogs or your inspiration for the company. 

Also, consider going slightly off black - it can be less jarring on the eyes. And, lastly you might want to inverse your logo and give it a transparent background. That extra bit of polish might help build some trust for people making website transactions. 

Hope this helps! 

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Hi @pawprintblessings,

I think you have a cute store!

I have a few minor suggestions:

Your color scheme is good, but I think you should make your background on the home and store page the same purple color as your about page. I find that a lot more inviting than the black. 

As @Tiny_Coast mentioned, I agree that you should add some products on your home page and then link to your full shop. You want to make it extremely easy for people to buy from you, so having your products right there when someone lands on your site is ideal. 

Also on your home page I think it could be nice to include a beautiful lifestyle image at the very top that shows someone with their dog wearing one of your collars. If you have a best seller, you could include a button over that image with some text 'shop our best seller' or something like that.

Consider making your paragraph fonts something less stylized and a little easier to read. This is an accessibility thing, and I find the text on your 'about' page for example to be a little tiring to try and read through the whole block of text. You want to make it easy on the eyes so its more about the content and less about being overly stylized. 

I noticed that you're offering free shipping, that's an awesome incentive! What if you changed it to say 'Sign up to receive free shipping on orders over $30' that way in order for someone to take advantage of that offer, they have to sign up for it with their email address, which then helps you build up your email list. You would obviously need to include a link to where they can sign up (usually popups are the best way to do this). 

On your shop page, consider adding more than 2 products per row. Since you have so many products I can tell your 'All' page is super long and as a visitor there is no way I'm going to scroll all the way down. If you add 3-4 products per row then the page is less overwhelming to scroll through. You've likely seen some ecommerce sites work around this by having a button at the bottom that says 'see more' so that it loads more products, or they simply have multiple pages of products. 

Lastly, what would you say your niche or specialty is when it comes to these dog collars? Are they hand made? Are they ideal for certain breeds of dogs? Narrowing down your focus of who you sell to and what your unique selling point is can really help you target the right customers. 


I hope some of this is helpful and you can obviously pick and choose what feedback makes sense to you to implement. 



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@Tiny_Coast and @MackenzieKuck

Thank you so much for your suggestions.  They are fantastic and I will be working on implementing the changes this weekend.  Ill add a note to this thread when it is complete so you can check it out (this is our first time on Squarespace so I want to make sure we are doing it right).

Thank you both again for taking your time to help us!!


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Squarespace isnt really geared to product so I suggest you may want to look at shopify.  Squarespace is know to hold larger payment for a undetermined amount of time and they have also been hacked recently.  Also they stopped offing tech support in September so if you have any problems your stuck.  Just a few suggestion but great work!

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