notnothing Posted August 9 Share Posted August 9 Regarding the website I am working on here - Is it possible to get the carousel controls to look like the example below instead of the stock controls? I would also like to add the counter. I found this But I am not sure what to add as "Carousel content" in the code for Carousel Counter. Appreciate any help! Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 12 Author Share Posted August 12 @tuanphan Would you know how to do this? Link to comment
tuanphan Posted August 15 Share Posted August 15 Try edit page where want to add it > Add a Code Block > Paste code <div class="carousel cs3-flex cs3-flex-column js-carousel" data-drag="on"> <p class="cs3-sr-only">Carousel items</p> <div class="carousel__wrapper cs3-order-2 cs3-overflow-hidden"> <ol class="carousel__list"> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">1</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">2</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">3</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">4</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">5</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">6</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">7</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">8</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">9</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">10</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">11</div> </li> <li class="carousel__item"> <div class="cs3-bg-contrast-lower cs3-height-4xl cs3-flex cs3-flex-center cs3-text-md">12</div> </li> </ol> </div> <nav class="cs3-margin-bottom-xs cs3-order-1 "> <ul class="cs3-flex cs3-gap-3xs cs3-justify-end"> <li> <button class="carousel__control carousel__control--prev js-carousel__control js-tab-focus"> <svg class="cs3-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <title>Show previous items</title> <polyline points="13 2 5 10 13 18" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </button> </li> <li> <button class="carousel__control carousel__control--next js-carousel__control js-tab-focus"> <svg class="cs3-icon" viewBox="0 0 20 20"> <title>Show next items</title> <polyline points="7 2 15 10 7 18" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> </button> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <style> /* variables */ :root { /* colors */ --cs3-color-primary-hsl: 250, 84%, 54%; --cs3-color-bg-hsl: 0, 0%, 100%; --cs3-color-contrast-high-hsl: 230, 7%, 23%; --cs3-color-contrast-higher-hsl: 230, 13%, 9%; --cs3-color-contrast-lower-hsl: 240, 4%, 85%; --cs3-color-bg-light-hsl: 0, 0%, 100%; --cs3-color-bg-lighter-hsl: 0, 0%, 100%; /* spacing */ --cs3-space-3xs: 0.25rem; --cs3-space-xs: 0.5rem; --cs3-space-sm: 0.75rem; /* typography */ --cs3-text-md: 1.2rem; --cs3-text-sm: 0.833rem; } @media(min-width: 64rem){ :root { /* spacing */ --cs3-space-3xs: 0.375rem; --cs3-space-xs: 0.75rem; --cs3-space-sm: 1.125rem; /* typography */ --cs3-text-md: 1.5625rem; --cs3-text-sm: 1rem; } } /* icons */ .cs3-icon { height: var(--cs3-size, 1em); width: var(--cs3-size, 1em); display: inline-block; color: inherit; fill: currentColor; line-height: 1; flex-shrink: 0; max-width: initial; } /* component */ :root { --carousel-grid-gap: var(--cs3-space-xs); --carousel-item-auto-size: 260px; --carousel-transition-duration: 0.5s; } .carousel { position: relative; } .carousel__list { display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; will-change: transform; } .carousel__item { flex-shrink: 0; width: var(--carousel-item-auto-size); margin-right: var(--carousel-grid-gap); margin-bottom: var(--carousel-grid-gap); } .carousel__list--animating { transition-property: -webkit-transform; transition-property: transform; transition-property: transform, -webkit-transform; transition-duration: var(--carousel-transition-duration); transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1); } .carousel__item { opacity: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .carousel--loaded .carousel__item { opacity: 1; } .carousel:not(.carousel--is-dragging) .carousel__list:not(.carousel__list--animating) .carousel__item[tabindex="-1"] > * { visibility: hidden; } .carousel[data-drag=on] .carousel__item { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } .carousel[data-drag=on] .carousel__item img { pointer-events: none; } .carousel__control { --cs3-size: 40px; width: 40px; height: 40px; display: flex; background-color: hsl(var(--cs3-color-bg-light-hsl)); border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5px 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.075), 0 0.3px 0.4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.025),0 0.9px 1.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 3.5px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); z-index: 1; transition: 0.2s; } .carousel__control:active { -webkit-transform: translateY(1px); transform: translateY(1px); } .carousel__control:hover { background-color: hsl(var(--cs3-color-bg-lighter-hsl)); box-shadow: inset 0 0 0.5px 1px hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.075), 0 0.9px 1.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03),0 3.1px 5.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08),0 14px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); } .carousel__control[disabled] { pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.5; box-shadow: none; } .carousel__control .cs3-icon { --cs3-size: 20px; display: block; margin: auto; } .carousel__navigation { width: 100%; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 10px); gap: var(--cs3-space-xs); justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin-top: var(--cs3-space-sm); } .carousel__nav-item { display: inline-block; margin: 0 var(--cs3-space-3xs); } @supports (grid-area: auto) { .carousel__nav-item { margin: 0; } } .carousel__nav-item button { display: block; position: relative; font-size: 10px; height: 1em; width: 1em; border-radius: 50%; background-color: hsl(var(--cs3-color-contrast-high-hsl)); opacity: 0.4; cursor: pointer; transition: background 0.3s; } .carousel__nav-item button::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 0.5em); left: calc(50% - 0.5em); font-size: 16px; height: 1em; width: 1em; border-radius: inherit; border: 1px solid hsl(var(--cs3-color-contrast-high-hsl)); opacity: 0; -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); transition: 3s; } .carousel__nav-item button:focus { outline: none; } .carousel__nav-item button:focus::before { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .carousel__nav-item--selected button { opacity: 1; } .carousel__navigation--pagination { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 24px); } .carousel__navigation--pagination .carousel__nav-item button { width: 24px; height: 24px; color: hsl(var(--cs3-color-bg-hsl)); font-size: 12px; line-height: 24px; border-radius: 0.25em; text-align: center; } .carousel__navigation--pagination .carousel__nav-item button:focus { outline: 1px solid hsl(var(--cs3-color-primary-hsl)); outline-offset: 2px; } .carousel--hide-controls .carousel__navigation, .carousel--hide-controls .carousel__control { display: none; } /* utility classes */ .cs3-justify-end { justify-content: flex-end; } .cs3-gap-3xs { gap: var(--cs3-space-3xs); } .cs3-flex { display: flex; } .cs3-order-1 { order: 1; } .cs3-margin-bottom-xs { margin-bottom: var(--cs3-space-xs); } .cs3-text-md { font-size: var(--cs3-text-md); } .cs3-flex-center { justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .cs3-height-4xl { height: 16rem; } .cs3-bg-contrast-lower { --cs3-bg-o: 1; background-color: hsla(var(--cs3-color-contrast-lower-hsl), var(--cs3-bg-o, 1)); } .cs3-overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden; } .cs3-order-2 { order: 2; } .cs3-sr-only { position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); clip-path: inset(50%); width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; border: 0; white-space: nowrap; } .cs3-order-3 { order: 3; } .cs3-flex-column { flex-direction: column; } .cs3-text-sm { font-size: var(--cs3-text-sm); } .cs3-items-center { align-items: center; } .cs3-justify-between { justify-content: space-between; } .cs3-hide { display: none !important; } .cs3-justify-center { justify-content: center; } </style> <script> // File#: _2_carousel // Usage: (function() { var Carousel = function(opts) { this.options = extendProps(Carousel.defaults , opts); this.element = this.options.element; this.listWrapper = this.element.getElementsByClassName('carousel__wrapper')[0]; this.list = this.element.getElementsByClassName('carousel__list')[0]; this.items = this.element.getElementsByClassName('carousel__item'); this.initItems = []; // store only the original elements - will need this for cloning this.itemsNb = this.items.length; //original number of items this.visibItemsNb = 1; // tot number of visible items this.itemsWidth = 1; // this will be updated with the right width of items this.itemOriginalWidth = false; // store the initial width to use it on resize this.selectedItem = 0; // index of first visible item this.translateContainer = 0; // this will be the amount the container has to be translated each time a new group has to be shown (negative) this.containerWidth = 0; // this will be used to store the total width of the carousel (including the overflowing part) this.ariaLive = false; // navigation this.controls = this.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__control'); this.animating = false; // autoplay this.autoplayId = false; this.autoplayPaused = false; //drag this.dragStart = false; // resize this.resizeId = false; // used to re-initialize js this.cloneList = []; // store items min-width this.itemAutoSize = false; // store translate value (loop = off) this.totTranslate = 0; // modify loop option if navigation is on if(this.options.nav) this.options.loop = false; // store counter elements (if present) this.counter = this.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__counter'); this.counterTor = this.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__counter-tot'); initCarouselLayout(this); // get number visible items + width items setItemsWidth(this, true); insertBefore(this, this.visibItemsNb); // insert clones before visible elements updateCarouselClones(this); // insert clones after visible elements resetItemsTabIndex(this); // make sure not visible items are not focusable initAriaLive(this); // set aria-live region for SR initCarouselEvents(this); // listen to events initCarouselCounter(this); this.element.classList.add('carousel--loaded'); }; //public carousel functions Carousel.prototype.showNext = function() { showNextItems(this); }; Carousel.prototype.showPrev = function() { showPrevItems(this); }; Carousel.prototype.startAutoplay = function() { startAutoplay(this); }; Carousel.prototype.pauseAutoplay = function() { pauseAutoplay(this); }; //private carousel functions function initCarouselLayout(carousel) { // evaluate size of single elements + number of visible elements var itemStyle = window.getComputedStyle(carousel.items[0]), containerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(carousel.listWrapper), itemWidth = parseFloat(itemStyle.getPropertyValue('width')), itemMargin = parseFloat(itemStyle.getPropertyValue('margin-right')), containerPadding = parseFloat(containerStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-left')), containerWidth = parseFloat(containerStyle.getPropertyValue('width')); if(!carousel.itemAutoSize) { carousel.itemAutoSize = itemWidth; } // if carousel.listWrapper is hidden -> make sure to retrieve the proper width containerWidth = getCarouselWidth(carousel, containerWidth); if( !carousel.itemOriginalWidth) { // on resize -> use initial width of items to recalculate carousel.itemOriginalWidth = itemWidth; } else { itemWidth = carousel.itemOriginalWidth; } if(carousel.itemAutoSize) { carousel.itemOriginalWidth = parseInt(carousel.itemAutoSize); itemWidth = carousel.itemOriginalWidth; } // make sure itemWidth is smaller than container width if(containerWidth < itemWidth) { carousel.itemOriginalWidth = containerWidth itemWidth = carousel.itemOriginalWidth; } // get proper width of elements carousel.visibItemsNb = parseInt((containerWidth - 2*containerPadding + itemMargin)/(itemWidth+itemMargin)); carousel.itemsWidth = parseFloat( (((containerWidth - 2*containerPadding + itemMargin)/carousel.visibItemsNb) - itemMargin).toFixed(1)); carousel.containerWidth = (carousel.itemsWidth+itemMargin)* carousel.items.length; carousel.translateContainer = 0 - ((carousel.itemsWidth+itemMargin)* carousel.visibItemsNb); // flexbox fallback if(!flexSupported) = (carousel.itemsWidth + itemMargin)*carousel.visibItemsNb*3+'px'; // this is used when loop == off carousel.totTranslate = 0 - carousel.selectedItem*(carousel.itemsWidth+itemMargin); if(carousel.items.length <= carousel.visibItemsNb) carousel.totTranslate = 0; centerItems(carousel); // center items if carousel.items.length < visibItemsNb alignControls(carousel); // check if controls need to be aligned to a different element }; function setItemsWidth(carousel, bool) { for(var i = 0; i < carousel.items.length; i++) { carousel.items[i].style.width = carousel.itemsWidth+"px"; if(bool) carousel.initItems.push(carousel.items[i]); } }; function updateCarouselClones(carousel) { if(!carousel.options.loop) return; // take care of clones after visible items (needs to run after the update of clones before visible items) if(carousel.items.length < carousel.visibItemsNb*3) { insertAfter(carousel, carousel.visibItemsNb*3 - carousel.items.length, carousel.items.length - carousel.visibItemsNb*2); } else if(carousel.items.length > carousel.visibItemsNb*3 ) { removeClones(carousel, carousel.visibItemsNb*3, carousel.items.length - carousel.visibItemsNb*3); } // set proper translate value for the container setTranslate(carousel, 'translateX('+carousel.translateContainer+'px)'); }; function initCarouselEvents(carousel) { // listen for click on previous/next arrow // dots navigation if(carousel.options.nav) { carouselCreateNavigation(carousel); carouselInitNavigationEvents(carousel); } if(carousel.controls.length > 0) { carousel.controls[0].addEventListener('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); showPrevItems(carousel); updateAriaLive(carousel); }); carousel.controls[1].addEventListener('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); showNextItems(carousel); updateAriaLive(carousel); }); // update arrow visility -> loop == off only resetCarouselControls(carousel); // emit custom event - items visible emitCarouselActiveItemsEvent(carousel) } // autoplay if(carousel.options.autoplay) { startAutoplay(carousel); // pause autoplay if user is interacting with the carousel if(!carousel.options.autoplayOnHover) { carousel.element.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(event){ pauseAutoplay(carousel); carousel.autoplayPaused = true; }); carousel.element.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(event){ carousel.autoplayPaused = false; startAutoplay(carousel); }); } if(!carousel.options.autoplayOnFocus) { carousel.element.addEventListener('focusin', function(event){ pauseAutoplay(carousel); carousel.autoplayPaused = true; }); carousel.element.addEventListener('focusout', function(event){ carousel.autoplayPaused = false; startAutoplay(carousel); }); } } // drag events if(carousel.options.drag && window.requestAnimationFrame) { //init dragging new SwipeContent(carousel.element); carousel.element.addEventListener('dragStart', function(event){ if(event.detail.origin && event.detail.origin.closest('.js-carousel__control')) return; if(event.detail.origin && event.detail.origin.closest('.js-carousel__navigation')) return; if(event.detail.origin && !event.detail.origin.closest('.carousel__wrapper')) return; carousel.element.classList.add('carousel--is-dragging'); pauseAutoplay(carousel); carousel.dragStart = event.detail.x; animateDragEnd(carousel); }); carousel.element.addEventListener('dragging', function(event){ if(!carousel.dragStart) return; if(carousel.animating || Math.abs(event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart) < 10) return; var translate = event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart + carousel.translateContainer; if(!carousel.options.loop) { translate = event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart + carousel.totTranslate; } setTranslate(carousel, 'translateX('+translate+'px)'); }); } // reset on resize window.addEventListener('resize', function(event){ pauseAutoplay(carousel); clearTimeout(carousel.resizeId); carousel.resizeId = setTimeout(function(){ resetCarouselResize(carousel); // reset dots navigation resetDotsNavigation(carousel); resetCarouselControls(carousel); setCounterItem(carousel); startAutoplay(carousel); centerItems(carousel); // center items if carousel.items.length < visibItemsNb alignControls(carousel); // emit custom event - items visible emitCarouselActiveItemsEvent(carousel) }, 250) }); // keyboard navigation carousel.element.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){ if(event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 39 || event.key && event.key.toLowerCase() == 'arrowright') { carousel.showNext(); } else if(event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 37 || event.key && event.key.toLowerCase() == 'arrowleft') { carousel.showPrev(); } }); }; function showPrevItems(carousel) { if(carousel.animating) return; carousel.animating = true; carousel.selectedItem = getIndex(carousel, carousel.selectedItem - carousel.visibItemsNb); animateList(carousel, '0', 'prev'); }; function showNextItems(carousel) { if(carousel.animating) return; carousel.animating = true; carousel.selectedItem = getIndex(carousel, carousel.selectedItem + carousel.visibItemsNb); animateList(carousel, carousel.translateContainer*2+'px', 'next'); }; function animateDragEnd(carousel) { // end-of-dragging animation carousel.element.addEventListener('dragEnd', function cb(event){ carousel.element.removeEventListener('dragEnd', cb); carousel.element.classList.remove('carousel--is-dragging'); if(event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart < -40) { carousel.animating = false; showNextItems(carousel); } else if(event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart > 40) { carousel.animating = false; showPrevItems(carousel); } else if(event.detail.x - carousel.dragStart == 0) { // this is just a click -> no dragging return; } else { // not dragged enought -> do not update carousel, just reset carousel.animating = true; animateList(carousel, carousel.translateContainer+'px', false); } carousel.dragStart = false; }); }; function animateList(carousel, translate, direction) { // takes care of changing visible items pauseAutoplay(carousel); carousel.list.classList.add('carousel__list--animating'); var initTranslate = carousel.totTranslate; if(!carousel.options.loop) { translate = noLoopTranslateValue(carousel, direction); } setTimeout(function() {setTranslate(carousel, 'translateX('+translate+')');}); if(transitionSupported) { carousel.list.addEventListener('transitionend', function cb(event){ if(event.propertyName && event.propertyName != 'transform') return; carousel.list.classList.remove('carousel__list--animating'); carousel.list.removeEventListener('transitionend', cb); animateListCb(carousel, direction); }); } else { animateListCb(carousel, direction); } if(!carousel.options.loop && (initTranslate == carousel.totTranslate)) { // translate value was not updated -> trigger transitionend event to restart carousel carousel.list.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('transitionend')); } resetCarouselControls(carousel); setCounterItem(carousel); // emit custom event - items visible emitCarouselActiveItemsEvent(carousel) }; function noLoopTranslateValue(carousel, direction) { var translate = carousel.totTranslate; if(direction == 'next') { translate = carousel.totTranslate + carousel.translateContainer; } else if(direction == 'prev') { translate = carousel.totTranslate - carousel.translateContainer; } else if(direction == 'click') { translate = carousel.selectedDotIndex*carousel.translateContainer; } if(translate > 0) { translate = 0; carousel.selectedItem = 0; } if(translate < - carousel.translateContainer - carousel.containerWidth) { translate = - carousel.translateContainer - carousel.containerWidth; carousel.selectedItem = carousel.items.length - carousel.visibItemsNb; } if(carousel.visibItemsNb > carousel.items.length) translate = 0; carousel.totTranslate = translate; return translate + 'px'; }; function animateListCb(carousel, direction) { // reset actions after carousel has been updated if(direction) updateClones(carousel, direction); carousel.animating = false; // reset autoplay startAutoplay(carousel); // reset tab index resetItemsTabIndex(carousel); }; function updateClones(carousel, direction) { if(!carousel.options.loop) return; // at the end of each animation, we need to update the clones before and after the visible items var index = (direction == 'next') ? 0 : carousel.items.length - carousel.visibItemsNb; // remove clones you do not need anymore removeClones(carousel, index, false); // add new clones (direction == 'next') ? insertAfter(carousel, carousel.visibItemsNb, 0) : insertBefore(carousel, carousel.visibItemsNb); //reset transform setTranslate(carousel, 'translateX('+carousel.translateContainer+'px)'); }; function insertBefore(carousel, nb, delta) { if(!carousel.options.loop) return; var clones = document.createDocumentFragment(); var start = 0; if(delta) start = delta; for(var i = start; i < nb; i++) { var index = getIndex(carousel, carousel.selectedItem - i - 1), clone = carousel.initItems[index].cloneNode(true); clone.classList.add('js-clone'); clones.insertBefore(clone, clones.firstChild); } carousel.list.insertBefore(clones, carousel.list.firstChild); emitCarouselUpdateEvent(carousel); }; function insertAfter(carousel, nb, init) { if(!carousel.options.loop) return; var clones = document.createDocumentFragment(); for(var i = init; i < nb + init; i++) { var index = getIndex(carousel, carousel.selectedItem + carousel.visibItemsNb + i), clone = carousel.initItems[index].cloneNode(true); clone.classList.add('js-clone'); clones.appendChild(clone); } carousel.list.appendChild(clones); emitCarouselUpdateEvent(carousel); }; function removeClones(carousel, index, bool) { if(!carousel.options.loop) return; if( !bool) { bool = carousel.visibItemsNb; } for(var i = 0; i < bool; i++) { if(carousel.items[index]) carousel.list.removeChild(carousel.items[index]); } }; function resetCarouselResize(carousel) { // reset carousel on resize var visibleItems = carousel.visibItemsNb; // get new items min-width value resetItemAutoSize(carousel); initCarouselLayout(carousel); setItemsWidth(carousel, false); resetItemsWidth(carousel); // update the array of original items -> array used to create clones if(carousel.options.loop) { if(visibleItems > carousel.visibItemsNb) { removeClones(carousel, 0, visibleItems - carousel.visibItemsNb); } else if(visibleItems < carousel.visibItemsNb) { insertBefore(carousel, carousel.visibItemsNb, visibleItems); } updateCarouselClones(carousel); // this will take care of translate + after elements } else { // reset default translate to a multiple value of (itemWidth + margin) var translate = noLoopTranslateValue(carousel); setTranslate(carousel, 'translateX('+translate+')'); } resetItemsTabIndex(carousel); // reset focusable elements }; function resetItemAutoSize(carousel) { if(!cssPropertiesSupported) return; // remove inline style carousel.items[0].removeAttribute('style'); // get original item width carousel.itemAutoSize = getComputedStyle(carousel.items[0]).getPropertyValue('width'); }; function resetItemsWidth(carousel) { for(var i = 0; i < carousel.initItems.length; i++) { carousel.initItems[i].style.width = carousel.itemsWidth+"px"; } }; function resetItemsTabIndex(carousel) { var carouselActive = carousel.items.length > carousel.visibItemsNb; var j = carousel.items.length; for(var i = 0; i < carousel.items.length; i++) { if(carousel.options.loop) { if(i < carousel.visibItemsNb || i >= 2*carousel.visibItemsNb ) { carousel.items[i].setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); } else { if(i < j) j = i; carousel.items[i].removeAttribute('tabindex'); } } else { if( (i < carousel.selectedItem || i >= carousel.selectedItem + carousel.visibItemsNb) && carouselActive) { carousel.items[i].setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); } else { if(i < j) j = i; carousel.items[i].removeAttribute('tabindex'); } } } resetVisibilityOverflowItems(carousel, j); }; function startAutoplay(carousel) { if(carousel.options.autoplay && !carousel.autoplayId && !carousel.autoplayPaused) { carousel.autoplayId = setInterval(function(){ showNextItems(carousel); }, carousel.options.autoplayInterval); } }; function pauseAutoplay(carousel) { if(carousel.options.autoplay) { clearInterval(carousel.autoplayId); carousel.autoplayId = false; } }; function initAriaLive(carousel) { // create an aria-live region for SR if(!carousel.options.ariaLive) return; // create an element that will be used to announce the new visible slide to SR var srLiveArea = document.createElement('div'); srLiveArea.setAttribute('class', 'cs3-sr-only js-carousel__aria-live'); srLiveArea.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite'); srLiveArea.setAttribute('aria-atomic', 'true'); carousel.element.appendChild(srLiveArea); carousel.ariaLive = srLiveArea; }; function updateAriaLive(carousel) { // announce to SR which items are now visible if(!carousel.options.ariaLive) return; carousel.ariaLive.innerHTML = 'Item '+(carousel.selectedItem + 1)+' selected. '+carousel.visibItemsNb+' items of '+carousel.initItems.length+' visible'; }; function getIndex(carousel, index) { if(index < 0) index = getPositiveValue(index, carousel.itemsNb); if(index >= carousel.itemsNb) index = index % carousel.itemsNb; return index; }; function getPositiveValue(value, add) { value = value + add; if(value > 0) return value; else return getPositiveValue(value, add); }; function setTranslate(carousel, translate) { = translate; = translate; }; function getCarouselWidth(carousel, computedWidth) { // retrieve carousel width if carousel is initially hidden var closestHidden = carousel.listWrapper.closest('.cs3-sr-only'); if(closestHidden) { // carousel is inside an .cs3-sr-only (visually hidden) element closestHidden.classList.remove('cs3-sr-only'); computedWidth = carousel.listWrapper.offsetWidth; closestHidden.classList.add('cs3-sr-only'); } else if(isNaN(computedWidth)){ computedWidth = getHiddenParentWidth(carousel.element, carousel); } return computedWidth; }; function getHiddenParentWidth(element, carousel) { var parent = element.parentElement; if(parent.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'html') return 0; var style = window.getComputedStyle(parent); if(style.display == 'none' || style.visibility == 'hidden') { parent.setAttribute('style', 'display: block!important; visibility: visible!important;'); var computedWidth = carousel.listWrapper.offsetWidth; = ''; = ''; return computedWidth; } else { return getHiddenParentWidth(parent, carousel); } }; function resetCarouselControls(carousel) { if(carousel.options.loop) return; // update arrows status if(carousel.controls.length > 0) { (carousel.totTranslate == 0) ? carousel.controls[0].setAttribute('disabled', true) : carousel.controls[0].removeAttribute('disabled'); (carousel.totTranslate == (- carousel.translateContainer - carousel.containerWidth) || carousel.items.length <= carousel.visibItemsNb) ? carousel.controls[1].setAttribute('disabled', true) : carousel.controls[1].removeAttribute('disabled'); } // update carousel dots if(carousel.options.nav) { var selectedDot = carousel.navigation.getElementsByClassName(carousel.options.navigationItemClass+'--selected'); if(selectedDot.length > 0) selectedDot[0].classList.remove(carousel.options.navigationItemClass+'--selected'); var newSelectedIndex = getSelectedDot(carousel); if(carousel.totTranslate == (- carousel.translateContainer - carousel.containerWidth)) { newSelectedIndex = carousel.navDots.length - 1; } carousel.navDots[newSelectedIndex].classList.add(carousel.options.navigationItemClass+'--selected'); } (carousel.totTranslate == 0 && (carousel.totTranslate == (- carousel.translateContainer - carousel.containerWidth) || carousel.items.length <= carousel.visibItemsNb)) ? carousel.element.classList.add('carousel--hide-controls') : carousel.element.classList.remove('carousel--hide-controls'); }; function emitCarouselUpdateEvent(carousel) { carousel.cloneList = []; var clones = carousel.element.querySelectorAll('.js-clone'); for(var i = 0; i < clones.length; i++) { clones[i].classList.remove('js-clone'); carousel.cloneList.push(clones[i]); } emitCarouselEvents(carousel, 'carousel-updated', carousel.cloneList); }; function carouselCreateNavigation(carousel) { if(carousel.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__navigation').length > 0) return; var navigation = document.createElement('ol'), navChildren = ''; var navClasses = carousel.options.navigationClass+' js-carousel__navigation'; if(carousel.items.length <= carousel.visibItemsNb) { navClasses = navClasses + ' cs3-hide'; } navigation.setAttribute('class', navClasses); var dotsNr = Math.ceil(carousel.items.length/carousel.visibItemsNb), selectedDot = getSelectedDot(carousel), indexClass = carousel.options.navigationPagination ? '' : 'cs3-sr-only' for(var i = 0; i < dotsNr; i++) { var className = (i == selectedDot) ? 'class="'+carousel.options.navigationItemClass+' '+carousel.options.navigationItemClass+'--selected js-carousel__nav-item"' : 'class="'+carousel.options.navigationItemClass+' js-carousel__nav-item"'; navChildren = navChildren + '<li '+className+'><button style="outline: none;"><span class="'+indexClass+'">'+ (i+1) + '</span></button></li>'; } navigation.innerHTML = navChildren; carousel.element.appendChild(navigation); }; function carouselInitNavigationEvents(carousel) { carousel.navigation = carousel.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__navigation')[0]; carousel.navDots = carousel.element.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel__nav-item'); carousel.navIdEvent = carouselNavigationClick.bind(carousel); carousel.navigation.addEventListener('click', carousel.navIdEvent); }; function carouselRemoveNavigation(carousel) { if(carousel.navigation) carousel.element.removeChild(carousel.navigation); if(carousel.navIdEvent) carousel.navigation.removeEventListener('click', carousel.navIdEvent); }; function resetDotsNavigation(carousel) { if(!carousel.options.nav) return; carouselRemoveNavigation(carousel); carouselCreateNavigation(carousel); carouselInitNavigationEvents(carousel); }; function carouselNavigationClick(event) { var dot ='.js-carousel__nav-item'); if(!dot) return; if(this.animating) return; this.animating = true; var index =, dot); this.selectedDotIndex = index; this.selectedItem = index*this.visibItemsNb; animateList(this, false, 'click'); }; function getSelectedDot(carousel) { return Math.ceil(carousel.selectedItem/carousel.visibItemsNb); }; function initCarouselCounter(carousel) { if(carousel.counterTor.length > 0) carousel.counterTor[0].textContent = carousel.itemsNb; setCounterItem(carousel); }; function setCounterItem(carousel) { if(carousel.counter.length == 0) return; var totalItems = carousel.selectedItem + carousel.visibItemsNb; if(totalItems > carousel.items.length) totalItems = carousel.items.length; carousel.counter[0].textContent = totalItems; }; function centerItems(carousel) { if(!carousel.options.justifyContent) return; carousel.list.classList.toggle('cs3-justify-center', carousel.items.length < carousel.visibItemsNb); }; function alignControls(carousel) { if(carousel.controls.length < 1 || !carousel.options.alignControls) return; if(!carousel.controlsAlignEl) { carousel.controlsAlignEl = carousel.element.querySelector(carousel.options.alignControls); } if(!carousel.controlsAlignEl) return; var translate = (carousel.element.offsetHeight - carousel.controlsAlignEl.offsetHeight); for(var i = 0; i < carousel.controls.length; i++) { carousel.controls[i].style.marginBottom = translate + 'px'; } }; function emitCarouselActiveItemsEvent(carousel) { emitCarouselEvents(carousel, 'carousel-active-items', {firstSelectedItem: carousel.selectedItem, visibleItemsNb: carousel.visibItemsNb}); }; function emitCarouselEvents(carousel, eventName, eventDetail) { var event = new CustomEvent(eventName, {detail: eventDetail}); carousel.element.dispatchEvent(event); }; function resetVisibilityOverflowItems(carousel, j) { if(!carousel.options.overflowItems) return; var itemWidth = carousel.containerWidth/carousel.items.length, delta = (window.innerWidth - itemWidth*carousel.visibItemsNb)/2, overflowItems = Math.ceil(delta/itemWidth); for(var i = 0; i < overflowItems; i++) { var indexPrev = j - 1 - i; // prev element if(indexPrev >= 0 ) carousel.items[indexPrev].removeAttribute('tabindex'); var indexNext = j + carousel.visibItemsNb + i; // next element if(indexNext < carousel.items.length) carousel.items[indexNext].removeAttribute('tabindex'); } }; var extendProps = function () { // Variables var extended = {}; var deep = false; var i = 0; var length = arguments.length; // Check if a deep merge if ( arguments[0] ) === '[object Boolean]' ) { deep = arguments[0]; i++; } // Merge the object into the extended object var merge = function (obj) { for ( var prop in obj ) { if ( obj, prop ) ) { // If deep merge and property is an object, merge properties if ( deep &&[prop]) === '[object Object]' ) { extended[prop] = extend( true, extended[prop], obj[prop] ); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; // Loop through each object and conduct a merge for ( ; i < length; i++ ) { var obj = arguments[i]; merge(obj); } return extended; }; Carousel.defaults = { element : '', autoplay : false, autoplayOnHover: false, autoplayOnFocus: false, autoplayInterval: 5000, loop: true, nav: false, navigationItemClass: 'carousel__nav-item', navigationClass: 'carousel__navigation', navigationPagination: false, drag: false, justifyContent: false, alignControls: false, overflowItems: false }; window.Carousel = Carousel; //initialize the Carousel objects var carousels = document.getElementsByClassName('js-carousel'), flexSupported = CSS.supports('align-items', 'stretch'), transitionSupported = CSS.supports('transition', 'transform'), cssPropertiesSupported = ('CSS' in window && CSS.supports('color', 'var(--color-var)')); if( carousels.length > 0) { for( var i = 0; i < carousels.length; i++) { (function(i){ var autoplay = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay') == 'on') ? true : false, autoplayInterval = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-interval')) ? carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-interval') : 5000, autoplayOnHover = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-hover') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-hover') == 'on') ? true : false, autoplayOnFocus = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-focus') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-autoplay-focus') == 'on') ? true : false, drag = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-drag') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-drag') == 'on') ? true : false, loop = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-loop') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-loop') == 'off') ? false : true, nav = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation') == 'on') ? true : false, navigationItemClass = carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-item-class') ? carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-item-class') : 'carousel__nav-item', navigationClass = carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-class') ? carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-class') : 'carousel__navigation', navigationPagination = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-pagination') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-navigation-pagination') == 'on') ? true : false, overflowItems = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-overflow-items') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-overflow-items') == 'on') ? true : false, alignControls = carousels[i].getAttribute('data-align-controls') ? carousels[i].getAttribute('data-align-controls') : false, justifyContent = (carousels[i].getAttribute('data-justify-content') && carousels[i].getAttribute('data-justify-content') == 'on') ? true : false; new Carousel({element: carousels[i], autoplay : autoplay, autoplayOnHover: autoplayOnHover, autoplayOnFocus: autoplayOnFocus,autoplayInterval : autoplayInterval, drag: drag, ariaLive: true, loop: loop, nav: nav, navigationItemClass: navigationItemClass, navigationPagination: navigationPagination, navigationClass: navigationClass, overflowItems: overflowItems, justifyContent: justifyContent, alignControls: alignControls}); })(i); } }; }()); </script> Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. Or send to forum message Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!) Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 21 Author Share Posted August 21 Thank you @tuanphan! This is a screenshot of what I see after entering the code. Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 21 Author Share Posted August 21 I think I am using the wrong type of carousel here and it might work better using a portfolio in the reel style than this. However, if this is too much trouble, would you know how I could at the least move the control arrows to the center of the carousel in Mobile view? There are multiple of these galleries that need this. site address: Link to comment
tuanphan Posted August 23 Share Posted August 23 On 8/22/2024 at 2:23 AM, notnothing said: I think I am using the wrong type of carousel here and it might work better using a portfolio in the reel style than this. However, if this is too much trouble, would you know how I could at the least move the control arrows to the center of the carousel in Mobile view? There are multiple of these galleries that need this. site address: You can use this code to Custom CSS box @media screen and (max-width:767px) { section[data-section-id="66896da9a95f27238966cf19"] { .sqs-gallery-controls .previous, .sqs-gallery-controls .next { transform: translateY(-50%) !important; } .sqs-block .sqs-intrinsic .sqs-intrinsic-content { min-height: 450px !important; } }} Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. Or send to forum message Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!) Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 23 Author Share Posted August 23 @tuanphan This worked! Very much appreciated. Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 23 Author Share Posted August 23 @tuanphan Is there a way to apply this to all galleries? I have multiple pages with the same layout! Link to comment
Solution tuanphan Posted August 25 Solution Share Posted August 25 On 8/23/2024 at 8:36 PM, notnothing said: @tuanphan Is there a way to apply this to all galleries? I have multiple pages with the same layout! Remove blue part Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. Or send to forum message Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!) Link to comment
notnothing Posted August 26 Author Share Posted August 26 On 8/24/2024 at 11:10 PM, tuanphan said: Remove blue part You are the absolute best @tuanphan! Thank you so much! Link to comment
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