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Automatic Tooltip

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Hello everyone! First time to post. I was wondering if anyone had any wisdom on a little CSS help I need.

I have a little Quick Actions button that floats on my website that when pushed, pulls up a menu of, well, quick actions. But it often goes unnoticed just sitting at the bottom. So I'd love to have a tooltip that popped up automatically after a visitor has been on the site after a short time (but not right away) drawing attention to the button. Something like all those chat widgets that sit on people's websites that pop up a little message saying something like "Hi there, how can I help you?" But disappeared after a little while if not used, or had an exit button. I know how to customize a site with CSS, but this is beyond my skill.

I feel like it could be done just with CSS, but if not, I already have JQuery loaded on my site for another plugin.

Anyone have any suggestions or wisdom here? TIA!

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