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Categorising page content by Tags

Go to solution Solved by JayVanDyke,

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I would like to categorize Coaches on this page using the tags that can be clicked on by website visitors. 

This is how the page currently looks.  https://www.femaleentrepreneur.me/our-coaches( first screenshot). I was able to create anchor links, however it can only show one coach per label. I would like it to pull several coaches per tag. (like in the second and third screenshots).  Any suggestions on how can I do that? Thank you in advance! 


Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 15.18.24.png

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 15.18.40.png

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You need to use a collection like a blog to hold the images and descriptions and then use universal filter to make the filtering part work like this I did here https://www.motheruntitled.com/experts

In this site, the coaches are each a blog post and the popup is from the blog post content itself, the grid is the blog page but you can also do this with a summary block.

Universal filter is here (affilliate link...) https://www.bergendesign.co/universal-filter

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @JayVanDyke

thank you for your reply. I've purchased the extension and added to the page, however i cannot figure out how to remove the "sort" part so its not visible at all. Maybe you could help? 

Here is the code I've added to the page 


<link rel="stylesheet" href="//assets.squarewebsites.org/custom-filter/custom-filter.min.css"/>
window.customFilterSettings = {
    'targets': [{
        container: '#block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710153038882_4372',// css selector for filter container
        items: '.summary-item',// css selector for items to filter
        settings: {
            position: 'left',//set the position for filter to appear. May be: top, left, right
            align: 'left',// align filter options, may be: left, center, right, space-between
            showItemsCount: false, // show (true) or hide (false) Items count
            collectionUrl: '/new-blog-1',// you need to set source collection url slug (like /blog) if your items have external links (not linked to themselves)
            itemsCount: {
                enabled: false, // same as showItemsCount
                text: '', // set the items text before counter, it is Items: by default and you may set your own text
                positionOrder: 1 // items counter position, higher means last
            keepDropdownsOpenOnInit: false, // if set to true, dropdowns will be opened initially
            customClasses: 'lite-dropdowns',
            /* Add any custom classes to filter container if you want to have your own to use in CSS styling,
            available: cf-sort-right (move sorting element right), cf-sort-left (move sort left), lite-dropdowns(gives lighter dropdowns stylings), cf-ctrls-inline (makes dropdowns fit one line space)*/
            view: 'dropdowns', // available: dropdowns, breadcrumbs, modern, buttons, buttons-round, buttons-pill, buttons-inline
            sticky: {// if enabled: true - trying enable sticky position of Filter to be seen on scroll
                enabled: false,
                top: '6%'
            simpleFilter: {
                show: {
                    effect: 'fade',
                    transitionDuration: 300,
                    stagger: 60
                hide: {
                    effect: 'fade',
                    transitionDuration: 100,
                    stagger: 18
            pagination: {
              enabled: true, // enable pagination
              pageSize: 30, // set the page size to 30
            /*----Mobile Panel Section----*/
            mobilePanel: {// control if you want to have separate offscreen panel with filters on small screens
                enabled: true,// if set to false, no filter buttons on mobiles will be showed
                triggerButtonName: 'Filter', // trigger button text
                keepDropdownsOpen: null, // if false it overrides desktop settings, if true - dropdowns opened
                closeOnSelect: false, // mobile panel closed just after user selected something
                closeOnSearch: false, // mobile panel closed if user searced something in searc field
                closeOnOutsideClick: false // if true, mobile panel will be closed if user clicks outside it
            /*----Filters Section----*/
            filter: { // here you define all filters you need and name them
                category: false, // disabling default Category dropdown
                tag: false, // disabling default Tag dropdown
                items: [{
                    name: 'Category', // give the dropdown (fiter entity) name you want
                    multiple: true, // if true, allow to select multiple options
                    logic: 'and', // how to combine dropdown options with other dropdowns logic. Other value is or
                    multipleLogic: 'or',// combine each selected option with OR or AND logic within one dropdown
                    closedSubOptions: false, // works for Products 7.1 subcategories onl
                    sort: 'asc', // may be asc, desc, asAllowed (need define options list in allowedOptions), or your own custom function
                    getAttr: 'categories'// here you say Filter to look for options in items categories
                }, {
                    name: 'Tags',// give the dropdown (fiter entity) name you want
                    multiple: true,//if true, allow to select multiple options
                    getAttr: 'tags'// here you say Filter to look for options in items tags
            sort: {// define the sorters
                enabled: true,// if false - no sorters visible/working
                //defined: 'date_desc',// select which of defined sorters will work initially
                items: [{
                    name: 'Alphabetical',
                    order: 'asc|desc',
                    orderTexts: 'A-Z|Z-A',
                    hideName: true,
                    sort: '.summary-title-link'
                    name: 'Date',// name your sorter
                    order: 'asc|desc',// apply the orders you want to use
                    orderTexts: 'Older|Newer',// name the orders in format you need
                    hideName: true,// if true, you will not see Date name
                    sort: '[data-publish-on] parseInt'//if properly configured, each Squarespace item will have publish date as data attribute. parseInt saysFilter operate it as integer number
                }, {
                    name: 'Price',// name your sorter
                    order: 'asc|desc',// define orders
                    hideName: true,// hide the Price name
                    orderTexts: '$-$$$|$$$-$'// define orders naming
                    /* If sorter named as Price, you do not need define sort selectors or function: it will work the same like you defined:
                    sort: '[data-price] parseInt'
            search: {
                enabled: true,// if false, no Search input will be showed
                text: 'Search', //set the placeholder to your search field, otherwise Search will be used
<script src="//assets.squarewebsites.org/custom-filter/custom-filter.min.js"></script>

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 21.39.09.png

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  • Solution

No that’s a css thing. There may be some code for that in the installation page though at the bottom, there’s a section for styling. It just depends on what buttons and whether he’s provided that code there. 

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