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Change Blog Pagination from Prev/Next to Next/Prev

Go to solution Solved by jpeter,

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I have custom code set up on a website I'm building (https://jamesfray.squarespace.com password: demo) so that my blogs have previous and next pagination show up at the bottom of the page. I'm using one blog (https://jamesfray.squarespace.com/blooming-detectives) as a list of books available in a series. I've reversed the order the posts show up in, so the oldest is first as that will be the first book in the series, but my previous/next are now the wrong way around. Can someone help me change the text so that where it currently says previous it will say next, and where it says next it will say previous please? Many thanks in advance!

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

The JavaScript below should work. It swaps the URL and Title.


    // Get previous element url and title
    const prevEl = document.querySelector('.item-pagination-link--prev');
    const prevUrl = prevEl && prevEl.getAttribute('href');
    const prevTitleEl = prevEl && prevEl.querySelector('.item-pagination-title');
    const prevTitle = prevTitleEl && prevTitleEl.textContent;
    const prevTitleWrapper = prevEl && prevEl.querySelector('.pagination-title-wrapper');
    const prevIcon = prevEl && prevEl.querySelector('.icon');

    // Get next element url and title
    const nextEl = document.querySelector('.item-pagination-link--next');
    const nextUrl = nextEl && nextEl.getAttribute('href');
    const nextTitleEl = nextEl && nextEl.querySelector('.item-pagination-title');
    const nextTitle = nextTitleEl && nextTitleEl.textContent;
    const nextTitleWrapper = nextEl && nextEl.querySelector('.pagination-title-wrapper');
    const nextIcon = nextEl && nextEl.querySelector('.icon');

    // Handle when user is on first page
    if(!prevEl && nextEl && nextTitleWrapper) {
        const tpl = document.createElement('template');
        tpl.innerHTML = `<div class="item-pagination-icon icon icon--stroke"><svg class="caret-left-icon--small" viewBox="0 0 9 16"><polyline fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="7.3,14.7 2.5,8 7.3,1.2"></polyline></svg></div>`;
        nextTitleWrapper.innerHTML = nextTitleWrapper.innerHTML.replace(/\bNext\b/g, 'Previous');
        nextIcon && nextEl.removeChild(nextIcon);
        nextIcon && nextEl.prepend(tpl.content)

    // Handle when user is on last page
    if(prevEl && !nextEl && prevTitleWrapper) {
        const tpl = document.createElement('template');
        tpl.innerHTML = `<div class="item-pagination-icon icon icon--stroke"><svg class="caret-right-icon--small" viewBox="0 0 9 16"><polyline fill="none" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="1.6,1.2 6.5,7.9 1.6,14.7"></polyline></svg></div>`;
        prevTitleWrapper.innerHTML = prevTitleWrapper.innerHTML.replace(/\bPrevious\b/g, 'Next');
        prevIcon && prevEl.removeChild(prevIcon);
        prevIcon && prevEl.appendChild(tpl.content)

    // Set next element title and url with the previous
    if(nextEl && nextTitleEl && prevUrl && prevTitle) {
        nextEl.setAttribute('href', prevUrl);
        nextTitleEl.textContent = prevTitle;

    // Set previous element title and url with the next
    if(prevEl && prevTitleEl && nextUrl && nextTitle) {
        prevEl.setAttribute('href', nextUrl);
        prevTitleEl.textContent = nextTitle;



Make sure you add the JavaScript to the Footer using Code Injection and place it between <script> tags, e.g.

  // Add JS here

Here's a video of me updating the JS via Chrome's dev tools to ensure it works. 


Edited by jpeter
Add new code to account for first and last pages

Full stack developer who loves helping people out with anything web related. If you'd like to support me, buy me a coffee!


Thanks so much @jpeter, I really appreciate the help! It works perfectly mid-list but at the start and the end of the list the links break when clicked and look like below:


This is book 3 of 3 and should say 'previous' with the name of book 2 and a link to book 2, instead this next link takes me to a 404 error. Is there any way to fix this please?

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