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upoad images about max. 800x600px and have this as biggest image size on a pc but also scalable on different screens like phone wihtout getting blury or losing quality

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Hello There,

Im LETS. goodday,

I already mad a long title.

I like my choosen template Wells but it has version 7.0 . No imges blocks 

I wish not to upload my photos with the required upload with about 2000px

I would like to upload and show  images about max. 800x600px  

and have this as biggest image size on a pc but of course also scalable

on different screens like phone without getting blury or losing quality.

Is this possible with a code that I have the marvelous quality as I uploaded an 

keep them the exact size on the screen as meant how i uploaded this?

Hope ther is anyone who have an aswer?

Thanks Already




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20 minutes ago, LETS said:

I would like to upload and show  images about max. 800x600px  

It is better to upload images with a width of 2000px (or 1500px if they won't be displayed as a banner or full screen image). You don't need to use lower resolution images because Squarespace will automatically serve the correct image size for the visitor's device. These sizes include:

  • 100 pixels
  • 300 pixels
  • 500 pixels
  • 750 pixels
  • 1000 pixels
  • 1500 pixels
  • 2500 pixels

For more information, see Formatting your images for display on the web.

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Hello Paul2009,

Thank you so much for your response!

I already upoladed succesfull  images with the highest resolution width of 2000px.

And I get the pefect quality as I wish BUT... I don't want to upload and show such a big images on the internet nowadays.

I would like to upolad smaller sizes about 800x600px ( for example) and still have the best resolution  as I uploaded them.

and I would like also that  Squarespace will automatically serve the correct image size for the visitor's device

But not higher than the 800x600px, as the maximun width.

So making the images lower : 

  • 100 pixels
  • 300 pixels
  • 500 pixels
  • 750 pixels   
  • will be fine.  Is there a solution to put just a code somewhere in the CSS? that I can present my smaller images without losing quality and without the strechting  from squarre space  to a bigger format than in this exampel 800x600px?  I really hope there is an somlution for this.  Have pleasant day
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43 minutes ago, LETS said:

I don't want to upload and show such a big images on the internet nowadays. I would like to upload smaller sizes about 800x600px

Can you explain why you want to limit images to 800x600px? There isn't a technical reason to do this as Squarespace doesn't need you to format your images to exact dimensions. This is one of the best features of the platform!

However, if you want to upload image at a maximum of 800px wide, you can choose to do this! You'll need to format them to the required resolution before uploading them. Squarespace will then create versions of the image at 750px and below.

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
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Ha Paul2009,

Thank you again for your quick response! I understand that is  very nice feature of SSp.


I already made a few tests with uploading images on the Wells template 
with big sizes as SSpace recommend but also with smaller sizes about 800x600px

these last ones are in the sizes I prefer and in required  resolution But SSp strech them out.
This makes the images Blury

Is there a solution to put just a code somewhere in the CSS?

So I can show images without losing quality and without the strechting  SSP to a bigger size?









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