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Issue with LTK (Reward Style) and SquareSpace / Mobile site styles

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this has been an ongoing issue and i'm really hoping you can help me.

Whenever I use LTK (Reward style) money spot coding on my squarespace website and I have mobile styles enabled, ALL blog posts with this coding freeze. This doesn't happen on desktop and only happens on blog posts with the custom coding that I get via LTK. You'd think I could just stop using the coding, right? The issue is that I HAVE to use the custom coding for my job. Here's an example:

page with custom coding where it freezes: https://www.kendrafoundit.com/blog/walmart-finds-affordable-home-decor-from-walmart

custom coding example: <div class="moneyspot-widget" data-widget-id="36094988"><script type="text/javascript">!function(w,i,d,g,e,t){d.getElementById(i)||(element=d.createElement(t),element.id=i,element.src="https://widgets.rewardstyle.com"+e,d.body.appendChild(element)),w.hasOwnProperty(g)===!0&&"complete"===d.readyState&&w[g].init()}(window,"moneyspot-script",document,"__moneyspot","/js/widget.js","script")</script><div class="rs-adblock"><img src="https://assets.rewardstyle.com/production/a99f76dec8790ef724663ea7fd581167317e2a39/images/search/350.gif" onerror='this.parentNode.innerHTML="Disable your ad blocking software to view this content."' style="width: 15px; height: 15px"><noscript>JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content.</noscript></div></div>

Open on your mobile phone, scroll down the page and you'll see that it freezes.

Can you help me? I  already reached out to LTK and they told me it's a squarespace issue. Squarespace told me it's an LTK issue. Thanks everyone! I've attached a video of what I'm talking about.

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