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New website to sell abstract expressionism paintings

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New to squarespace, doing first website. Long history started with punch cards in 1964. Saw the entire evolution of computers and programming language. Early retirement in 2000, lead system analyst. Did an access system for sons business a while back. Always wanted to try some web work, took on a consignment agreement with an artist to sell some of his abstract expressionism paintings. Off to rocky start inadvertently picked a 7.0 template and took a year commerce subscription. Only way to undo it was to cancel, get refund, have support delete 7.0. started off again got 7.1 template and took a month to month to start off. Squarespace chat and help were really good. Wish me luck..... Walt

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Best of luck. Are you thinking of doing some e-commerce with the site?

My first exposure to computers was with punch cards!

For those who are not aware...


By Pete Birkinshaw from Manchester, UK - Used Punchcard, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49758093

This is the storage medium and only contained a small amount of information. A big program would have many many cards for it!

Here we see a console on the right and a sorter on the left.


By U.S. Census - https://www.census.gov\/multimedia/www/photos/census_history/early_census_machines_2.php, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33471261

These are a little older than the ones I had experience with but the basic concept of the machines didn't change much until the time when magnetic media came about (tapes and hard drives).

For fun you can look up punched tape which is a step up from cards! 🙂

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Hey creedon, love the pics. Yes spent many hours at that high speed sorter. Used 407 accounting machine and 088 collator. Work for a j&j doing wage payroll for 1000 piece workers making sutures. Worked late every tue had to have the checks cut for Thursday payroll weekly. Yes building e-commerce site. Took some time to establish all the business entity's to legally sell the painting on my own website. Looking at it as fun project. Having this forum of squarespace users is a great resource. Thanks for your comment, take care... Walt

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Wow, thanks for the tips,  kinda a little scary. I have done all the legal stuff as far legally set up a business in NJ. As far as shipping I will be doing that myself. I have opened a  business checking account and will be counting on squarespace billing software to handle my payments smoothly. I will continue with squarespace for now, having some trouble with what I seen was a problem in the past, it sporadically not showing save option. Using chrome browser now it is recommended to clear cache often. Any experience with this problem, should I use another browser. I guess the problem with not writing all the code yourself your at the mercy of these products. Oh well hoping for the best, let me know what you think ?

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I use Chrome almost exclusively and have had little trouble with it. When I experience issue with the UI, which isn't all that often. I reload the page and that usually does the trick.

Find my contributions useful? Please like, upvote, mark my answer as the best ( solution ), and see my profile. Thanks for your support! I am a Squarespace ( and other technological things ) consultant open for new projects.

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