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applying a .js file parallax animation to a background image?

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Site URL: https://www.byhutch.com


I designed a site on Cargo for an artist and I would like to use the same .js file to animate a background image on squarespace but I am not sure how to implement it.  I have added the image as a background, added the script to the footer injection and i have this code in the css. 


///testing parallax 
section[data-section-id="629bd39be10a3e30d5e26b57"] {
  .section-background img {


here's the script....


const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section")
const bodyTag = document.querySelector("body")

const addMovement = function () {
  const topViewport = window.pageYOffset
  const midViewport = topViewport + (window.innerHeight / 2)
  // lets find the middle of each section
  // (section, index) => {}
  sections.forEach((section, index) => {
    const topSection = section.offsetTop
    const midSection = topSection + (section.offsetHeight / 2)
    // how far away is the section from the visible area of the page
    const distanceToSection = midViewport - midSection
    // pick the tags to parallax
    const image = section.querySelector("img")
    const contentTag = section.querySelector("div")
    // weight down this distance
    let rotation = distanceToSection / 100
    let contentDist = -1 * distanceToSection / 2
    // for all the even sections, rotate the other way
    // is the index divisible by two
    // is the index's remainder zero?
    // the modulo operator 5 % 2 = 1, 4 % 2 = 0
    if (index % 2 == 1) {
      rotation = rotation * -1
    // apply some parallax
    image.style.transform = `rotate(${rotation}deg)`
    contentTag.style.top = `${contentDist}px`
    contentTag.style.transform = `rotate(${-1 * rotation}deg)`
    // check the background
    if (distanceToSection > -100) {
      const dataBackground = section.getAttribute("data-background")
      bodyTag.style.backgroundColor = dataBackground


document.addEventListener("scroll", function () {

window.addEventListener("resize", function () {

any ideas? @tuanphan @creedon  

The url I am trying to implement is just a trial site 




Edited by failbetter
forgot to tag
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