jocostel Posted May 14, 2022 Posted May 14, 2022 Site URL: can you translate that to be usable on my squarespace site?
tuanphan Posted May 15, 2022 Posted May 15, 2022 Add a Code Block > Paste this code <!-- Canvas --> <canvas class="orb-canvas"></canvas> <!-- Overlay --> <div class="overlay"> <!-- Overlay inner wrapper --> <div class="overlay__inner"> <!-- Title --> <h1 class="overlay__title"> Hey, would you like to learn how to create a <span class="text-gradient">generative</span> UI just like this? </h1> <!-- Description --> <p class="overlay__description"> In this tutorial we will be creating a generative “orb” animation using pixi.js, picking some lovely random colors and pulling it all together in a nice frosty UI. <strong>We're gonna talk accessibility, too.</strong> </p> <!-- Buttons --> <div class="overlay__btns"> <button class="overlay__btn overlay__btn--transparent"> <a href="" target="_blank"> View Tutorial </a> </button> <button class="overlay__btn overlay__btn--colors"> <span>Randomise Colors</span> <span class="overlay__btn-emoji">🎨</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <style> :root { --dark-color: hsl(var(--hue), 100%, 9%); --light-color: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 98%); --base: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 50%); --complimentary1: hsl(var(--hue-complimentary1), 95%, 50%); --complimentary2: hsl(var(--hue-complimentary2), 95%, 50%); --font-family: "Poppins", system-ui; --bg-gradient: linear-gradient( to bottom, hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 99%), hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 84%) ); } .orb-canvas { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; z-index: -1; } strong { font-weight: 600; } .overlay { width: 100%; max-width: 1140px; max-height: 640px; padding: 8rem 6rem; display: flex; align-items: center; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.375); box-shadow: 0 0.75rem 2rem 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 2rem; border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125); } .overlay__inner { max-width: 36rem; } .overlay__title { font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 2.75rem; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: -0.025em; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .text-gradient { background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, var(--base) 25%, var(--complimentary2) ); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -moz-background-clip: text; -moz-text-fill-color: transparent; } .overlay__description { font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .overlay__btns { width: 100%; max-width: 30rem; display: flex; } .overlay__btn { width: 50%; height: 2.5rem; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 600; color: var(--light-color); background: var(--dark-color); border: none; border-radius: 0.5rem; transition: transform 150ms ease; outline-color: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 50%); } .overlay__btn:hover { transform: scale(1.05); cursor: pointer; } .overlay__btn--transparent { background: transparent; color: var(--dark-color); border: 2px solid var(--dark-color); border-width: 2px; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .overlay__btn-emoji { margin-left: 0.375rem; } a { text-decoration: none; color: var(--dark-color); width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } /* Not too many browser support this yet but it's good to add! */ @media (prefers-contrast: high) { .orb-canvas { display: none; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1140px) { .overlay { padding: 8rem 4rem; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 840px) { body { padding: 1.5rem; } .overlay { padding: 4rem; height: auto; } .overlay__title { font-size: 1.25rem; line-height: 2rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .overlay__description { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { .overlay { padding: 1.5rem; } .overlay__btns { flex-wrap: wrap; } .overlay__btn { width: 100%; font-size: 0.75rem; margin-right: 0; } .overlay__btn:first-child { margin-bottom: 1rem; } } </style> <script> import * as PIXI from ""; import { KawaseBlurFilter } from ""; import SimplexNoise from ""; import hsl from ""; import debounce from ""; // return a random number within a range function random(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } // map a number from 1 range to another function map(n, start1, end1, start2, end2) { return ((n - start1) / (end1 - start1)) * (end2 - start2) + start2; } // Create a new simplex noise instance const simplex = new SimplexNoise(); // ColorPalette class class ColorPalette { constructor() { this.setColors(); this.setCustomProperties(); } setColors() { // pick a random hue somewhere between 220 and 360 this.hue = ~~random(220, 360); this.complimentaryHue1 = this.hue + 30; this.complimentaryHue2 = this.hue + 60; // define a fixed saturation and lightness this.saturation = 95; this.lightness = 50; // define a base color this.baseColor = hsl(this.hue, this.saturation, this.lightness); // define a complimentary color, 30 degress away from the base this.complimentaryColor1 = hsl( this.complimentaryHue1, this.saturation, this.lightness ); // define a second complimentary color, 60 degrees away from the base this.complimentaryColor2 = hsl( this.complimentaryHue2, this.saturation, this.lightness ); // store the color choices in an array so that a random one can be picked later this.colorChoices = [ this.baseColor, this.complimentaryColor1, this.complimentaryColor2 ]; } randomColor() { // pick a random color return this.colorChoices[~~random(0, this.colorChoices.length)].replace( "#", "0x" ); } setCustomProperties() { // set CSS custom properties so that the colors defined here can be used throughout the UI"--hue", this.hue); "--hue-complimentary1", this.complimentaryHue1 ); "--hue-complimentary2", this.complimentaryHue2 ); } } // Orb class class Orb { // Pixi takes hex colors as hexidecimal literals (0x rather than a string with '#') constructor(fill = 0x000000) { // bounds = the area an orb is "allowed" to move within this.bounds = this.setBounds(); // initialise the orb's { x, y } values to a random point within it's bounds this.x = random(this.bounds["x"].min, this.bounds["x"].max); this.y = random(this.bounds["y"].min, this.bounds["y"].max); // how large the orb is vs it's original radius (this will modulate over time) this.scale = 1; // what color is the orb? this.fill = fill; // the original radius of the orb, set relative to window height this.radius = random(window.innerHeight / 6, window.innerHeight / 3); // starting points in "time" for the noise/self similar random values this.xOff = random(0, 1000); this.yOff = random(0, 1000); // how quickly the noise/self similar random values step through time = 0.002; // PIXI.Graphics is used to draw 2d primitives (in this case a circle) to the canvas = new PIXI.Graphics(); = 0.825; // 250ms after the last window resize event, recalculate orb positions. window.addEventListener( "resize", debounce(() => { this.bounds = this.setBounds(); }, 250) ); } setBounds() { // how far from the { x, y } origin can each orb move const maxDist = window.innerWidth < 1000 ? window.innerWidth / 3 : window.innerWidth / 5; // the { x, y } origin for each orb (the bottom right of the screen) const originX = window.innerWidth / 1.25; const originY = window.innerWidth < 1000 ? window.innerHeight : window.innerHeight / 1.375; // allow each orb to move x distance away from it's x / y origin return { x: { min: originX - maxDist, max: originX + maxDist }, y: { min: originY - maxDist, max: originY + maxDist } }; } update() { // self similar "psuedo-random" or noise values at a given point in "time" const xNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.xOff, this.xOff); const yNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.yOff, this.yOff); const scaleNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.xOff, this.yOff); // map the xNoise/yNoise values (between -1 and 1) to a point within the orb's bounds this.x = map(xNoise, -1, 1, this.bounds["x"].min, this.bounds["x"].max); this.y = map(yNoise, -1, 1, this.bounds["y"].min, this.bounds["y"].max); // map scaleNoise (between -1 and 1) to a scale value somewhere between half of the orb's original size, and 100% of it's original size this.scale = map(scaleNoise, -1, 1, 0.5, 1); // step through "time" this.xOff +=; this.yOff +=; } render() { // update the PIXI.Graphics position and scale values = this.x; = this.y;; // clear anything currently drawn to graphics; // tell graphics to fill any shapes drawn after this with the orb's fill color; // draw a circle at { 0, 0 } with it's size set by this.radius, 0, this.radius); // let graphics know we won't be filling in any more shapes; } } // Create PixiJS app const app = new PIXI.Application({ // render to <canvas class="orb-canvas"></canvas> view: document.querySelector(".orb-canvas"), // auto adjust size to fit the current window resizeTo: window, // transparent background, we will be creating a gradient background later using CSS transparent: true }); // Create colour palette const colorPalette = new ColorPalette(); app.stage.filters = [new KawaseBlurFilter(30, 10, true)]; // Create orbs const orbs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const orb = new Orb(colorPalette.randomColor()); app.stage.addChild(; orbs.push(orb); } // Animate! if (!window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches) { app.ticker.add(() => { orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.update(); orb.render(); }); }); } else { orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.update(); orb.render(); }); } document .querySelector(".overlay__btn--colors") .addEventListener("click", () => { colorPalette.setColors(); colorPalette.setCustomProperties(); orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.fill = colorPalette.randomColor(); }); }); </script> Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. Or send to forum message Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)
Sunein Posted August 17, 2022 Posted August 17, 2022 Hello Tuanphan, Novice here, I have tried your code (and many amendments + looking everywhere to find more information) but still the color animation/interaction expected based on Js is not working for me. This code is coming from here. The author is mentioning the use of package manager/compiler/handler as Webpack or Parcel to deal with the package import — is it linked to my issue? Thank you very much for your help — here but also on your prolific helping replies through the forum. Best
tuanphan Posted August 18, 2022 Posted August 18, 2022 On 8/17/2022 at 6:34 PM, Sunein said: Hello Tuanphan, Novice here, I have tried your code (and many amendments + looking everywhere to find more information) but still the color animation/interaction expected based on Js is not working for me. This code is coming from here. The author is mentioning the use of package manager/compiler/handler as Webpack or Parcel to deal with the package import — is it linked to my issue? Thank you very much for your help — here but also on your prolific helping replies through the forum. Best Try adding a Code Block > Paste this code <!-- Canvas --> <canvas class="orb-canvas"></canvas> <!-- Overlay --> <div class="overlay"> <!-- Overlay inner wrapper --> <div class="overlay__inner"> <!-- Title --> <h1 class="overlay__title"> Hey, would you like to learn how to create a <span class="text-gradient">generative</span> UI just like this? </h1> <!-- Description --> <p class="overlay__description"> In this tutorial we will be creating a generative “orb” animation using pixi.js, picking some lovely random colors and pulling it all together in a nice frosty UI. <strong>We're gonna talk accessibility, too.</strong> </p> <!-- Buttons --> <div class="overlay__btns"> <button class="overlay__btn overlay__btn--transparent"> <a href="" target="_blank"> View Tutorial </a> </button> <button class="overlay__btn overlay__btn--colors"> <span>Randomise Colors</span> <span class="overlay__btn-emoji">🎨</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <style> :root { --dark-color: hsl(var(--hue), 100%, 9%); --light-color: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 98%); --base: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 50%); --complimentary1: hsl(var(--hue-complimentary1), 95%, 50%); --complimentary2: hsl(var(--hue-complimentary2), 95%, 50%); --font-family: "Poppins", system-ui; --bg-gradient: linear-gradient( to bottom, hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 99%), hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 84%) ); } .orb-canvas { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: none; z-index: -1; } strong { font-weight: 600; } .overlay { width: 100%; max-width: 1140px; max-height: 640px; padding: 8rem 6rem; display: flex; align-items: center; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.375); box-shadow: 0 0.75rem 2rem 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 2rem; border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125); } .overlay__inner { max-width: 36rem; } .overlay__title { font-size: 1.875rem; line-height: 2.75rem; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: -0.025em; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .text-gradient { background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, var(--base) 25%, var(--complimentary2) ); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; -moz-background-clip: text; -moz-text-fill-color: transparent; } .overlay__description { font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; } .overlay__btns { width: 100%; max-width: 30rem; display: flex; } .overlay__btn { width: 50%; height: 2.5rem; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 600; color: var(--light-color); background: var(--dark-color); border: none; border-radius: 0.5rem; transition: transform 150ms ease; outline-color: hsl(var(--hue), 95%, 50%); } .overlay__btn:hover { transform: scale(1.05); cursor: pointer; } .overlay__btn--transparent { background: transparent; color: var(--dark-color); border: 2px solid var(--dark-color); border-width: 2px; margin-right: 0.75rem; } .overlay__btn-emoji { margin-left: 0.375rem; } a { text-decoration: none; color: var(--dark-color); width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } /* Not too many browser support this yet but it's good to add! */ @media (prefers-contrast: high) { .orb-canvas { display: none; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1140px) { .overlay { padding: 8rem 4rem; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 840px) { body { padding: 1.5rem; } .overlay { padding: 4rem; height: auto; } .overlay__title { font-size: 1.25rem; line-height: 2rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; } .overlay__description { font-size: 0.875rem; line-height: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { .overlay { padding: 1.5rem; } .overlay__btns { flex-wrap: wrap; } .overlay__btn { width: 100%; font-size: 0.75rem; margin-right: 0; } .overlay__btn:first-child { margin-bottom: 1rem; } } </style> <script> import * as PIXI from ""; import { KawaseBlurFilter } from ""; import SimplexNoise from ""; import hsl from ""; import debounce from ""; // return a random number within a range function random(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } // map a number from 1 range to another function map(n, start1, end1, start2, end2) { return ((n - start1) / (end1 - start1)) * (end2 - start2) + start2; } // Create a new simplex noise instance const simplex = new SimplexNoise(); // ColorPalette class class ColorPalette { constructor() { this.setColors(); this.setCustomProperties(); } setColors() { // pick a random hue somewhere between 220 and 360 this.hue = ~~random(220, 360); this.complimentaryHue1 = this.hue + 30; this.complimentaryHue2 = this.hue + 60; // define a fixed saturation and lightness this.saturation = 95; this.lightness = 50; // define a base color this.baseColor = hsl(this.hue, this.saturation, this.lightness); // define a complimentary color, 30 degress away from the base this.complimentaryColor1 = hsl( this.complimentaryHue1, this.saturation, this.lightness ); // define a second complimentary color, 60 degrees away from the base this.complimentaryColor2 = hsl( this.complimentaryHue2, this.saturation, this.lightness ); // store the color choices in an array so that a random one can be picked later this.colorChoices = [ this.baseColor, this.complimentaryColor1, this.complimentaryColor2 ]; } randomColor() { // pick a random color return this.colorChoices[~~random(0, this.colorChoices.length)].replace( "#", "0x" ); } setCustomProperties() { // set CSS custom properties so that the colors defined here can be used throughout the UI"--hue", this.hue); "--hue-complimentary1", this.complimentaryHue1 ); "--hue-complimentary2", this.complimentaryHue2 ); } } // Orb class class Orb { // Pixi takes hex colors as hexidecimal literals (0x rather than a string with '#') constructor(fill = 0x000000) { // bounds = the area an orb is "allowed" to move within this.bounds = this.setBounds(); // initialise the orb's { x, y } values to a random point within it's bounds this.x = random(this.bounds["x"].min, this.bounds["x"].max); this.y = random(this.bounds["y"].min, this.bounds["y"].max); // how large the orb is vs it's original radius (this will modulate over time) this.scale = 1; // what color is the orb? this.fill = fill; // the original radius of the orb, set relative to window height this.radius = random(window.innerHeight / 6, window.innerHeight / 3); // starting points in "time" for the noise/self similar random values this.xOff = random(0, 1000); this.yOff = random(0, 1000); // how quickly the noise/self similar random values step through time = 0.002; // PIXI.Graphics is used to draw 2d primitives (in this case a circle) to the canvas = new PIXI.Graphics(); = 0.825; // 250ms after the last window resize event, recalculate orb positions. window.addEventListener( "resize", debounce(() => { this.bounds = this.setBounds(); }, 250) ); } setBounds() { // how far from the { x, y } origin can each orb move const maxDist = window.innerWidth < 1000 ? window.innerWidth / 3 : window.innerWidth / 5; // the { x, y } origin for each orb (the bottom right of the screen) const originX = window.innerWidth / 1.25; const originY = window.innerWidth < 1000 ? window.innerHeight : window.innerHeight / 1.375; // allow each orb to move x distance away from it's x / y origin return { x: { min: originX - maxDist, max: originX + maxDist }, y: { min: originY - maxDist, max: originY + maxDist } }; } update() { // self similar "psuedo-random" or noise values at a given point in "time" const xNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.xOff, this.xOff); const yNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.yOff, this.yOff); const scaleNoise = simplex.noise2D(this.xOff, this.yOff); // map the xNoise/yNoise values (between -1 and 1) to a point within the orb's bounds this.x = map(xNoise, -1, 1, this.bounds["x"].min, this.bounds["x"].max); this.y = map(yNoise, -1, 1, this.bounds["y"].min, this.bounds["y"].max); // map scaleNoise (between -1 and 1) to a scale value somewhere between half of the orb's original size, and 100% of it's original size this.scale = map(scaleNoise, -1, 1, 0.5, 1); // step through "time" this.xOff +=; this.yOff +=; } render() { // update the PIXI.Graphics position and scale values = this.x; = this.y;; // clear anything currently drawn to graphics; // tell graphics to fill any shapes drawn after this with the orb's fill color; // draw a circle at { 0, 0 } with it's size set by this.radius, 0, this.radius); // let graphics know we won't be filling in any more shapes; } } // Create PixiJS app const app = new PIXI.Application({ // render to <canvas class="orb-canvas"></canvas> view: document.querySelector(".orb-canvas"), // auto adjust size to fit the current window resizeTo: window, // transparent background, we will be creating a gradient background later using CSS transparent: true }); // Create colour palette const colorPalette = new ColorPalette(); app.stage.filters = [new KawaseBlurFilter(30, 10, true)]; // Create orbs const orbs = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const orb = new Orb(colorPalette.randomColor()); app.stage.addChild(; orbs.push(orb); } // Animate! if (!window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches) { app.ticker.add(() => { orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.update(); orb.render(); }); }); } else { orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.update(); orb.render(); }); } document .querySelector(".overlay__btn--colors") .addEventListener("click", () => { colorPalette.setColors(); colorPalette.setCustomProperties(); orbs.forEach((orb) => { orb.fill = colorPalette.randomColor(); }); }); </script> Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. Or send to forum message Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)
Sunein Posted August 18, 2022 Posted August 18, 2022 Still, it doesn't work for me (not showing the colored orbs animation). Thanks for trying
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