loisartz Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 (edited) Site URL: https://www.loisartz.com/ Pls help me ♥️♥️ It won't let me edit the code and everything appears small This is my CSS code: //COLOR NAGORI #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1649368455652_1939 h4{ font-size: 25px !important; font-weight:500; line-height:1.6; } #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1649368455652_1939 h2{ font-weight:700; } // QUITAR PADDING BLOQUE IMAGENES // .gallery-grid[data-width="full"]{ padding-top:0px !important; padding-bottom:10px !important; } p{ font-size:19px !important } :not(.has-background) .section-background { background-color: black; } .page-section.has-background.black-bold .section-background-overlay { background-color: black !important; } // TÍTULOS Y SUBTITULOS PORTFOLIO // // TÍTULOS h3.portfolio-title { color: white !important; font-size: 37px !important; } // SUBTÍTULOS a.grid-item[href*="/nagori"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y publicidad exterior"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/maverick"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y diseño de ropa"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/spino"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y packaging"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/nulk"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y packaging"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/loisartz"] h3:after { content: "Rediseño de marca"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/keyesp"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y packaging"; font-size:22px !important; font-weight:400 !important; display: block; margin-top:-7px; } a.grid-item[href*="/burger-point"] h3:after { content: "Identidad corporativa y packaging"; font-size:22px !important; 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border-radius:50%; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #ccc; margin:30px; background:white; /*Position Out of View*/ bottom:-150px; opacity:0; transition: all .5s ease; } #back-to-top.show-btt{ /*Position In View*/ bottom:0; opacity:1; transition: all .5s ease; } html, body {overflow-x: hidden;} This is my header injection code: <a id="back-to-top"> <img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 64 64' aria-labelledby='title' aria-describedby='desc' role='img' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'%3E%3Ctitle%3EAngle Up%3C/title%3E%3Cdesc%3EA line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.%3C/desc%3E%3Cpath data-name='layer1' fill='none' stroke='%23202020' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M20 40l11.994-14L44 40' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-linecap='round'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E" alt="Angle Up" /> </a> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ //Function To Add Class function showBackToTop(){ $('#back-to-top').addClass('show-btt'); } //Function To Add Class function hideBackToTop(){ $('#back-to-top').removeClass('show-btt'); } //Check Scroll and Add Class function checkScrollPos(){ if ($(this).scrollTop() >= 700) { //if scroll position is lower than 700px from the top of the screen showBackToTop(); } else { hideBackToTop() } } // Scroll to the top when the button is clicked $('#back-to-top').click(function(){$(window).scrollTop(0)}); // tell the browser to run the "checkScrollPos()" function just above when the user scrolls $(window).on('scroll', function(){ checkScrollPos(); }); //Check the scroll position once when the page loads checkScrollPos(); }) </script> And this is my footer injection code: <script> $( ( ) => { $( 'body' ).prepend ( '<div class="cursor cursor-dot" style="left: 0px; top: 0px;">' ); var cursor = $(".cursor"); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { cursor.css ( { top: e.clientY, left: e.clientX } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseenter', function ( ) { cursor.addClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseleave', function ( ) { cursor.removeClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); } ); </script> Edited April 16, 2022 by loisartz Link to comment
loisartz Posted April 16, 2022 Author Share Posted April 16, 2022 BEFORE EDIT CSS AFTER EDIT CSS The css dont work when i click to edit Link to comment
paul2009 Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 (edited) On 4/16/2022 at 3:56 PM, loisartz said: The css don't work when i click to edit There's currently a bug with Custom CSS in preview, and this could be affecting what you see. Please take a look at this thread: Edited April 17, 2022 by paul2009 Corrected URL Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥. Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links. Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional. Would you like your customers to be able to mark their favourite products in your Squarespace store? Link to comment
loisartz Posted April 16, 2022 Author Share Posted April 16, 2022 6 minutes ago, paul2009 said: There's currently a bug with Custom CSS in preview, and this could be affecting what you see. Please take a look at this thread: Says srry this content is no longer avaliable 😞 so will they fix it? Link to comment
paul2009 Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 The URL changed 😬. I've updated it. Squarespace only post serious issues on the status page. loisartz 1 Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥. Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links. Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional. Would you like your customers to be able to mark their favourite products in your Squarespace store? Link to comment
loisartz Posted April 16, 2022 Author Share Posted April 16, 2022 5 hours ago, paul2009 said: The URL changed 😬. I've updated it. Squarespace only post serious issues on the status page. Let me know here when the problem has been solved please. Link to comment
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