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Customer Review Editing

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Site URL: https://pump.eppwellsolutions.com/

Ok, I was so excited to see the new review feature in Squarespace. I used to have to make a whole page to add my customer's reviews manually, but with the automatic emails and having the reviews right on my product page is so nice. Unfortunately there is one big issue with this new feature. My customers cannot edit or delete their reviews.

Anyone with a store probably knows this scenario all too well. Order is delivered, customer gets review notification and  had one small issue that would be easily fixable but rather than reaching out for it to be solved gives a less than ideal review. After reading the review you reach out to your customer to solve the problem and increase their satisfaction with you product. After your customer support your customer is now happier than ever and would give a 5 star review without question. So now what.....they cannot edit their review to give their whole story and show their appreciation with your customer support, and they cannot delete their review and do an updated one. 

What do you all think? Do you think that our customers should have the option to edit or delete their reviews if they want to? Do you think that this is just a feature that hasn't been added yet or a decision that Squarespace has made against having that ability?

I really hope that my customer's will be able to do this soon with my Squarespace site, or I will probably be switching back to inputting them manually on a custom page.

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12 hours ago, Tucker said:

There is one big issue with this new [Product Reviews] feature. My customers cannot edit or delete their reviews.

Do you think that this is just a feature that hasn't been added yet or a decision that Squarespace has made against having that ability?

I agree! The ability for customers to edit/delete their reviews is a must have.

We also need to be able to reply publicly to reviews, so that merchants can explain the context of a negative review, offer assistance to a customer who did not reached out for help before posting and to thank customers who took the time to give a positive review about their experience.

I fully expect these new features to be added but this new feature is being rolled out iteratively - basic functionality was added first with advanced functionality to be added over a period of time as developer resource becomes available. Hopefully it won't be too long because right now the negative reviews - without update or context - could wreak havoc on sales.

@Tucker As a Circle member, you may want to add your comments to this thread.

Edited by paul2009
edited for clarity

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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Yes! I really hope that you are right and that they will add that functionality soon. I am tempted to turn reviews off until they do make editing possible. Do you know if disabling the reviews will delete all prior reviews, or will it just hide them?

I completely forgot about the Circle Member Forum! Thanks for reminding me haha! I will definitely put my feedback there as well.

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1 hour ago, Tucker said:

Do you know if disabling the reviews will delete all prior reviews, or will it just hide them?

It just hides them.

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 3 months later...
13 hours ago, Chloedymonddesign said:

I agree! Do we no if they are working or have already implemented an edit version for customers / even a delete option for website admin? 

I might turn mine off until further notice.

I have yet to hear about this being a feature. I have mine shut off as well until we get this. @Chloedymonddesign If you haven't already I would recommend submitting a request for this feature to Squarespace support. The more request submitted for a feature the more likely we are to get that feature.

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14 hours ago, Chloedymonddesign said:

Do we no if they are working or have already implemented...a delete option for website admin? 

There is a 'hide' option already. You can remove any individual review(s) from public view.

Edited by paul2009

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

Would you like your customers to be able to mark their favourite products in your Squarespace store?

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It's crazy to me that we don't even have the option to respond to reviews! When I'm shopping on a new site I always look at reviews and if there are negative ones, a polite response from the seller is reassuring to me that the issue was dealt with. I sell digital goods and sometimes customers are just not tech savvy and leave a negative review rather than reaching out when they have a problem.

I don't want to have to turn off all reviews because I do think having reviews visible helps build trust with customers. I'm assuming that even if I hide an individual review, that 1 star rating will be reflected in the displayed average?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone know if they are planning to update this feature so we can at the very least respond to negative reviews?  Being able to delete would be helpful too.   I had an unfair review that I can't delete.  Customer had a damaged product that was a fluke from the printing company, sent them a new product that was not damaged, of course there's no way for the customer to update the resolution either, she makes it sound like all of them are like that and it might be hurting my sales to have that there. 


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18 minutes ago, RamonaSchmidt said:

I had an unfair review that I can't delete.

It’s not possible to delete a review, but you can hide a review from displaying on your product details pages. Click Commerce > Product reviews then find the review you want to hide, click the Visibility drop-down menu, click Hidden, then click Hide.

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

Would you like your customers to be able to mark their favourite products in your Squarespace store?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

The ability to respond to customer reviews is long overdue, particularly unfair negative ones.
We've had instances of being given 1 star because the postage system was a bit slow - nothing to do with us.
Also bad reviews given for easily fixed issues given by people who don't bother contacting us for a fix.

The lack of visible response by us makes it seem that we don't care and are ignoring problems.

The detrimental impact on our average star rating, even by hidden reviews, is also frustrating.

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We also need this, had a customer that didn't see our last emails and left a review saying how excellent the service was but that we never followed up so they only gave us 3 stars. I reached out again and they saw the thread of emails they'd missed and apologised and said they will edit for us because of the confusion but can't. Now we're stuck with a 3-star review that should be a 5-star. I've had to hide it but its not really good enough and should be a standard for reviews to edit or at least lt us respond to explain.

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34 minutes ago, Boffix said:

it's not really good enough and should be a standard for reviews to edit or at least lt us respond to explain

@Boffix @Ronster @Rockerbox @RamonaSchmidt @SatsumaStreet

Please take a moment to request this feature by contacting Squarespace Customer Care using a support ticket. Squarespace teams don't routinely monitor this forum for feedback (see the guidelines - item 6) so may not realise the pain this is causing.

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Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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  • 5 months later...

Following this @paul2009 as I’m really keen to find a solution for my client! He’s had so many 5 star reviews then he’s had a lady leave a 2 star review (which was based on communication, but we resolved things for her behind the scenes) and she’s unable to change her review. She wants to change it from 2 to 5. What can be done? I will take your advice also and send a support request for them to look into this! 

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8 minutes ago, sophieameliadesigns7 said:

my client...had a lady leave a 2 star review...but we resolved things for her...and she’s unable to change her review. She wants to change it from 2 to 5. What can be done?

@sophieameliadesigns7 The bad news is that nothing can be done to change this specific review or to change the average review rating (if it was affected by this single review). Squarespace does not yet allow customers to amend, withdraw or comment on their reviews, nor does it allow the merchant to add a reply or comment. The reviews feature is fairly new to the platform, so this is presumably on the roadmap for the next release - whenever that happens to be.

The good news is that your client can hide this particular review. My earlier post explains how to do this.

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Edited by paul2009

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

Would you like your customers to be able to mark their favourite products in your Squarespace store?

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  • 1 month later...

What is SquareSpace waiting for?!  This is important functionality that should have been implemented sometime in the past year since this was first raised here (and probably elsewhere before).  Review responses are an important tool for merchants and for customers (how a merchant responds to a customer is at least as important as the complaint).

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/19/2023 at 10:23 AM, MindDrive said:

What is SquareSpace waiting for?!  This is important functionality that should have been implemented sometime in the past year since this was first raised here (and probably elsewhere before).  Review responses are an important tool for merchants and for customers (how a merchant responds to a customer is at least as important as the complaint).

Completely agree.
Being kept at the mercy of some grumpy customers' unwarranted bad reviews without right of reply is a deal breaker for me.

For example, during COVID lockdowns, the postal service took much longer than usual, so we copped 1-star reviews for transit times even though we warned customers that they might be better opting for DHL instead of international post.

Other bad reviews have been prompted by customers not understanding a part of the instructions. We patiently explained where they were going wrong after seeing the bad review, but too late. Damage done.

'Damage' is a word I use advisedly, as this crippled feature is doing damage to our carefully guarded reputation.

Please improve it to the level of a properly functioning tool.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anything been added to the roadmap for this? I cannot fathom how this is not table stakes as a feature. Because it IS. I'm FUMING. I just had someone leave a one star review because they think the postal service lost their package (spoiler alert: they didn't--it's just the holidays and things take a little longer to get to them. Tracking shows it's moving just fine and will get to them within the normal holiday timeframe). BUT I HAVE NO WAY TO REPLY AND LET THEM KNOW THIS. And it looks SO BAD like I'm ignoring a customer. Not to mention that they can't edit their reviews either. This is massively detrimental to my business and reputation. SquareSpace needs to get it together and fix this. 

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Here we are, 2 1/2 years later on this thread and still crickets from the developers.

They seem to be working on other aspects of the software that are much less important to the user than the simple ability to answer reviews. Every other website in the world seems to be able to do it, so why not Squarespace's platform?

Hell, I could probably even add the code to their widget. It's not rocket surgery.

If they're struggling with the code, they could just subcontract it out to one of the many inexpensive Indian software houses.

It has got to the point where we're now looking around at what other options are available.

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