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Parallax Mouse on Images

Go to solution Solved by Que594,

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Site URL: https://www.NathanChwalik.com

I'm trying to apply this code pen to allow for parallax movement based on mouse position: https://codepen.io/dmitrij-shorop/pen/PoOWOyN
I tried code-injecting the javascript into the page header, but for some reason I can't get any movement.

I've input the HTML code in a code block, the CSS in the Custom CSS, and I've tried viewing it on the live site. Still doesn't seem to work 😕

I'm really just trying to get three squares to be able to move, not the text portion...
I'd be grateful for any advice! Thanks

@tuanphan is this something that you know about with your insane coding skills ?

Edited by Que594
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  • Que594 changed the title to Parallax Mouse on Images

Try adding a Code Block > paste this code

<section class="parallax">
    <div class='square' data-speed="-3" style="left: 100px; top: 100px; background: blue;"></div>
    <div class='square' data-speed="3" style="left: 1200px; top: 150px; background: red;"></div>
    <div class='square' data-speed="5" style="left: 500px; top: 200px; background: green;"></div>
    <div class='square' data-speed="-7" style="left: 600px; top: 450px; background: orange;"></div>
    <div class='square' data-speed="1" style="left: 1000px; top: 400px; background: gray;"></div>
 parallax section {
  display: grid;
  place-content: center;
  min-height: 300px;
  width: 100%;
  border: 1px dashed gray;

parallax h1 {
  font-size: 128px;
  line-height: 1;
  margin: 0;  

/* ------------- */
.dynamic-shadow {
  position: relative;
  text-shadow: 4px 4px 0 pink;

.dynamic-shadow::before {
  content: 'Move mouse to change text shadow';
  position: absolute;
  top: 1rem;
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
  text-shadow: none;  

/* ---------------- */
.parallax {
  position: relative;
  height: 600px;
  overflow: hidden;
/*   width: 100%; */

.parallax .square {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  import throttle from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/lodash.throttle@4.1.1";

const createRelativeCoordinatesGetter = (container, min = -1, max = 1) => {  
  return function getRelativeCoordinates(event) {
    const { top, left, height, width } = container.getBoundingClientRect();
    const { clientX: cursorX, clientY: cursorY } = event;  
    const range = max - min;
    return {
      x: (range * (cursorX - left) / width) + min,
      y: (range * (cursorY - top) / height) + min,

/* ---- Dynamic shadow ---- */
  const dynamicShadowSection = document.querySelector('.dynamic-shadow');
  const getCoords = createRelativeCoordinatesGetter(dynamicShadowSection, -20, 20);

  dynamicShadowSection.addEventListener('mousemove', throttle((event) => {
    const { x, y, } = getCoords(event);  
    dynamicShadowSection.style.textShadow = `${x}px ${y}px 0 pink`;
  }, 50))

/* ---- Parallax ----- */
  const parallaxSection = document.querySelector('.parallax');
  const getCoords = createRelativeCoordinatesGetter(parallaxSection, -5, 5);
  parallaxSection.addEventListener('mousemove', throttle((event) => {
    const { x, y } = getCoords(event);
    [...parallaxSection.children].forEach(item => item.style.transform = `translate(${item.dataset.speed * x}px, ${item.dataset.speed * y}px)`)
  }, 50))


Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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18 hours ago, Que594 said:

@tuanphan  I appreciate your response! For some reason that doesn't work...

I pasted that code as a code block, but for some reason the parallax with the mouse movement is the only part that doesn't seem to work.

Hi. I'm not familiar with script code. I can't help with this. 

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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Site URL:  https://poshandpepper.com/collections

I'm attempting to apply this code pen to consider parallax development in light of mouse position: https://codepen.io/dmitrij-shorop/pen/PoOWOyN
I attempted code-infusing the javascript into the page header, yet for reasons unknown I can't get any development.

I've input the HTML code in a code block, the CSS in the Custom CSS, and I've taken a stab at survey it on the live site. Still doesn't appear to work 😕

I'm truly attempting to persuade three squares to have the option to move, not the text segment...
I'd be thankful for any guidance! Much obliged

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  • Solution

@pedin36460 I found a bit of code that you should be able to mess around with. Paste it all in a code block.

This ended up working for my site 🙂 Good luck!



<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



      * {

        margin: 0;

        padding: 0;

        box-sizing: border-box;

        font-family: sans-serif;


      body {

        background-color: rgb(102, 189, 16);


      .mouse_move {

        position: relative;

        width: 100%;

        height: 100vh;

        overflow: hidden;

        display: flex;

        justify-content: center;

        align-items: center;


      .mouse_move h2 {

        position: relative;

        font-size: 100px;

        color: white;


      .mouse_move img {

        position: absolute;


      #img1 {

        top: 80px;

        left: 80px;

        height: 250px;

        width: 250px;


      #img2 {

        bottom: 80px;

        right: 80px;

        height: 250px;

        width: 250px;






    <div class="mouse_move">















    <script type="text/javascript">

      document.addEventListener("mousemove", parallax);

      function parallax(event) {

        this.querySelectorAll(".mouse").forEach((shift) => {

          const position = shift.getAttribute("value");

          const x = (window.innerWidth - event.pageX * position) / 90;

          const y = (window.innerHeight - event.pageY * position) / 90;

          shift.style.transform = `translateX(${x}px) translateY(${y}px)`;






Edited by Que594
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