sv458 Posted February 9, 2022 Posted February 9, 2022 Hi, I'm trying to add this codepen but simply pasting the HTML code into a code block isn't doing anything. Are there additional steps to be added?
tuanphan Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 Add this code into Code BLock <nav> <!--Shows our position on the timeline--> <div class="marker"></div> <!--Draggable element--> <div class="nav__track" data-draggable> <ul class="nav__list"> <li> <a href="#section_1" class="nav__link" data-link><span>1993</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_2" class="nav__link" data-link><span>1995</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_3" class="nav__link" data-link><span>1997</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_4" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2000</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_5" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2001</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_6" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2003</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_7" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2007</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_8" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2011</span></a> </li> <li> <a href="#section_9" class="nav__link" data-link><span>2016</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> </nav> <main> <section id="section_1" style="--i: 0"> <h2 class="section__heading">1993</h2> </section> <section id="section_2" style="--i: 1"> <h2 class="section__heading">1995</h2> </section> <section id="section_3" style="--i: 2"> <h2 class="section__heading">1997</h2> </section> <section id="section_4" style="--i: 3"> <h2 class="section__heading">2000</h2> </section> <section id="section_5" style="--i: 4"> <h2 class="section__heading">2001</h2> </section> <section id="section_6" style="--i: 5"> <h2 class="section__heading">2003</h2> </section> <section id="section_7" style="--i: 7"> <h2 class="section__heading">2007</h2> </section> <section id="section_8" style="--i: 8"> <h2 class="section__heading">2011</h2> </section> <section id="section_9" style="--i: 9"> <h2 class="section__heading">2016</h2> </section> </main> <style> @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } } body { --activeColor: rgb(240 240 240); --navBgColor: rgb(37 38 41); --navTextColor: rgb(144 144 150); --mainBg: rgb(20 20 23); font-family: "Syncopate", sans-serif; min-height: 100vh; margin: 0; color: var(--navBgColor); background: var(--mainBg); } section { --h: calc(var(--i) * 30); min-height: 100vh; padding: 8rem 1rem max(5vh, 2rem) 1rem; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: hsl(var(--h, 0), 75%, 60%); } nav { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; background: var(--navBgColor); color: var(--navTextColor); z-index: 2; height: 6rem; } nav::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 1.7rem; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 0.25rem; background: currentColor; pointer-events: none; } .marker { position: fixed; top: 1.75rem; left: 4rem; width: 1rem; height: 1rem; transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); background: var(--activeColor); border-radius: 100%; z-index: 2000; } .nav__track { position: relative; min-width: max(200rem, 200%); padding: 1.5rem max(100rem, 100%) 0 0; height: 6rem; } .nav__list { list-style: none; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .nav__link { position: relative; display: block; min-width: 8rem; padding: 2.25rem 1rem 0.5rem; text-align: center; color: inherit; text-decoration: none; z-index: 1; transition: color 150ms; } .nav__link:hover, .nav__link:focus { color: var(--activeColor); text-decoration: underline; } .nav__link::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; width: 0.65rem; height: 0.65rem; background-color: currentColor; border-radius: 50%; transform: translate3d(-50%, 0, 0); transform-origin: center center; } .nav__link span { display: block; } .section__heading { font-size: clamp(2rem, 12vmin, 7rem); line-height: 1; letter-spacing: -0.06em; } </style> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> import lodashThrottle from ""; const sections = gsap.utils.toArray("section"); const track = document.querySelector("[data-draggable]"); const navLinks = gsap.utils.toArray("[data-link]"); const prefersReducedMotion = window.matchMedia( "(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)" ); const lastItemWidth = () => navLinks[navLinks.length - 1].offsetWidth; const getUseableHeight = () => document.documentElement.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight; const getDraggableWidth = () => { return track.offsetWidth * 0.5 - lastItemWidth(); }; const updatePosition = () => { const left = track.getBoundingClientRect().left * -1; const width = getDraggableWidth(); const useableHeight = getUseableHeight(); const y = gsap.utils.mapRange(0, width, 0, useableHeight, left); st.scroll(y); }; /* Create the timeline to move the track */ const tl = gsap.timeline().to(track, { x: () => getDraggableWidth() * -1, ease: "none" // remove easing - very important! }); /* Create the ScrollTrigger instance */ const st = ScrollTrigger.create({ animation: tl, scrub: 0 // sync timeline to scroll position }); /* Create the Draggable instance */ const draggableInstance = Draggable.create(track, { type: "x", inertia: true, bounds: { minX: 0, maxX: getDraggableWidth() * -1 }, edgeResistance: 1, onDragStart: () => st.disable(), onDragEnd: () => st.enable(), onDrag: updatePosition, onThrowUpdate: updatePosition }); /* Allow navigation via keyboard */ track.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { const id ="href"); if (!id || e.key !== "Tab") return; const section = document.querySelector(id); const y = section.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY; st.scroll(y); }); </script> Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). 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