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Forte: How do you customize the color of the site title and top navigation?

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  • 5 weeks later...
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I checked how Forte manages the changing colours on the main screen and it uses the concept of colour adjustment based on Color Weight Light and Color Weight Dark. Here’s the CSS that you can copy and paste into your site Custom CSS Editor and change the colour scheme to suit.

It includes all the elements including the title (e.g. body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #logo .logo a) and nav (e.g. body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .main-nav li a) and all other elements that change colour depending on the background colour weight.

Note: Most of these use transition: … color to change from light to dark to light etc.

So you can pick and choose what items you want to change. Let me know if its too tricky for you to modify.

/* color adjustment based on fullscreen image */
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper:hover a {
   color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper {
   background-color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #logo .logo a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .logo-subtitle,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .ctrl-button.menu a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #sqs-social a {
   color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .main-nav li a {
   color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .main-nav li.active-link span,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .main-nav li a:hover span {
   border-bottom-color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .main-nav li.index-collection.active-link span {
   border-bottom-color: transparent;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child {
   background-color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child:before {
   color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li:hover span,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li.active-link span {
   border-bottom-color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li a {
   color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper:hover a {
   color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .nav-projects .arrow-wrapper {
   background-color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #logo .logo a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .logo-subtitle,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .ctrl-button.menu a,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #sqs-social a {
   color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .main-nav li a {
   color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .main-nav li.active-link span,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .main-nav li a:hover span {
   border-bottom-color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .main-nav li.index-collection.active-link span {
   border-bottom-color: transparent;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child {
   background-color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child:before {
   color: #fff;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li:hover span,
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li.active-link span {
   border-color: #111;

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #topNav .folder .folder-child-wrapper ul.folder-child li a {
   color: #111;

Llamablue provides web design, web hosting, online stores and marketing strategies for businesses and specialises in Squarespace, Online stores and SME. Llamablue hosts customer websites in Australia - Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and now in the USA and Europe. We are expanding rapidly and can help you wherever you are based. So let's talk.

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To create an invert effect on a dark coloured logo add this to the CSS:

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #logo img {
 -webkit-filter: invert(100%);
         filter: invert(100%);

Filters are recent CSS features so this will work now in the later versions of Safari, Google Chrome and IE9+. Firefox will eventually support filters it seems.

Llamablue provides web design, web hosting, online stores and marketing strategies for businesses and specialises in Squarespace, Online stores and SME. Llamablue hosts customer websites in Australia - Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and now in the USA and Europe. We are expanding rapidly and can help you wherever you are based. So let's talk.

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  • 5 months later...

.logo-image img { display:none; }
.logo-image a {
   width: 256px;
   height: 100px;
   background-image: url(http://static.squarespace.com/static/xxx/logo-black.png)
body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .logo-image a {
   background-image: url(http://static.squarespace.com/static/xxx/logo-white.png)

  1. The code will hide your default logo image
  2. It sets the background of the logo image a tag to be the dark logo by default
  3. It will change the background image to the white logo only when the page is displaying a body.collection-type-index and .color-weight-dark.

PS. I just added an unlinked page with my 2 logo versions so SquareSpace is hosting the logos. Then I viewed the page source to find where the images are located to use in the above css.

Try it out!


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  • 2 months later...

This is wonderful. Any idea on home to change elements that aren't on an "index" page (i.e. Gallery, Blog, etc).

Website here:https://electric-park-2z05.squarespace.com/

The home page looks good, but when you click "Film" in the navigation, you go here:


Notice the navigation disappears. I need to trick the font to go to #FFFFFF (white).

Many thanks. Peace on earth! Ha.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I would like to my navigation bar so the links (including the underlining when that link is hovered) is black on all my pages except my homepage. Right now everything is white, and I figured out how to turn the links to black on these other pages by using:

<style> span{color: black;} </style>

But then the black text navigation is not showing up on mobile.

Do you have any idea what I should be using to get this to work?

Thanks! alt text

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  • 11 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I was having trouble getting the three bar "hamburger" icon to switch with the logo and other header text. After using the inspect feature in Google Chrome I realized that ".ctrl-button.menu" should actually be "ctrl-button menu" with no "." in the color-weight-light function.

In other words:


body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #logo .logo a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .logo-subtitle, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .ctrl-button.menu a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #sqs-social a { -webkit-filter: invert(0%); }

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #logo .logo a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .logo-subtitle, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .ctrl-button.menu a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #sqs-social a { -webkit-filter: invert(100%);}


body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #logo .logo a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .logo-subtitle, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark .ctrl-button menu a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-dark #sqs-social a { -webkit-filter: invert(0%); }

body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #logo .logo a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .logo-subtitle, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light .ctrl-button menu a, body.collection-type-index .color-weight-light #sqs-social a { -webkit-filter: invert(100%);}

Hope it works for you too!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I've been loosing my mind trying to change the type colors, dropdown, social icons, and underline on the navigation menu.

This is great and very helpful, but it only seems to work on the home(index) page. When I leave that main home index page they all turn black again.

Is there a way to make sure all these changes apply to the header throughout the site?

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