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I would like to make a font on my site everywhere but always stay the length of "Title 1" "Title 2" "§1" "§2" Etc....

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22 hours ago, Haiko__ said:

Site URL: https://www.capilla-wine.com

Hi ! I would like to make a font on my site everywhere but always stay the length of "Title 1" "Title 2" "§1" "§2" Etc....
The name of my typography is "Copperplate Gothic Light Regular" 
Thanks your for the answer ! 😄

To make it clear, do you mean importing a new custom font to your site and apply it to all words?

Steps to install and use a custom font you can try my following video:

 Hope that it makes sense

Support me by pressing 👍 if this useful for you

Edited by bangank36

BeyondSpace - Squarespace Website Developer

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4 hours ago, Haiko__ said:

Thanks bangank36 for your answer.
I want apply it to all words. With your video that change lot of much words but not all, like :

Capture d’écran, le 2021-12-27 à 10.29.40.png

Capture d’écran, le 2021-12-27 à 10.29.57.png

Capture d’écran, le 2021-12-27 à 10.30.27.png

Capture d’écran, le 2021-12-27 à 10.30.57.png

Maybe some Css codes with more specific selector have overwritten it

Try setting important it

* {
	font-family: "yourcustomfont" !important;

Hope that it can help you

BeyondSpace - Squarespace Website Developer

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If you find my answer useful, let's leave a like or upvote so others with the same issue can find their solution. Thank you!

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Can you share a screenshot of custom css where you install font?

BeyondSpace - Squarespace Website Developer

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If you find my answer useful, let's leave a like or upvote so others with the same issue can find their solution. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, bangank36 said:

Can you share a screenshot of custom css where you install font?

I add this

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Copperplate+Gothic+Light+Regular';
    src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d1e2133d078a2000116425f/t/61c9832307a49857f090e1e1/1640596259233/Copperplate+Gothic+Light+Regular.ttf);

.mobile-bar-wrapper *, h1 {
    font-family: 'Copperplate+Gothic+Light+Regular' !important;
    font-size: 30px

And that work I didn't know why but that work and work on phone 😄
Thanks for your help @bangank36

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