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Change font of Portfolio Grid Overlay to custom font

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Site URL: https://www.priyajpatel.com/

I have added very basic code under Design>Custom CSS to add a font and apply it to h1, h2, and h3. The fonts are changed everywhere except one section on my "work" page, which uses a Portfolio Grid Overlay.  There are three photos across with titles in each one which disappear when you mouse over them. Can someone help me change them, currently the code under Custom CSS looks like this:


@font-face {    
font-family: 'Mollie Glaston';       
src: url('https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60d3946c9969382aefcf70d6/t/60d398a234d3b1046a45fe5e/1624479906459/Mollie+Glaston.ttf');  }

h3 {font-family: 'Mollie Glaston';}
h1 {font-family: 'Mollie Glaston';}
h2 {font-family: 'Mollie Glaston';}
h4 {font-family: 'Mollie Glaston';}

.image-title p {
font-family: 'Mollie Glaston' !important;

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