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Site URL: https://codepen.io/caniswolfman24/pen/OJmZMaL

Hello! Just started learning how to code a few days ago, and made a large character sheet on Codepen. The code appears to work on Codepen, but when I try to copy over to Squarespace, it doesn't work. 

I've tried putting everything into one block, with the CSS within <style> at the beginning, and the JS within <script> at the end. Do I need to format something differently, or am I running into a file-size limit?

(The code could 100% be made shorter, I've learned a lot since I started last week)


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Add to Code Block

Note: The code at your Codepen will break Squarespace editor, because bootstraps conflic with Squarespace code.

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xl-12 themed-grid-col">
        <h3>Character Info</h3>
            <table class="table table-hover">
                    <th>Character Name</th>
                    <th>Unique Thing</th>
                  <th>Ancestry Trait</th>
                  <th>Current Class</th>
                    <td><input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Type Name Here" class=input-group ></input></td>
                    <td><input type="number" id="playerLevel" value="1" min="1" max="10"  onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts(); setEquipClass(this); updateCalcBackgroundPts(); updateCalcMem();"> </input></td>
                    <td><input id="UniqeThing" type="text" placeholder="Type Unique Thing Here" class=input-group></input></td>
<select id="ddl" onchange="configureDropDownLists(this,document.getElementById('ddl2')); setSize(this);">
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="Avian">Avian</option>
<option value="Dragonborn">Dragonborn</option>
<option value="Dwarf">Dwarf</option>
<option value="Elementals">Elementals</option>
<option value="Elf">Elf</option>
<option value="Gigan">Gigan</option>
<option value="Gnome">Gnome</option>
<option value="Goblin">Goblin</option>
<option value="Halfling">Halfling</option>
<option value="Human">Human</option>
<option value="Kobold">Kobold</option>
<option value="Lycanthrope">Lycanthrope</option>
<option value="Machina">Machina</option>
<option value="Orc">Orc</option>
<option value="Tiefling">Tiefling</option>

<select id="ddl2">
  <td> <select id="EquipClass" class="" onchange="setEquipClass(this); updateCalcMem();">
                    <option value=""></option>
                    <option value="Aegis">Aegis</option>
                    <option value="ms05">MS-05 Zaku I</option>
<option value ="Alchemist"> Alchemist</option>
<option value ="Arsenal"> Arsenal</option>
<option value ="Assassin"> Assassin</option>
<option value ="Berserker"> Berserker</option>
<option value ="Chronomancer"> Chronomancer</option>
<option value ="Demon Hunter"> Demon Hunter</option>
<option value ="Demonologist"> Demonologist</option>
<option value ="Dragon Rider"> Dragon Rider</option>
<option value ="Druid"> Druid</option>
<option value ="Gravewalker"> Gravewalker</option>
<option value ="Gunslinger"> Gunslinger</option>
<option value ="Hexblade"> Hexblade</option>
<option value ="Paladin"> Paladin</option>
<option value ="Phoenix"> Phoenix</option>
<option value ="Seeker"> Seeker</option>
<option value ="Shadow Dancer"> Shadow Dancer</option>
<option value ="Shapeshifter"> Shapeshifter</option>
<option value ="Skald"> Skald</option>
<option value ="Stitch"> Stitch</option>
<option value ="Thunderclaw"> Thunderclaw</option>
<option value ="Tidecaller"> Tidecaller</option>
<option value ="Warden"> Warden</option>
<option value ="Warlord"> Warlord</option>
<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> Ability Points to Assign <input id="calcAbilityPts" type="number" value="2" min="0" max="11"  onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts();"></input></th>  
       <th> BULK  <input type="number" id="bulk" value="0" min="0" max="6" onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts(); setEquipClass(this);"></th> 
   <th> AGILITY <input type="number" id="agility" value="0" min="0" max="6" onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts(); setEquipClass(this);"> </th>  
       <th> MIND <input type="number" id="mind" value="0" min="0" max="6" onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts(); setEquipClass(this); updateCalcMem();"></th>  
       <th> MAGIC <input type="number" id="magic" value="0" min="0" max="6" onchange="updateCalcAbilityPts(); setEquipClass(this);"></input></th>  

<! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
<div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-6 themed-grid-col">
        <table class="table table-hover">
          <h3>Background Skills</h3>
        <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> Ability Points to Assign <input id="calcBackgroundPts" type="number" value="4" min="0" max="14"  onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"></input></th>  </tr>      
            <th> Name </th> 
            <th> Rank </th> 
            <th> Bonus </th> 
            <th><input id="bk1" type="text" placeholder="Acrobat Performer for the Demon Circus" class=input-group>
  <td><select id=bkrank1 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus1 type="text" readonly> </input></td>
            <th><input id="bk2" type="text" placeholder="Raised by Wolves" class=input-group></input></th>
  <td><select id=bkrank2 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus2 type="text" readonly> </input></td>
            <th><input id="bk3" type="text" placeholder="Moon Pathfinder" class=input-group></input></th>
          <td><select id=bkrank3 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus3 type="text" readonly> </input></td>
            <th><input id="bk4" type="text" placeholder="Last Survivor of the Ethernal Nightmare" class=input-group></input></th>
        <td><select id=bkrank4 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus4 type="text" readonly> </input></td>
            <th><input id="bk5" type="text" placeholder="..." class=input-group></input></th>
        <td><select id=bkrank5 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus5 type="text" readonly> </input></td>
            <th><input id="bk6" type="text" placeholder="..." class=input-group></input></th>
        <td><select id=bkrank6 onchange="updateCalcBackgroundPts();"> 
    <option value="0"></option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
  <td><input id=bkbonus6 type="text" readonly> </input></td>


      <div class="col-sm-3 themed-grid-col">
        <table class="table table-hover">
        <h3>Class Ranks</h3>
        <table class="table table-hover skills">
          <tr> <th>Level</th>
          <tr> <th>1 </th> 
                       <select id="classRank" >
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>2 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank2" >
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>3 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank3" >
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>4 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank4" >
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>5 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank5">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>6 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank6">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>7 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank7">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>8 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank8">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>9 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank9">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>
          <tr> <th>10 </th> <td>
                       <select id="classRank10">
                         <option> Choose the class you learned at this level </option>


      <div class="col-sm-3 themed-grid-col">
        <table class="table table-hover">
        <table class="table table-hover skills">
          <tr> <th>Level</th>
  <tr> <th>1 </th> <td> <select id="talent1"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td>
 <tr> <th>1 </th> <td> <select id="talent2"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td>
 <tr> <th>1 </th> <td> <select id="talent3"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td>   
 <tr> <th>2 </th> <td> <select id="talent4"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td>
 <tr> <th>3 </th> <td> <select id="talent5"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
  <tr> <th>4 </th> <td> <select id="talent6"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
   <tr> <th>5 </th> <td> <select id="talent7"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
 <tr> <th>6 </th> <td> <select id="talent8"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
 <tr> <th>7 </th> <td> <select id="talent9"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
 <tr> <th>8 </th> <td> <select id="talent10"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
 <tr> <th>9 </th> <td> <select id="talent11"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td> 
 <tr> <th>10 </th> <td> <select id="talent12"> <option> Choose the talent you learned at this level </option></select> </td>    

<! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////////////////////////////////////
 <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <h3> STATS </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> HP </th>
       <td><input id="currentHP" type="number" placeholder="0" class="points"></input> /
       <input id="maxHP" type="number" placeholder="10" class="points"></input> </td>
   <th> Temp HP </th> <td><input type=number placeholder="0"></input></td>
     <th> Stress </th><td></td>
          <td><input id="currentStress" type="number" placeholder="0" class="points"></input> /
       <input id="stressCapMax" type="number" placeholder="10" class="points"></input> </td>  
<th> Mana </th><td></td>
           <td><input id="currentMana" type="number" placeholder="0" class="points"></input> /
       <input id="manaMax" type="number" placeholder="10" class="points"></input> </td>       

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> WOUND <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"></th> 
   <th> OVERSTRESS <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox"> </th>  
       <th> RECOVERIES: <td><input id="currentRecovery" type="number" placeholder="0" class="points"></input> /
       <input id="recoveryMax" type="number" placeholder="10" class="points"></input> </td>  

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> Armor </th> <td><input type=number placeholder="0"></input></td>
   <th> Parry </th>  <td><input type=number placeholder="0"></input></td>
<th> SURGE Cost </th> <td><select id=surgecost > 
    <option value="1">1 Stress</option>
    <option value="2">1d3 Stress</option>
    <option value="3">1d6 Stress</option>
    <option value="4">1d6+4 Stress</option>
        <th> REROLL Table </th><td><select id=reroll > 
    <option value="1">1d3 Stress</option>
    <option value="2">get MARKED</option>
    <option value="3">provoke OPPORTUNITY ATTACK</option>
        <th> Size </th>  <td><input id=size type=number placeholder="1"></input></td>

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> DODGE <input id="dodgeMax" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>
   <th> A-DEF <input id="adefMax" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>  
       <th> SPEED <input id="speedMax" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>  
        <th> SCOPE <input id="baseScope" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>
       <th> SAVE <input id="saveMax" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>
       <th> GRIT <input id="grit" placeholder="0" class="points"></input></th>

 <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-2">
     <h3> CHECK/SAVE </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
      <tr> <th>BULK </th> 
            <td><input id="bulksave" > </input> </td>
         <tr> <th>AGILITY </th> 
            <td><input id="agilitysave" > </input> </td>
      <tr> <th>MIND </th> 
            <td><input id="mindsave" > </input> </td>
      <tr> <th>MAGIC </th> 
            <td><input id="magicsave" > </input> </td>

<!CONDITIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////>   
<div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> CONDITIONS </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">   
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Blinded: </th>

            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Dazed: </th>

            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Disabled: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Disarmed: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Sundered: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Immobilized: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Marked: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Silenced: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Slowed: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Stunned: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Vulnerable: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Weakened: </th>

<div class="col-md-3">
     <h3> STATUS </h3>
         <table class="table table-hover skills">
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Bloodied: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Breaking Point: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Engaged: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Grappled: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Hidden: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Invisible: </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
            <th>Prone: </th>
<!DAMAGE OVER TIME DOT /////////////////////////////////////////>
<div class="col-md-3">
     <h3> DOT </h3>
<table class="table table-hover skills">
  <th>  ACTIVE </th>
     <th>  VALUE  </th> 
       <th>  TYPE </th>
        <th>  SAVE </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
  <th><input  type=text placeholder="list DOT value here"></input> </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="Physical">Physical</option>
  <option value="Force">Force</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Fire)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Cold)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Lightning)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Light)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Dark)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Toxic)</option>
  <option value="Stress">Stress</option>
  </select>  </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="BULK">BULK</option>
  <option value="AGILITY">AGILITY</option>
  <option value="MIND">MIND</option>
  <option value="MAGIC">MAGIC</option>
  </select>  </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
  <th><input  type=text placeholder="list DOT value here"></input> </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="Physical">Physical</option>
  <option value="Force">Force</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Fire)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Cold)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Lightning)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Light)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Dark)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Toxic)</option>
  <option value="Stress">Stress</option>
  </select>  </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="BULK">BULK</option>
  <option value="AGILITY">AGILITY</option>
  <option value="MIND">MIND</option>
  <option value="MAGIC">MAGIC</option>
  </select>  </th>
            <th><input id="acrobaticsProf" type="checkbox"></input></th>
  <th><input  type=text placeholder="list DOT value here"></input> </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="Physical">Physical</option>
  <option value="Force">Force</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Fire)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Cold)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Lightning)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Light)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Dark)</option>
  <option value="Energy">Energy (Toxic)</option>
  <option value="Stress">Stress</option>
  </select>  </th>
<th><select  type=text >
  <option value=""></option>
  <option value="BULK">BULK</option>
  <option value="AGILITY">AGILITY</option>
  <option value="MIND">MIND</option>
  <option value="MAGIC">MAGIC</option>
  </select>  </th>

<! WEAPONS ///////////////////////////>
 <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> WEAPONS </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr> <th>Sizes</th>
         <select id="Wpnsize1" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!WEAPON 1>        
          <select id="Wpn1" class=input-group onchange="setWpn1(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gerts Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravedigger's Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>

         <select id="Wpnsize2" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!WEAPON 2>   
          <select id="Wpn2" class=input-group onchange="setWpn2(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gert's Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravedigger's Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>

         <select id="Wpnsize3"> 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
<!WEAPON 3>          
          <select id="Wpn3" class=input-group onchange="setWpn3(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gerts Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravediggers Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>

         <select id="Wpnsize4" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
  <! WEAPN 4>
          <select id="Wpn4" class=input-group onchange="setWpn4(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gerts Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravedigger's Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>

         <select id="Wpnsize5" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
       <! WEAPN 5>
          <select id="Wpn5" class=input-group onchange="setWpn5(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gerts Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravedigger's Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>
         <select id="Wpnsize6" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="LIGHT/LIGHT"> LIGHT/LIGHT </option>  
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="MAIN/LIGHT"> MAIN/LIGHT </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <! WEAPN 6>
          <select id="Wpn6" class=input-group onchange="setWpn6(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Dagger">Dagger</option>
<option value ="Hand crossbow">Hand crossbow</option>
<option value ="Rapier">Rapier</option>
<option value ="Shardgun pistol">Shardgun pistol</option>
<option value ="Wand">Wand</option>
<option value ="Whip">Whip</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
 <option value ="Morningstar">Morningstar</option>
<option value ="Shardgun rifle">Shardgun rifle</option>
<option value ="Shortbow">Shortbow</option>
<option value ="Spear">Spear</option>
<option value ="Sword">Sword</option>
<option value ="Tome">Tome</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Crossbow">Crossbow</option>
<option value ="Halberd">Halberd</option>
<option value ="Longbow">Longbow</option>
<option value ="Maul">Maul</option>
<option value ="Photon Axe">Photon Axe</option>
<option value ="Shardgun Cannon">Shardgun Cannon</option>
<option value ="Staff">Staff</option>
             <optgroup label = "AEGIS"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
            <option value ="Gunblade">Gunblade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  
            <option value ="Dancing Blade">Dancing Blade</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Masamune">Masamune</option>
            <optgroup label = "ASSASSIN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Throatcutter">Throatcutter</option>
            <optgroup label = "BERSERKER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Berserker Axe">Berserker Axe</option>

            <optgroup label = "CHRONOMANCER"> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMON HUNTER"> </optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Moon Blade">Moon Blade</option></optgroup>
 <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Sinbow">Sinbow</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Gerts Backbone">Gerts Backbone</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Longinus">Longinus</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "DRUID"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Vine Whip">Vine Whip</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Gravediggers Shovel">Gravedigger's Shovel</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Splinter">Splinter</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Slugthrower">Slugthrower</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Widowmaker">Widowmaker</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "HEXBLADE"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Edge of Darkness">Edge of Darkness</option> </optgroup> 

            <optgroup label = "PALADIN"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">  <option value ="Holy Avenger">Holy Avenger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "PHOENIX"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Solar Flare">Solar Flare</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SEEKER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Heartseeker">Heartseeker</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Astral Barrage">Astral Barrage</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHADOW DANCER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">  <option value ="Flash Step Dagger">Flash Step Dagger</option></optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "SHAPESHIFTER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Apex Weapon">Apex Weapon</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "SKALD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Wit">Wit</option></optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "STITCH"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Sewing Needle">Sewing Needle</option> </optgroup>
            <optgroup label = "THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT"> <option value ="Wolf Claws">Wolf Claws</option> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Chakram">Chakram</option>
            <optgroup label = "TIDECALLER"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN"> <option value ="Abyssal Scepter">Abyssal Scepter</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARDEN"> </optgroup> <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY"> <option value ="Greatoak Mauler">Greatoak Mauler</option> </optgroup>

            <optgroup label = "WARLORD"> </optgroup><optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">  <option value ="Frontline">Frontline</option>


<! SUPPORT ITEMS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////>   
<div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> SUPPORT ITEMS </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
             <tr> <th>Sizes</th>
            <th>Support Items</th> 
         <select id="supportsize1" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 1>        
          <select id="support1" class=input-group onchange="setSupport1(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
         <select id="supportsize2" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 2>        
          <select id="support2" class=input-group onchange="setSupport2(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
         <select id="supportsize3" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 3>        
          <select id="support3" class=input-group onchange="setSupport3(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
         <select id="supportsize4" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 4>        
          <select id="support4" class=input-group onchange="setSupport4(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
         <select id="supportsize5" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 5>        
          <select id="support5" class=input-group onchange="setSupport5(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
         <select id="supportsize6" > 
         <option value="">  </option>
         <option value="LIGHT"> LIGHT </option>
         <option value="MAIN"> MAIN </option>
         <option value="HEAVY"> HEAVY </option>     
 <!SUPPORT 6>        
          <select id="support6" class=input-group onchange="setSupport6(this);">
            <option value = ""></option>
             <optgroup label = "BASIC">
            <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
              <option value ="Arcana Crystal">Arcana Crystal</option>
<option value ="Armor, Light">Armor, Light</option>
<option value ="Caltrops">Caltrops</option>
<option value ="Healing Potion">Healing Potion</option>
<option value ="Mana Potion">Mana Potion</option>
<option value ="Poison">Poison</option>
<option value ="Resistance Potion">Resistance Potion</option>
<option value ="Smoke Bomb">Smoke Bomb</option>
<option value ="Sunrod">Sunrod</option>
<option value ="Thieves Tools">Thieves Tools</option>
<option value ="Water Maneuverability">Water Maneuverability</option>
<option value ="Whetstone">Whetstone</option>
               <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
                 <option value ="Armor, Medium">Armor, Medium</option>
<option value ="Companion">Companion</option>
<option value ="Lore Book">Lore Book</option>
<option value ="Shield">Shield</option>
<option value ="Trap">Trap</option>
          <optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
            <option value ="Armor, Heavy">Armor, Heavy</option>
<option value ="Shield, Tower">Shield, Tower</option>
                 <optgroup label ="AEGIS"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Force Shield">Force Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="ALCHEMIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Volatile Mixtures">Volatile Mixtures</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Potion Injector">Potion Injector</option>
<optgroup label ="ARSENAL"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Mana Siphon">Mana Siphon</option>
<optgroup label ="ASSASSIN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Untraceable Armor">Untraceable Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="BERSERKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bloodrage Armor">Bloodrage Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="DEMONOLOGIST"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Book of True Names">Book of True Names</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Skull of Kroldar">Skull of Kroldar</option>
<optgroup label ="DRAGON RIDER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Extending Enchantment">Extending Enchantment</option>
<option value ="Winged Boots">Winged Boots</option>
<optgroup label ="GRAVEWALKER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HEAVY">
<option value ="Unliving Armor">Unliving Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="GUNSLINGER"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Curve Ammo">Curve Ammo</option>
<optgroup label ="HEXBLADE"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bound Weapon">Bound Weapon</option>
<optgroup label ="PHOENIX"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Phoenix Armor">Phoenix Armor</option>
<optgroup label ="SKALD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Parrying Dagger">Parrying Dagger</option>
<optgroup label ="THUNDERCLAW"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIGHT">
<option value ="Bottled Lightning">Bottled Lightning</option>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Kinetic Redistributor">Kinetic Redistributor</option>
<optgroup label ="WARDEN"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Earthwardens Shield">Earthwardens Shield</option>
<optgroup label ="WARLORD"> </optgroup>
<optgroup label = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MAIN">
<option value ="Standard of Courage">Standard of Courage</option>
<! TECHNIQUE SELECTION ////////////////////////////////>
<div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> TECHNIQUES </h3>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
 <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <th> MEM Usage <td><input id="memAdd" type="number" placeholder="0" class="points"></input> /
       <input id="calcMem" type="number" value="0" class="points"></input> </td></th>  </tr>      
            <th> Name </th> 
            <th> MEM Cost </th> 
<! technique 1>         
  <td><select id=tech1 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost1 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 

<! technique 2>         
  <td><select id=tech2 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost2 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 

<! technique 3>         
  <td><select id=tech3 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost3 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 

<! technique 4>         
  <td><select id=tech4 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost4 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 
<! technique 5>         
  <td><select id=tech5 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost5 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 

<! technique 6>         
  <td><select id=tech6 class=input-group onchange="setTech1(this); updateCalcMem();"> 
    <option value=""></option>
    <optgroup label= "BASIC">
      <option value ="Arcane Bolt">Arcane Bolt</option>
<option value ="Arcane Explosion">Arcane Explosion</option>
<option value ="Armor Training">Armor Training</option>
<option value ="Block">Block</option>
<option value ="Endurance">Endurance</option>
<option value ="Glancing Blow">Glancing Blow</option>
<option value ="Hinder Spell">Hinder Spell</option>
<option value ="Magic Missile">Magic Missile</option>
<option value ="Mana Reserves">Mana Reserves</option>
<option value ="Two Weapon Fighting">Two Weapon Fighting</option>
<option value ="Weapon Training, Basic">Weapon Training, Basic</option>
      <option value ="Weapon Training, Heavy">Weapon Training, Heavy</option>
<optgroup label= "AEGIS">
  <option value ="Ablative Armor">Ablative Armor</option>
<option value ="Aetheric Cube">Aetheric Cube</option>
<option value ="Dome Barrier">Dome Barrier</option>
<option value ="Offensive Shielding">Offensive Shielding</option>
  <option value ="Proximity Shield">Proximity Shield</option>
<optgroup label= "ALCHEMIST">
  <option value ="Life Essence Extract">Life Essence Extract</option>
<option value ="Mutagen">Mutagen</option>
<option value ="Smelling Salts">Smelling Salts</option>
<option value ="Smoking Cauldron">Smoking Cauldron</option>
<optgroup label= "ARSENAL">
  <option value ="Disarming Strike">Disarming Strike</option>
<option value ="Weapon for the Job">Weapon for the Job</option>
<optgroup label= "ASSASSIN">
  <option value ="Death Mark">Death Mark</option>
<option value ="Death Strike">Death Strike</option>
<option value ="Master of Stealth">Master of Stealth</option>
<option value ="Sap">Sap</option>
<optgroup label= "BERSERKER">
  <option value ="Brutal Critical">Brutal Critical</option>
<option value ="Charge">Charge</option>
<option value ="Cut Through">Cut Through</option>
<option value ="Victory Rush">Victory Rush</option>
<optgroup label= "CHRONOMANCER">
  <option value ="Borrowed Time">Borrowed Time</option>
<option value ="Front of the Timeline">Front of the Timeline</option>
<option value ="Haste">Haste</option>
<option value ="Rewind">Rewind</option>
<option value ="Slow">Slow</option>
<option value ="Unwinding Beam">Unwinding Beam</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMON HUNTER">
  <option value ="Aether Sight">Aether Sight</option>
<option value ="Demon Leap">Demon Leap</option>
<option value ="Immolation">Immolation</option>
<option value ="Let Loose">Let Loose</option>
<optgroup label= "DEMONOLOGIST">
  <option value ="Agony">Agony</option>
<option value ="Corruption Fiend">Corruption Fiend</option>
<option value ="Ravager">Ravager</option>
<optgroup label= "DRAGON RIDER">
  <option value ="Crash">Crash</option>
<option value ="Jump Pads">Jump Pads</option>
<option value ="Transfuse">Transfuse</option>
<optgroup label= "DRUID">
  <option value ="Create Elemental">Create Elemental</option>
<option value ="Entangle">Entangle</option>
<option value ="Gust of Wind">Gust of Wind</option>
<option value ="Skybeam">Skybeam</option>
<option value ="Wall of Thorns">Wall of Thorns</option>
<optgroup label= "GRAVEWALKER">
  <option value ="Entomb">Entomb</option>
<option value ="Psychopomp">Psychopomp</option>
<option value ="Specter of Sins">Specter of Sins</option>
<option value ="Touch of the Grave">Touch of the Grave</option>
<optgroup label= "GUNSLINGER">
  <option value ="Aim with Heart">Aim with Heart</option>
<option value ="Gun Kata">Gun Kata</option>
<optgroup label= "HEXBLADE">
  <option value ="Curse Bolt">Curse Bolt</option>
<option value ="Curse of Weakness">Curse of Weakness</option>
<option value ="Shard of Doubt">Shard of Doubt</option>
<option value ="Soul Strike">Soul Strike</option>
<optgroup label= "PALADIN">
  <option value ="Auras of Protection">Auras of Protection</option>
<option value ="Auras of Resistance">Auras of Resistance</option>
<option value ="Lay on Hands">Lay on Hands</option>
<option value ="Life Shell">Life Shell</option>
<option value ="Smite">Smite</option>
<optgroup label= "PHOENIX">
  <option value ="Fireball">Fireball</option>
<option value ="Immolate">Immolate</option>
<option value ="Vent Heat">Vent Heat</option>
<option value ="Wall of Fire">Wall of Fire</option>
<option value ="Wildfire">Wildfire</option>
<optgroup label= "SEEKER">
  <option value ="Chain Shot">Chain Shot</option>
<option value ="Coiling Shot">Coiling Shot</option>
<option value ="Spectral Shot">Spectral Shot</option>
<option value ="Swarming Shot">Swarming Shot</option>
<optgroup label= "SHADOW DANCER">
  <option value ="Cloak of Darkness">Cloak of Darkness</option>
<option value ="Shadow Clones">Shadow Clones</option>
<option value ="Shadow Meld">Shadow Meld</option>
<option value ="Shadow Step">Shadow Step</option>
<option value ="Strangle">Strangle</option>
<optgroup label= "SHAPESHIFTER">
  <option value ="A Face You Know">A Face You Know</option>
<option value ="Defender Form">Defender Form</option>
<option value ="Keen Senses">Keen Senses</option>
<option value ="Scout Form">Scout Form</option>
<option value ="Snarl and Bite">Snarl and Bite</option>
<optgroup label= "SKALD">
  <option value ="Mock">Mock</option>
<option value ="Song of Defense">Song of Defense</option>
<option value ="Song of Rest">Song of Rest</option>
<option value ="Soundwave">Soundwave</option>
<optgroup label= "STITCH">
  <option value ="Heal">Heal</option>
<option value ="Healing Well">Healing Well</option>
<option value ="Restore">Restore</option>
<option value ="Soul Shield">Soul Shield</option>
<option value ="Stolen Life">Stolen Life</option>

    <optgroup label= "THUNDERCLAW"><option value ="Chain Lightning Strikes">Chain Lightning Strikes</option>
<option value ="Lightning Bolt">Lightning Bolt</option>
<optgroup label= "TIDECALLER">
 <option value ="Drown">Drown</option>
<option value ="Rainfall">Rainfall</option>
<option value ="Storm Surge">Storm Surge</option>
<option value ="Tidal Healing">Tidal Healing</option>
<option value ="Whirlpool">Whirlpool</option>
<optgroup label= "WARDEN">
  <option value ="Inner Reserves">Inner Reserves</option>
<option value ="Lifeblood">Lifeblood</option>
<option value ="Nature Vortex">Nature Vortex</option>
<option value ="Weight of Earth">Weight of Earth</option>
<optgroup label= "WARLORD">
  <option value ="Command">Command</option>
<option value ="Focus Target">Focus Target</option>
<option value ="Lead From The Front">Lead From The Front</option>
<option value ="Rally">Rally</option>
    <input id=memcost6 type="number" value="0" readonly > </input> 


<! WEAPON STAT FORMATTING //////////////////////////////////////////>
<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Weapon Stats </h3>
<table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname1> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize1></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype1></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags1> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange1> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg1> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext1> </p></tr>

  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname2> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize2></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype2></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags2> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange2> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg2> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext2> </p></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname3> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize3></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype3></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags3> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange3> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg3> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext3> </p></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname4> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize4></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype4></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags4> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange4> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg4> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext4> </p></tr>
 <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname5> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize5></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype5></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags5> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange5> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg5> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext5> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=weaponheader id=wpnname6> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasesize6></td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnbasetype6></td>
  <td class=weaponheader id=wpntags6> </td></tr>
  <tr> <td class=weaponheader id=wpnrange6> </td> <td class=weaponheader id=wpndmg6> </td> <td class=weaponheader></td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=weaponbody id=wpntext6> </p></tr>
 <! SUPPORT ITEM STATS/////////////////////////////////////////////////>  
<div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Support Item Stats </h3>
<table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname1> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize1></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags1></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext1> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname2> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize2></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags2></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext2> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname3> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize3></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags3></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext3> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname4> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize4></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags4></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext4> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname5> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize5></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags5></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext5> </p></tr>
  <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=supportheader id=supportname6> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=supportheader id=sptsize6></td> <td class=supportheader id=supporttags6></td> </tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=supportbody id=supporttext6> </p></tr>
<! TECH STATS //////////////////////////////////////////////////>
   <div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Technique Stats </h3>
<table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname1> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype1></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction1></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags1> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg1> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext1> </p></tr>

     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname2> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype2></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction2></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags2> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg2> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext2> </p></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname3> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype3></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction3></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags3> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg3> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext3> </p></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname4> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype4></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction4></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags4> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg4> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext4> </p></tr>
      <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname5> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype5></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction5></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags5> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg5> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext5> </p></tr>
      <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <h4 class=techheader id=techname6> -</h4></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtype6></td> <td class=techheader id=techaction6></td></tr>
<tr> <td class=techheader id=techtags6> </td> <td class=techheader id=techdmg6> </td></tr>
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
       <tr><p class=techbody id=techtext6> </p></tr>

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Class Traits </h3>

     <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=trait1 > </h4> </tr>
     <tr> <p class=traitbody id=traitbody1 > </p> </tr>
    <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=trait2 > </h4> </tr>
      <tr> <p class=traitbody id=traitbody2 > </p> </tr>
     <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=trait3 > </h4> </tr>
      <tr> <p class=traitbody id=traitbody3 > </p> </tr>
     <tr> <h4 class=reactionheader id=reaction1 > </h4> </tr> 
     <tr> <p class=reactionbody id=reactionbody1 > </p> </tr> 
     <tr> <p class=reactionbody id=reactionbody2 > </p> </tr> 
     <tr> <p class=reactionbody id=reactionbody3 > </p> </tr>

<div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Ultimate </h3>
         <tr> <h4 class=ultheader id=ult1 > </h4> </tr>
     <tr> <p class=traitbody id=ult2 > </p> </tr>
    <tr> <p class=traitbody id=ult3 > </p> </tr>

   <div class="col-md-4">
     <h3> Talents </h3>
       <th><td><select id="talentview" onchange="setTalent()">
                    <option value="Select a Talent to View">Select a Talent to View</option>
<option value ="Archmage">Archmage</option>
<option value ="Armored Defender">Armored Defender</option>
<option value ="Artillerist">Artillerist</option>
<option value ="Brawler">Brawler</option>
<option value ="Breaker">Breaker</option>
<option value ="Called Shots">Called Shots</option>
<option value ="Commander">Commander</option>
<option value ="Dervish">Dervish</option>
<option value ="Duelist">Duelist</option>
<option value ="Enchanter">Enchanter</option>
<option value ="Great Weapon Master">Great Weapon Master</option>
<option value ="Hospitaler">Hospitaler</option>
<option value ="Juggernaut">Juggernaut</option>
<option value ="Lancet">Lancet</option>
<option value ="Lichdom">Lichdom</option>
<option value ="Leyline Walker">Leyline Walker</option>
<option value ="Parkour">Parkour</option>
<option value ="Slasher">Slasher</option>
<option value ="Shadow">Shadow</option>
<option value ="Sniper">Sniper</option>
<option value ="Speedster">Speedster</option>
<option value ="Spellbreaker">Spellbreaker</option>
<option value ="Spotter">Spotter</option>
<option value ="Summoner">Summoner</option>
<option value ="Sun Blotter">Sun Blotter</option>
<option value ="Technician">Technician</option>
<option value ="Thaumaturge">Thaumaturge</option>
<option value ="Warcaster">Warcaster</option>

        </select>  </td></th>  </tr>      

 <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=talentname1 > </h4> </tr>
     <tr> <p class=traitbody id=talentrank1 > </p> </tr>
    <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=talentname2 > </h4> </tr>
      <tr> <p class=traitbody id=talentrank2 > </p> </tr>
     <tr> <h4 class=traitheader id=talentname3 > </h4> </tr>
      <tr> <p class=traitbody id=talentrank3 > </p> </tr>



<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-12">
     <table class="table table-hover skills">
     <tr> <input type="text" id="baseStressCap" hidden </input> </tr>
      <tr> <input type="text" id="baseMana" hidden </input> </tr>
        <tr> <input type="text" id="baseHP" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseRecovery" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseDodge" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseSpeed" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseAdef" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseSave" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="baseMem" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="testhp" hidden </input> </tr>
       <tr> <input type="text" id="testhp1b" hidden </input> </tr>
        <tr> <input type="text" id="unlockoutput" hidden </input> </tr>
  <link href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/examples/grid/grid.css" rel="stylesheet">

  .traitheader {
    background-color: crimson;
    color: white;
   .traitbody {
    background-color: papayawhip;
    color: black;
   .reactionheader {
    background-color: darkcyan;
    color: white;
     .reactionbody {
    background-color: lightcyan;
    color: black;
   .weaponheader {
    background-color: black;
    color: white;
   .weaponbody {
    background-color: darkgray;
    color: black;
   .supportheader {
    background-color: saddlebrown;
    color: white;
   .supportbody {
    background-color: seashell;
    color: black;
  .techheader {
    background-color: indigo;
    color: white;
    .techbody {
    background-color: lavenderblush;
    color: black;
   .ultheader {
    background-color: orangered;
    color: white;
    .ability {

.score {

.points {

.attack {

th {
  vertical-align: middle;

.skills {

.themed-grid-col {
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.01)!important;

.characterDetails textarea {
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;

.table td {
   width: auto;

.table {
  width: 100%!important;

.hide {

.show {

.powers {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  color: black!important;

.feats {
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

input {
      border-top-style: hidden;
      border-right-style: hidden;
      border-left-style: hidden;
      border-bottom-style: hidden;

select {
      border-top-style: hidden;
      border-right-style: hidden;
      border-left-style: hidden;
      border-bottom-style: hidden;
textarea {
      border-top-style: hidden;
      border-right-style: hidden;
      border-left-style: hidden;
      border-bottom-style: hidden;
    //Calculate Ability Points Available to Spend
function updateCalcAbilityPts() {
  var playerLevel = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value)
  document.getElementById("calcAbilityPts").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value) + 1 - parseInt(document.getElementById("bulk").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("agility").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("mind").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("magic").value);

  var grit = document.getElementById("playerLevel").value ;
  document.getElementById("grit").value = Math.floor(grit /2);
  document.getElementById("bulksave").value = document.getElementById("bulk").value;
  document.getElementById("agilitysave").value = document.getElementById("agility").value;
  document.getElementById("mindsave").value = document.getElementById("mind").value;
  document.getElementById("magicsave").value = document.getElementById("magic").value;

//Ancestry Traits
function configureDropDownLists(ddl1, ddl2) {
 var Avian =['Flight', 'Flock Tactics', 'Get the Flock Outta There', 'Gust'];
var Dragonborn =['Dragonfire', 'Dragon Scales', 'Inner Fire', 'Draconic Wings'];
var Dwarf =['Keep Moving Forward', 'Resilience', 'Unyielding', 'Sturdy'];
var Elementals =['Energy Resistance', 'Energy Aura', 'Elemental Nova', 'Elemental Form'];
var Elf =['Elven Accuracy', 'Nature Step', 'Fast Movement', 'Fey Step'];
var Gigan =['Big Equipment', 'Endurance', 'Oversized Weapons', 'Giant Lineage'];
var Gnome =['Instinctual Stealth', 'Fade Away', 'Tumble', 'Tinker Toy'];
var Goblin =['Scurry', 'Swarm', 'Nimble Escape', 'Bite'];
var Halfling =['Lucky', 'Nimble', 'Brave', 'Tumble'];
var Human =['Strong Saves', 'Hang in There', 'Hearty', 'Adrenaline'];
var Kobold =['Trap Array', 'Distract', 'Trapmaster', 'Evasive'];
var Lycanthrope =['Defender Strain', 'Pack Tactics', 'Sneaky Form', 'Travel Form'];
var Machina =['Mechanical Body', 'Armored', 'Supercharger', 'Integrated Weapon'];
var Orc =['Second Wind', 'Charge', 'Furious', 'Work Out Routine'];
var Tiefling =['Bloodhunter', 'Infernal Resistance', 'Wrath', 'Fiendish Wings'];
  switch (ddl1.value) {
    case 'Avian':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Avian.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Avian[i], Avian[i]);
    case 'Dragonborn':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Dragonborn.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Dragonborn[i], Dragonborn[i]);
    case 'Dwarf':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Dwarf.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Dwarf[i], Dwarf[i]);
    case 'Elementals':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Elementals.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Elementals[i], Elementals[i]);
    case 'Elf':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Elf.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Elf[i], Elf[i]);
    case 'Gigan':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Gigan.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Gigan[i], Gigan[i]);
    case 'Gnome':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Gnome.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Gnome[i], Gnome[i]);
    case 'Goblin':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Goblin.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Goblin[i], Goblin[i]);
    case 'Halfling':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Halfling.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Halfling[i], Halfling[i]);
    case 'Human':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Human.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Human[i], Human[i]);
    case 'Kobold':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Kobold.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Kobold[i], Kobold[i]);
    case 'Lycanthrope':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Lycanthrope.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Lycanthrope[i], Lycanthrope[i]);
    case 'Machina':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Machina.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Machina[i], Machina[i]);
    case 'Orc':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Orc.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Orc[i], Orc[i]);
    case 'Tiefling':
      ddl2.options.length = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < Tiefling.length; i++) {
        createOption(ddl2, Tiefling[i], Tiefling[i]);
      ddl2.options.length = 0;

function createOption(ddl, text, value) {
  var opt = document.createElement('option');
  opt.value = value;
  opt.text = text;

//Calculate Background Points Available to Spend
function updateCalcBackgroundPts() {
  var playerLevel = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value);
  var rank1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank1").value);
  var rank2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank2").value);
  var rank3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank3").value);
  var rank4 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank4").value);
  var rank5 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank5").value);
  var rank6 = parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank6").value);
  document.getElementById("calcBackgroundPts").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value) + 3 - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank1").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank2").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank3").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank4").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank5").value) - parseInt(document.getElementById("bkrank6").value);
  document.getElementById("bkbonus1").value= rank1 * 2;
  document.getElementById("bkbonus2").value= rank2 * 2;
  document.getElementById("bkbonus3").value= rank3 * 2;
  document.getElementById("bkbonus4").value= rank4 * 2;
  document.getElementById("bkbonus5").value= rank5 * 2;
  document.getElementById("bkbonus6").value= rank6 * 2;

//List of Classes
var classrank = document.getElementById("classRank");
var classrank2 = document.getElementById("classRank2");
var classrank3 = document.getElementById("classRank3");
var classrank4 = document.getElementById("classRank4");
var classrank5 = document.getElementById("classRank5");
var classrank6 = document.getElementById("classRank6");
var classrank7 = document.getElementById("classRank7");
var classrank8 = document.getElementById("classRank8");
var classrank9 = document.getElementById("classRank9");
var classrank10 = document.getElementById("classRank10");
var options = ["Aegis", "Alchemist", "Arsenal", "Assassin", "Berserker", "Chronomancer", "Demon Hunter", "Demonologist", "Dragon Rider", "Druid", "Gravewalker", "Gunslinger", "Hexblade", "Paladin", "Phoenix", "Seeker", "Shadow Dancer", "Shapeshifter", "Skald", "Stitch", "Thunderclaw", "Tidecaller", "Warden", "Warlord"];
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
  var opt = options[i];
  var el = document.createElement("option");
  el.textContent = opt;
  el.value = opt;

var talent1 = document.getElementById("talent1");
var talent2 = document.getElementById("talent2");
var talent3 = document.getElementById("talent3");
var talent4 = document.getElementById("talent4");
var talent5 = document.getElementById("talent5");
var talent6 = document.getElementById("talent6");
var talent7 = document.getElementById("talent7");
var talent8 = document.getElementById("talent8");
var talent9 = document.getElementById("talent9");
var talent10 = document.getElementById("talent10");
var talent11 = document.getElementById("talent11");
var talent12 = document.getElementById("talent12");
var options = ["Archmage",	"Armored Defender",	"Artillerist",	"Brawler",	"Breaker",	"Called Shots",	"Commander",	"Dervish",	"Duelist",	"Enchanter",	"Great Weapon Master",	"Hospitaler",	"Juggernaut",	"Lancet",	"Leyline Walker",	"Lichdom",	"Parkour",	"Shadow",	"Slasher",	"Sniper",	"Speedster",	"Spellbreaker",	"Spotter",	"Summoner",	"Sun Blotter",	"Technician",	"Thaumaturge",	"Warcaster",];
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
  var opt = options[i];
  var el = document.createElement("option");
  el.textContent = opt;
  el.value = opt;

//  Set Size based on Selection
function setSize(size) {
 var cl = size.value;
 if (cl == 'Dwarf') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
 } else if (cl == 'Avian') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
 } else if (cl == 'Dragonborn') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "2";
 } else if (cl == 'Elementals') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
 } else if (cl == 'Elf') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
} else if (cl == 'Gigan') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "2";
} else if (cl == 'Gnome') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "0.5";
} else if (cl == 'Goblin') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "0.5";
} else if (cl == 'Halfling') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "0.5";
} else if (cl == 'Human') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
} else if (cl == 'Kobold') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "0.5";
} else if (cl == 'Lycanthrope') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
} else if (cl == 'Machina') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";
} else if (cl == 'Orc') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "2";
} else if (cl == 'Tiefling') {
document.getElementById("size").value = "1";

//  Set Base Class Stats based on Selection
function setEquipClass(equipClass) {
var select1 = document.getElementById("EquipClass");
var value1 = select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].value; 
const table = {
  '': [ '', '',	'0',	'',	'',	'',	'-'],  
'Aegis' : ['10', '6', '3', '7', '4', '7', '7', '10', '5', '10', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'MANA SHIELDS', 'The Aegis can spend Mana as if it were PARRY. ', 'ABJURER’S WARD', 'The Aegis has a magical ward with 4 HP. When they would take damage (after resistances and armor), the ward takes the damage first, and the Aegis takes any remaining damage. During the Aegis’ turn, they can spend 1 mana as a Quick Action to restore the ward to 4 HP if the ward is on a character within Scope. Whenever the Aegis RESTS, the ward is restored to 4 HP. Gain the Ward reaction.', '', '', 'Ward', 'Reaction', 'Trigger: A character within Scope would take damage.', 'Effect: You move your Abjurer’s Ward onto the character, which takes the damage instead. The ward remains with them until you move it. A character can only have one ward on them at a time.', 'Perfect Shield', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You place an Abjurer’s Ward on every character of your choice within Scope. You can spend 1 mana as a Quick Action to restore HP to one ward as normal. A character can only have one ward on them at a time.' ] ,
'Alchemist' : ['5', '7', '5', '7', '4', '7', '5', '10', '3', '11', 'MAIN', '', '', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', 'MAIN', 'MAIN', 'POTION BELT', 'All consumables increase their charges by +1.', 'Quick Consumables', 'Whenever the Aegis RESTS, the ward is restored to 6 HP. Gain the Ward reaction.', 'SANITIZING VAPORS', 'At the end of your turn, any character of your choice adjacent to you heals 1 Stress. ', 'Quick Consumables', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: Another character ends their turn.', 'Effect: You can use a Support Item regardless of its action.', 'Philosopher Stone', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'During your turn as a free action you create a philosopher’s stone and give it to yourself or an ally within Scope. A creature that holds the stone gains +1 ACC on all attack rolls, saves, and checks. They can use the stone as a free action to restore all of their HP or clear all stress, or as a reaction to negate one wound. When the philosopher’s stone is used in one of these ways, the stone transfers to another ally within [Scope 10]. Each character can only receive the stone once. If it can’t be transferred to anyone, it transfers back to you if you haven’t received it. Otherwise, this effect ends.' ] ,
'Arsenal' : ['5', '10', '5', '8', '5', '5', '5', '6', '3', '10', 'MAIN', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', 'FIELD REPAIR', 'When you RECOVER, you can spend a recovery to repair a piece of destroyed equipment. During a SHORT REST, you can use your recoveries to repair the destroyed equipment of allies.', 'BREAK AWAY WEAPON', 'You gain the Break Away Weapon reaction.', '', '', 'Break Away Weapon', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: You would take damage. ', 'Effect: Spend 1-3 mana to roll a die and reduce the damage taken by the rolled amount. 1 mana rolls a d3, 2 mana rolls a d6, and 3 mana rolls 2d6', 'Cycle Weapons', 'Ultimate, BRAWL', 'Repair all of your destroyed weapons. Make an attack with every weapon you have, including SLOW weapons.' ] ,
'Assassin' : ['5', '8', '3', '11', '5', '5', '6', '7', '3', '10', 'MAIN', 'MAIN/LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'ASSASSINATE', '1/round deal 1d6 bonus damage on a melee attack if the character has no adjacent characters, or if the Assassin is the only adjacent character.', 'NIMBLE', 'The Assassin has +1 ACC on AGI checks and saves.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Exterminate', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Pick one character you can see. Until the end of the scene, you ignore the HIDDEN and INVISIBLE status on them. You gain +2 ACC on attacks vs them, and your crits vs them deal the maximum damage. If the character is within your Scope and moves, as a reaction after their movement ends you can move up to your speed.' ] ,
'Berserker' : ['5', '16', '6', '8', '5', '6', '4', '6', '1', '10', 'HEAVY', 'MAIN', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'ENDLESS ENDURANCE', 'Removing a WOUND or OVERSTRESS during a SHORT REST only costs the Berserker 1 Recovery.', 'RECKLESS', '1/round, the Berserker can deal +1d6 bonus damage on a hit with a melee attack. If the Berserker uses this ability, attacks against the Berserker gain +1 ACC until the end of its next turn.', 'RELENTLESS', '1/round when the Berserker scores a critical hit, they can make an attack as a free action.', '', '', '', '', 'PRIMAL STRIKE', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Activate this ultimate as a free action when you hit with a melee attack, causing all dice to be treated as if they rolled the maximum number once. Until the end of the scene, deal bonus damage equal to your GRIT+2 on melee attacks. ' ] ,
'Chronomancer' : ['10', '6', '3', '8', '5', '6', '6', '9', '5', '12', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'UNDO', 'Before you have taken an action in a round, you can declare that you want to take an action from any previously passed phase, and take it immediately instead of during the last phase.', 'PLUCK THE THREADS OF TIME', 'You gain the following reaction.', '', '', 'Pluck the Threads of Time', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: A character within Scope makes an attack roll, saving throw, or check.', 'Effect: Spend 1 mana to force them to reroll the die, taking the 2nd result. ', 'Time Stop', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You can take two actions per round for the rest of the scene. Each action must be on a different phase. Your turn happens on the first phase you act.' ] ,
'Demon Hunter' : ['10', '8', '3', '8', '5', '8', '5', '9', '2', '10', 'MAIN/LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'CORRUPTION', 'You have a corruption die, a d6, that starts at 1. Whenever you take STRESS, increase the value by 1, to a maximum of 6. During your turn as a free action, you can consume corruption to gain one of the following benefits that your level of corruption meets or exceeds. After using any corruption or after a REST, the die resets to 1. • 4 Corruption: Your reach with melee attacks increases by 1 until the start of your next turn.  • 5 Corruption: You deal 1d3 bonus damage on an attack or ability that deals damage.  • 6 Corruption: You can activate your Demon Form until the start of your next turn.', 'DEMON FORM', 'When you activate this form, you transform into a demon until the start of your next turn. Your size increases by 1 (max of 3), and any adjacent characters are pushed to the nearest empty space to accommodate your new size. Your reach with melee attacks increases by 1, and you deal 1d3 bonus damage on all attacks or abilities that deal damage. You gain resistance all damage, and you can fly.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Become the Monster', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You consume your corruption to immediately assume your Demon Form. Until the end of the scene, your corruption die resets to 3 instead of 1. ' ] ,
'Demonologist' : ['10', '6', '3', '7', '4', '7', '6', '12', '4', '11', 'MAIN', '', '', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'DEMON LEXICON', 'The Demonologist has the following SUMMONS they can create as a CAST action, costing 1 mana. These summons have the Demonologist’s Dodge and A-Def, and add the Demonologist’s GRIT to their HP. The Demonologist can only summon one of these demons at a time. The Demonologist has the following SUMMONS they can create as a CAST action, costing 1 mana. These summons have the Demonologist’s Dodge and A-Def, can move up to their speed during the Demonologist’s turn, and add the Demonologist’s GRIT to their HP. The Demonologist can only summon one of these demons at a time. The Demonologist can dismiss these summons as a free action. • Flameskipper. (Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 3) At the end of the Demonologist’s turn, the Flameskipper chooses one target within Range 5. They must pass a MGK save or take [3 energy].', 'DEMON LEXICON (CONTINUED)', 'Painlash. (Size 1, 8 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 4) Enemies that start their turn adjacent to this summon must pass a BLK save or be DAZED and SLOWED until the end of their next turn.   Soultracker. (Size 1, 5 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 5) Enemies that start their turn adjacent to this summon must pass a MGK save or be MARKED.  Voidheart. (Size 2, 10 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 4) This summon provides hard cover to its allies. Allied characters that start their turn adjacent to it gain 1 PARRY. ', 'SACRIFICE', 'As a quick action, the Demonologist can destroy one of their summons within Scope. When they do so, they can choose one of the following: • Boost. The Demonologist gains +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves until the end of their next turn. • Essence Explosion. All characters within Burst 1 of the summon must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 Force] on a failed save, or half damage on a success. • Life Link. The Demonologist gains 4 temporary HP and regains 2 Mana.', '', '', '', '', 'LEGION', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'When the Demonologist uses Demon Lexicon, they can summon 2 demons at once, and can have 2 demons from this ability active at the same time for the rest of the scene.' ] ,
'Dragon Rider' : ['5', '10', '5', '8', '5', '5', '5', '6', '3', '10', 'HEAVY', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', 'MAIN', '', '', 'FORCEFUL JAB', 'When the Dragon Rider hits with a melee longarm attack, the target is pushed until they are a number of spaces away the Dragon Rider equal to the weapon’s reach.', '', '', '', '', 'IMPALE', 'Reaction', 'Trigger: The Dragon Rider falls 3 or more spaces.', 'Effect: The Dragon Rider can make a melee weapon attack before hitting the ground. The attack deals bonus damage equal to the current amount of falling damage the Dragon Rider would take at that moment, before resistances or immunities.', 'Call Dragon', 'Ultimate, Summon, Quick', 'Dragon: Size 3, 15 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 6.  Quick: The Dragon Rider summons their dragon companion in empty spaces within Scope. The dragon is a summon that can fly, and can move up to its speed during the Dragon Rider’s turn. The Dragon Rider or an ally can share a space with the dragon, and when doing so, they move when it does.  The Dragon Rider gains the following quick action until the end of the scene: Dragon’s Breath Weapon. [SKIRMISH] The Dragon makes a Cone 5 attack that deals [1d6+2 Energy] on a hit. Add your GRIT to the attack roll.  The Dragon lasts until the end of the scene or until destroyed.' ] ,
'Druid' : ['10', '9', '4', '7', '4', '6', '6', '9', '3', '11', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'BRIAR PATCH', 'When you subject a character to forced movement, you leave a briar patch in the spaces they occupied before the movement. The patch is difficult terrain, and 1/turn deals [1d6 physical] to any character that enters the space. The patch lasts until the start of your next turn.', 'ROOT', 'You gain the Root reaction.', '', '', 'Root', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: A character would trigger an Opportunity Attack from you.', 'Effect: You IMMOBILIZE the target until the start of their next turn.  ', 'Tempest Storm', 'Ultimate, Channel', 'Channel a furious storm. Channel: All adjacent Channel a furious storm. Channel: All adjacent characters of your choice are pushed 1 space away from you. If you stop channeling this ability before releasing, the ultimate is not expended.  Release: Create a Size 4 zone within Scope, that reaches to the scene ceiling. Characters inside the zone take [1d6 Force] when it is created and when they enter the zone. A character can’t take this damage more than 1/turn. If a character ends their turn partly within the zone, you can slide them up to 3 spaces. The area inside the storm is difficult terrain. As a Quick Action, you can spend 1 mana to move the zone up to 3 spaces in a straight line. The zone lasts until the end of the scene.' ] ,
'Gravewalker' : ['10', '10', '6', '6', '3', '5', '5', '8', '2', '10', 'HEAVY', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', 'HEAVY', 'MAIN', '', '', 'HARVEST', '1/round when a hostile character within Scope is defeated, the Gravewalker gains 1d6 PARRY.', 'TOMBSTONE', 'When the Gravewalker DEFENDS, they can spend 1 mana to summon a tombstone in a free space within Scope. The tombstone is a summon (Size ½, 5 HP, Dodge/A-Def 10). They gain the Written Name reaction', '', '', 'Written Name', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: A character within range 5 of a tombstone takes damage.', 'Effect: Spend 1 PARRY to grant them RESISTANCE to that source of damage.', 'THAT WHICH IS ALREADY DEAD', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Until the end of the scene, the Gravewalker can’t take a 4th WOUND. When they would take their 4th wound, they roll a wound check as if they were taking their 3rd WOUND. Then they return to their HP maximum, and carry over any excess damage.' ] ,
'Gunslinger' : ['15', '8', '3', '10', '4', '5', '5', '6', '3', '11', 'LIGHT/LIGHT', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'FAST RELOAD', '1/round when the Gunslinger attacks with a RELOADING weapon, roll a d6. On a 6+, it reloads. The Gunslinger can spend mana to increase the result of this roll, at +1 per 1 mana spent.', 'STARE DOWN', 'When a weapon is reloaded, the Gunslinger gains access to the Quick Draw reaction until they use it, or until start of their next turn. ', '', '', 'QUICK DRAW', 'Reaction', 'Trigger: Another character makes an attack.', 'Effect: The Gunslinger can attack them with a weapon before their attack.', 'Customized Ammo', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Until the end of the scene, you gain access to the following special ammunition types. Each piece of ammunition can be used once. You can choose to us a piece of ammunition when making a ranged weapon attack. • Hotshot. Create a [Cone 5] area at any point of the attack’s range, pointed in the direction of attack. Characters in the area must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 fire] on a fail, or half damage on a success. The area becomes dangerous terrain (AGI Save, 5 fire damage) until the end of the scene. • Mindjack Round. On Hit: Until the end of the target’s next turn or until they are dealt damage by you or your allies, they consider you and your allies as its allies, and its former allies as enemies. On Miss: The target is DISABLED and unable to target you with hostile effects until the end of its next turn. • Piercer. The attack gains AP and becomes a Line attack with a distance up to attack’s range. The attack gains Reliable 10 against objects and terrain. • Shock Round. On Hit: The target is STUNNED until the end of their next turn. On Miss: The target is SLOWED and can’t take reactions until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Hexblade' : ['15', '8', '4', '8', '4', '5', '6', '8', '3', '11', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT/LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'HEX', '1/turn the hexblade can place a hex on a character within Scope. The hex lasts until the end of the scene or until the hexed character is defeated, and you can’t hex another character while your hex is still active. 1/turn you deal 1d6 bonus damage on a successful weapon attack against a hexed character. If you defeat the hexed character or give them a wound/overstress, you gain 4 temp HP.', 'MISERY', 'The Hexblade gains +1 ACC on attacks against characters that have a condition.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Oscillating Hex', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Your hex is upgraded for the rest of the scene. While a character is hexed by you, they suffer from the below effects, starting at rank 1. At the start of each round after activation, the effect moves one rank higher until after rank 6, at which point it then repeats at rank 1. This effect continues to progress every round after activation, even if no character is currently hexed. You can spend 1 mana to move your hex to another character during your turn.  1. They are MARKED, and the Mark isn’t removed when consumed while this effect is active. 2. They are IMPAIRED. 3. They are SLOWED. 4. They are SUNDERED. 5. They are WEAKENED. 6. They are STUNNED. ' ] ,
'Paladin' : ['5', '10', '6', '6', '4', '7', '5', '7', '2', '10', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', '', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', '', '', 'AURA OF INSPIRATION', 'Paladins have an aura that inspires their allies. The Paladin and all their allies within [Range 5] gain the benefit of this aura. The Paladin can only have one aura active at a time, and they gain the below aura. The Paladin can change an aura as free action once during their turn.   Aura of Inspiration. Characters gain +1 ACC on saves.', 'RETRIBUTION', 'When the Paladin uses DEFEND, they can MARK one character within Scope as a Free Action.', 'SEAL OF CHALLENGE', 'You gain the Challenging Strike reaction', 'Challenging Strike', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: A character within one of your weapon’s reach makes an attack that doesn’t include you.', 'Effect: You can make an attack against them with the weapon.', 'Shatter Vessel', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'The Paladin’s vessel is temporarily shattered, leaving only their power and drive. Until the end of their next turn, the Paladin has RESISTANCE to all damage, their reach with all weapons that have reach increases by +2, and they can use Challenging Strike an unlimited number of times.' ] ,
'Phoenix' : ['15', '6', '3', '6', '4', '7', '6', '10', '5', '11', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'BURNING SPELLS', 'Abilities that deal DoT deal +1 DoT', 'HEAT RESISTANCE', 'You have resistance to fire damage.', 'BURN PROOF', 'You have resistance to DOT.', '', '', '', '', 'Meteor', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You gain the meteor spell for the rest of the scene. Meteor Channel, Mana 3, Arcing Release: Create a [blast 2] area within Scope and Line of Sight. Characters and objects in the area take [3d6 fire]. Objects take the damage as AP damage.' ] ,
'Seeker' : ['15', '6', '3', '9', '4', '4', '6', '9', '3', '11', 'HEAVY', 'MAIN', '', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', '', 'MARKSMANS EYE', 'The Seeker and their allies gain +2 ACC instead of +1 ACC when consuming a MARK on an attack against a target within the Seeker’s Scope.', 'SEEKERS SIGHT', 'The Seeker can spend 1 mana to MARK as a Quick Action.', 'GUIDED SHOT', 'You gain the guided shot reaction', 'Guided Shot', 'Reaction', 'Trigger: You miss with a ranged or thrown attack.', 'Effect: Repeat the attack against a different character within range 5 of the original target. If the attack had an area of effect, you instead repeat the attack roll against the missed target. ', 'Heavenly Starfall', 'Ultimate, Skirmish', 'Create 4 [Blast 2] zones within range 40 that can’t overlap, and don’t require Line of Sight. All characters of your choice in those areas must make an AGI save, taking [1d6+2 Force] on a failure, or half damage on a success. As a quick action on subsequent turns, you can force all characters of your choice in those zones to repeat the save. At the end of each of your turns, one of the zones disappears.' ] ,
'Shadow Dancer' : ['10', '8', '4', '12', '6', '4', '6', '7', '3', '10', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'SNEAK ATTACK', '1/round, the Shadow Dancer can deal +1d6 bonus damage with an attack if the Shadow Dancer is HIDDEN, or if an active ally of the Shadow Dancer is adjacent to the target.', 'TUMBLE', 'Reaction attacks against the Shadow Dancer gain +1 DIF.', 'GRACEFUL', '+1 ACC on AGI checks and saves.', '', '', '', '', 'Eclipse', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'The light in the scene dims, and shadows grow longer. For the rest of the scene, you can teleport when you use your standard movement or RUSH.' ] ,
'Shapeshifter' : ['10', '8', '4', '8', '5', '6', '5', '7', '4', '10', 'LIGHT', 'HEAVY', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'BEAST WEAPONS', 'Your have the following integrated weapon, and it cannot be destroyed or DISARMED/DISABLED.  Light Club. [Reach 1] [1d3 Physical] If you haven’t attacked with any other weapons, you can attack twice with this weapon during your turn. ', 'FORM FOR THE OCCASION', 'You ignore difficult terrain. You can climb, swim, or fly equal to your speed, but you take 1 stress at the end of a turn in which you did so.', 'SOOTHE', 'When a character within Scope consumes a MARK, the Shapeshifter can clear 1 stress from them.', '', '', '', '', 'Perfect Form', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You assume a perfect form. You gain the following effects. This lasts until the end of the scene or until you end it as a free action. This form works with any other forms. • You gain +1 ACC on all attacks, checks, and saves. • You can take 1 stress to remove any condition on yourself as a free action. • When you MARK a creature, they take 1 stress. • Eye of the Beast. You gain the Eye of the Beast reaction. Eye of the Beast Reaction Trigger: A MARK is consumed against a character within Scope. Effect: The target takes 1 stress.  ' ] ,
'Skald' : ['10', '7', '4', '8', '4', '6', '6', '9', '4', '11', 'MAIN', '', '', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', '', 'INSPIRE', 'As a Quick Action, the Skald can spend 1 mana to grant a character within Scope +1 ACC on their next attack. A character can only benefit from one Inspire at a time.', 'TEMPO', 'Gain the Tempo reaction.', '', '', 'TEMPO', 'Reaction', 'Trigger: An ally within Scope is missed by an attack', 'Effect: You can slide the ally 1 space.', 'BALLAD', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'The Skald begins weaving a legendary performance. When this ultimate is activated and at the start of each of the Skald’s turns, pick a verse. The effects of chosen verses are applied to the Skald and all allies within their Scope. Each verse can only be chosen once. Instead of picking a verse, or when there are no more verses to select, the Skald selects a Finale. The finale affects the Skald and all allies within Scope. After the finale, the ultimate ends. If the Skald is SILENCED, the effects of all verses are suppressed, and the Skald doesn’t choose any new verses or finales until the SILENCED condition is removed. Verses • Verse of Heroes. +1 ACC on attacks. • Verse of Journey. +2 Speed. • Verse of Relaxation. Gain resistance to Stress. • Verse of Teamwork. +1 ACC on all checks and saves. Finale • The Last Stand. Gain 1d6+4 PARRY. • The Storm Fades. Regain all mana. • Legends Never Die. Regain all HP. • A New Beginning. Clear all stress and remove all conditions.  • The New World. Each character slides themselves up to their speed.' ] ,
'Stitch' : ['10', '7', '10', '7', '4', '7', '6', '10', '4', '12', 'MAIN', '', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'HEALERS PACT', 'During a SHORT REST or when a character within [range 5] spends/loses a recovery, you can choose to spend your recoveries for them instead.', 'HEALING BEACON', 'When you or an ally within Scope consumes a mark, they regain 1d6 HP.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Second Life', 'Ultimate, Channel', 'Release: Choose one active or defeated allied character within Scope. The character is restored to their HP maximum, regains all of their recoveries, and all their stress is cleared. Any wounds or overstress remain.' ] ,
'Thunderclaw' : ['5', '8', '5', '10', '5', '5', '6', '7', '3', '10', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT/LIGHT', '', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', '', '', 'BALANCE', 'Once during their turn, the Thunderclaw can convert any amount of Flurry to an equal amount of PARRY, or vice versa.', 'DASH', 'As a Quick Action, the Thunderclaw can spend 1 Mana to RUSH.', 'FLURRY', 'The Thunderclaw has a Flurry Score, which starts at 0 and has a maximum of 6. Whenever the Thunderclaw hits with a melee attack, they gain +1 Flurry. 1/round when they hit with a melee attack, they can expend 1 Flurry to deal 1d6 bonus damage, or expend 6 Flurry to force one of the targets to make a BULK save. On a failure, they are STUNNED until the end of their next turn.', '', '', '', '', 'LIVING LIGHTNING', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'The Thunderclaw channels lightning directly into their body, pushing them past their physical limits. The Thunderclaw immediately gains 6 Flurry. Until the end of the scene, their Dash trait doesn’t cost mana. When they spend 6 Flurry to stun a character, the character is automatically STUNNED (no save). Each character can be affected by the no save STUNNED condition 1/scene.' ] ,
'Tidecaller' : ['10', '7', '4', '7', '4', '6', '6', '10', '4', '12', 'MAIN', 'LIGHT', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', '', 'AQUATIC', 'The Tidecaller can swim and breathe underwater.', 'DOWNRIVER', 'As a Quick Action, the Tidecaller can create a [Line 8] zone. This is a river current, and the Tidecaller decides which end of the line it flows toward. 1/turn whenever an ally enters the zone, they can choose to teleport to an empty space in the zone in the direction of the flow. This zone lasts until the Tidecaller creates a new one, is defeated, or starts a round STUNNED. ', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Tidal Wave', 'Ultimate, Skirmish', 'A wave of water washes from one side of the map to the other. Choose one edge of the map (generally either north, south, east, or west). All enemies in the scene must make a BLK save, being pushed 1d6+2 spaces in a straight line toward the chosen side of the map on a failed save, or half as many spaces on a successful one. Characters that fail the save are DISABLED until the end of their next turn. A character that hits an obstacle takes [1d6 physical].' ] ,
'Warden' : ['5', '12', '6', '6', '4', '5', '5', '8', '2', '11', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', 'GRASPING VINES', 'The Warden can choose to make a character that starts their turn adjacent to the Warden SLOWED until the end of the character’s next turn. The Warden can’t use this ability if they are STUNNED, DISABLED, or SILENCED.', 'EARTHEN SLIDE', 'You gain the earthen slide reaction.', '', '', 'Earthen Slide', 'Reaction, 1/round', 'Trigger: A character within your Scope starts their turn.', 'Effect: You can spend 1 PARRY to slide them 2 spaces. ', 'Natures Wrath', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'You become an avatar of nature. You gain the following benefits, which lasts until the end of the scene or until you end it as a free action.  • Your size increases by 1 (max of 3) and any adjacent characters are pushed to the nearest empty space to accommodate your new size. • INTERPOSE and COUNTERATTACK cost 1 PARRY.  • You gain 1d3 PARRY at the start of each of your turns.  • When you hit a creature with any attack, they are SLOWED until the end of their next turn. A character that is already SLOWED is also IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Warlord' : ['10', '10', '5', '8', '4', '5', '7', '6', '2', '10', 'MAIN', 'HEAVY', '', 'LIGHT', 'LIGHT', 'MAIN', '', 'FOCUSED PLAN', 'When you MARK a character, an ally of your choice can make an attack against the marked character as a reaction.', 'TAKE A BREATHER', 'When you or an ally within Scope RECOVERS, another character of your choice within Scope 10 of them gains 1d6+1 temp HP.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Follow My Lead', 'Ultimate, Free Action', 'Until the end of the scene, 1/turn when you take an action, another character of your choice can take another valid action from that phase as a reaction.' ] ,


let baseScope = table[ value1 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let baseSave = table[ value1 ]; 
let baseHP = table[ value1 ];  
let baseRecovery = table[ value1 ]; 
let baseDodge = table[ value1 ];
let baseSpeed = table[ value1 ];
let baseStressCap = table[ value1 ];
let baseMem = table[ value1 ];
let baseAdef = table[ value1 ];
let baseMana = table[ value1 ];
let Wpnsize1 = table[ value1 ];
let Wpnsize2 = table[ value1 ];
let Wpnsize3 = table[ value1 ];
let supportsize1 = table[ value1 ];
let supportsize2 = table[ value1 ];
let supportsize3 = table[ value1 ];
let supportsize4 = table[ value1 ];
let trait1 = table[ value1 ];
let traitbody1 = table[ value1 ];
let trait2 = table[ value1 ];
let traitbody2 = table[ value1 ];
let trait3 = table[ value1 ];
let traitbody3 = table[ value1 ];
let reaction1 = table[ value1 ];
let reactionbody1 = table[ value1 ];
let reactionbody2 = table[ value1 ];
let reactionbody3 = table[ value1 ];
let ult1 = table[ value1 ];
let ult2 = table[ value1 ];
let ult3 = table[ value1 ];
document.getElementById("baseScope").value= baseScope[0];
document.getElementById("baseSave").value = baseSave[9];
document.getElementById("baseHP").value = baseHP[1];
document.getElementById("baseRecovery").value = baseRecovery[2];
document.getElementById("baseDodge").value = baseDodge[3];
document.getElementById("baseSpeed").value = baseSpeed[4];
document.getElementById("baseStressCap").value = baseStressCap[5];
document.getElementById("baseMem").value = baseMem[6];
document.getElementById("baseAdef").value = baseAdef[7];
document.getElementById("baseMana").value = baseMana[8];
document.getElementById("Wpnsize1").value = Wpnsize1[10];
document.getElementById("Wpnsize2").value = Wpnsize2[11];
document.getElementById("Wpnsize3").value = Wpnsize3[12];
document.getElementById("supportsize1").value = supportsize1[13];
document.getElementById("supportsize2").value = supportsize2[14];
document.getElementById("supportsize3").value = supportsize3[15];
document.getElementById("supportsize4").value = supportsize3[16];
document.getElementById("trait1").innerHTML = trait1[17];
document.getElementById("traitbody1").innerHTML = traitbody1[18];
document.getElementById("trait2").innerHTML = trait2[19];
document.getElementById("traitbody2").innerHTML = traitbody2[20];
document.getElementById("trait3").innerHTML = trait3[21];
document.getElementById("traitbody3").innerHTML = traitbody3[22];
document.getElementById("reaction1").innerHTML = reaction1[23];
document.getElementById("reactionbody1").innerHTML = reactionbody1[24];
document.getElementById("reactionbody2").innerHTML = reactionbody2[25];
document.getElementById("reactionbody3").innerHTML = reactionbody3[26];
document.getElementById("ult1").innerHTML = ult1[27];
document.getElementById("ult2").innerHTML = ult2[28];
document.getElementById("ult3").innerHTML = ult3[29];
var basehp = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseHP").value);
var blkhp = document.getElementById("bulk").value *2; 
var grithp = Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value)/2); 
  document.getElementById("maxHP").value = basehp + blkhp + grithp;  
var maxhp = parseInt(document.getElementById("maxHP").value);
  document.getElementById("currentHP").value = maxhp;
  document.getElementById("stressCapMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseStressCap").value) + parseInt(document.getElementById("mind").value);
  document.getElementById("manaMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseMana").value) + Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("magic").value)/2);
  document.getElementById("currentMana").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("manaMax").value);
  document.getElementById("recoveryMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseRecovery").value) + Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("bulk").value)/2);
  document.getElementById("currentRecovery").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("recoveryMax").value);
  document.getElementById("dodgeMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseDodge").value) +  parseInt(document.getElementById("agility").value);
  document.getElementById("speedMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseSpeed").value) + Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("agility").value)/2);
  document.getElementById("adefMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseAdef").value) +  parseInt(document.getElementById("magic").value);
  document.getElementById("saveMax").value = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseSave").value) +  grithp;

//  Set Weapon Stats based on Selection
function setWpn1(Wpn1) {
 var cl = Wpn1.value;
 if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
 } else if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Gert's Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Gravedigger's Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname1").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize1").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype1").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange1").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg1").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext1").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";
function setWpn2(Wpn2) {
 var cl = Wpn2.value;
 if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Gerts Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Gravediggers Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname2").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize2").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype2").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange2").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg2").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext2").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";
function setWpn3(Wpn3) {
 var cl = Wpn3.value;
if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Gerts Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Gravediggers Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname3").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize3").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype3").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange3").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg3").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext3").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";
function setWpn4(Wpn4) {
 var cl = Wpn4.value;
if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Gerts Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Gravediggers Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname4").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize4").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype4").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange4").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg4").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext4").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";
function setWpn5(Wpn5) {
 var cl = Wpn5.value;
  if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Gerts Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Gravediggers Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname5").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize5").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype5").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange5").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg5").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext5").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";
function setWpn6(Wpn6) {
 var cl = Wpn6.value;
 if (cl == 'Masamune') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Masamune";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reliable 5, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "3d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die again. This effect can trigger on the same die multiple times.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gunblade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Gunblade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Melee Profile / Gun Profile";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Melee: Reach 1// Gun: Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "Melee: 1d3+1 Physical / Gun: 1d3 Energy -";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also attack with the other profile. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Dancing Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Dancing Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a SUMMON. You can make attacks with this weapon from its space. During your turn, you can move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to your character. You can recall the weapon as a free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and  DODGE/A-DEF of 10.";
} else
if (cl == 'Throatcutter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Throatcutter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or FIGHT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Halberd') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Halberd";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Longbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Longbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Maul') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Maul";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "inaccurate, Push 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Photon Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Photon Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun Cannon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Shardgun Cannon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "3d6+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Staff') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Staff";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Blast 1, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10, blast 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Accurate, thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Hand crossbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Hand crossbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Rapier') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Rapier";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun pistol') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Shardgun pistol";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reliable 1";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Wand') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Wand";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Homing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 5";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Morningstar') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Morningstar";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Inaccurate";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shardgun rifle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Shardgun rifle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6+1 Energy";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Shortbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Shortbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Arcing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Spear') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Spear";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Sword') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Sword";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Tome') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Tome";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Arcing, Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+2 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "-";
} else
if (cl == 'Berserker Axe') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Berserker Axe";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Inaccurate, Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "4d6+3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Moon Blade') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Moon Blade";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "You can attack two targets at the same time.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sinbow') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Sinbow";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "AP, Reloading, Stress 1 (Self)";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the target has.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gerts Backbone') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Gerts Backbone";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6 Dark";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. (Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You can make attacks with this weapon, but from the summon’s current space and using its line of sight. The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks from its space, which use its reaction instead of yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any damage it has taken remains until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Longinus') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Longinus";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6+4 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the weapon’s maximum reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Vine Whip') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Vine Whip";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 4";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.";
} else
if (cl == 'Gravediggers Shovel') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Gravediggers Shovel";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and summons.";
} else
if (cl == 'Widowmaker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Widowmaker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Accurate, Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor Piercing.";
} else
if (cl == 'Splinter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Splinter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reloading";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage that many times to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Slugthrower') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Slugthrower";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Magitech";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reloading, Reliable 2";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 8";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "0";
} else
if (cl == 'Edge of Darkness') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Edge of Darkness";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6 Energy (Dark)";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "When a character within Range 5 is defeated or takes a wound/overstress, increase this weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6. This extra damage lasts until you REST.";
} else
if (cl == 'Holy Avenger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Holy Avenger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+1 Energy (Light)";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Crit: One character of your choice within [Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on themselves. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Solar Flare') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Solar Flare";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 10";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Energy (fire) + 1 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "+1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.";
} else
if (cl == 'Astral Barrage') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Astral Barrage";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Reloading, Unique";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 20";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "When you attack with this weapon, you can attack every MARKED character within the weapon’s range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st.";
} else
if (cl == 'Heartseeker') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Heartseeker";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Arcing, Homing";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force (MGK)";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for the attack. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Flash Step Dagger') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Flash Step Dagger";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Accurate, Thrown 3";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your hand when thrown. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Apex Weapon') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Apex Weapon";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of each of their turns while remaining grappled by you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wit') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Wit";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Bow";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 15";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3+1 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn and MARKED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sewing Needle') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Sewing Needle";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "AP";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 5, reach 3";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Force";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to the target are SLOWED until the end of their next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Wolf Claws') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Wolf Claws";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Light";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d3 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal to the damage rolled. If you end this movement next to a different hostile character, you can deal [1 Physical] to them. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Chakram') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Chakram";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Blade";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Thrown 5";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond range 1. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Abyssal Scepter') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Abyssal Scepter";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Artifact";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Aetheric";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Range 8 or Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "2 Stress";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the target.";
} else
if (cl == 'Greatoak Mauler') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Greatoak Mauler";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Heavy";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Club";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "Slow";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 1";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "3d6 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this weapon’s damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Frontline') {
document.getElementById("wpnname6").innerHTML = "Frontline";
document.getElementById("wpnbasesize6").innerHTML = "Main";
document.getElementById("wpnbasetype6").innerHTML = "Longarm";
document.getElementById("wpntags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("wpnrange6").innerHTML = "Reach 2";
document.getElementById("wpndmg6").innerHTML = "1d6+2 Physical";
document.getElementById("wpntext6").innerHTML = "On Crit: you can teleport one willing creature within your Scope up to 5 spaces.";

//  Set Support Stats based on Selection
function setSupport1(support1) {
 var cl = support1.value;
 if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext1").innerHTML = "";
function setSupport2(support2) {
 var cl = support2.value;
if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags2").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext2").innerHTML = "";
function setSupport3(support3) {
 var cl = support3.value;  
if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags3").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext3").innerHTML = "";
function setSupport4(support4) {
 var cl = support4.value;    
if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags4").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext4").innerHTML = "";
function setSupport5(support5) {
 var cl = support5.value;    
if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags5").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext5").innerHTML = "";
function setSupport6(support6) {
 var cl = support6.value;    
if (cl == 'Force Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Force Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1 until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.";
} else
if (cl == 'Potion Injector') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Potion Injector";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Your CONSUMABLE support items can be used on targets within [Range 10], even if their effect would normally only benefit the user (like Healing Potions). Willing targets are automatically affected. Unwilling targets require a successful ranged attack against them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Volatile Mixtures') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options: • Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 energy]. • Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a target. On a hit, character is IMMOBILIZED. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Siphon') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Mana Siphon";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1 mana from the target. You regain 1 mana.";
} else
if (cl == 'Untraceable Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Untraceable Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "armor, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+1 Armor.  Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until the start of your next turn or until you target something with a hostile effect.";
} else
if (cl == 'Arcana Crystal') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Arcana Crystal";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Gain +1 ACC on a spell attack";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Heavy') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Armor, Heavy";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Light') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Armor, Light";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+1 Armor (to a max of +4). ";
} else
if (cl == 'Armor, Medium') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Armor, Medium";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge";
} else
if (cl == 'Caltrops') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Caltrops";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone ends. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Companion') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Companion";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "[Limited 1, Summon], Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5. Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a free space within Scope.  During your turn, you can move your companion up to their speed.  1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.";
} else
if (cl == 'Healing Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Healing Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum (rounded down).  ";
} else
if (cl == 'Mana Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Mana Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Regain 1d6 mana";
} else
if (cl == 'Poison') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Poison";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 1";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. The target must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be DAZED until the end of their next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Resistance Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Resistance Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Resist energy until the end of your next turn.   ";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You provide soft cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Shield, Tower') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Shield, Tower";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You provide hard cover to allied characters.";
} else
if (cl == 'Smoke Bomb') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Smoke Bomb";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Thrown 5, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Sunrod') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Sunrod";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You ignore all darkness penalties. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Thieves Tools') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Thieves Tools";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and don’t set off traps.";
} else
if (cl == 'Trap') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Trap";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Trap, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6 damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half damage on a success. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Water Maneuverability') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Water Maneuverability";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You can swim, and  don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being submerged.";
} else
if (cl == 'Whetstone') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Whetstone";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal the maximum damage.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bloodrage Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Bloodrage Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Armor";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Book of True Names') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Book of True Names";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Summon";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 mana. The summon gains armor equal to the mana you spent. The summon can’t have more than 3 armor.";
} else
if (cl == 'Skull of Kroldar') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Skull of Kroldar";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "When a character or summon within Scope is defeated, gain 1 soul essence. Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG REST. Soul essence can be spent for the following effects: • Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can be spent in place of mana for abilities with the SUMMON tag. • Summoned Infusion. As a quick action, spend 1 soul essence. One allied summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Extending Enchantment') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Extending Enchantment";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.";
} else
if (cl == 'Winged Boots') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Winged Boots";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "You are immune to falling damage. You can fly when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end of the turn.";
} else
if (cl == 'Unliving Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Unliving Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Armor, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you become immune to all damage and stress until the start of your next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d3 charges at the start of each round. When your charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum, you return to action with full HP.";
} else
if (cl == 'Curve Ammo') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Curve Ammo";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Enchantment: Any weapon with range.  Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore DIF from cover. This weapon can use the HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.";
} else
if (cl == 'Bound Weapon') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Bound Weapon";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Enchantment";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves. This weapon can be used even if you are DISARMED.";
} else
if (cl == 'Phoenix Armor') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Phoenix Armor";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Armor, Limited 1, Unbreakable";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you would take your last WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, but are permanently DAZED until you take a LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6 fire], or half on a success. All of your support items are destroyed.";
} else
if (cl == 'Parrying Dagger') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Parrying Dagger";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Parry 1, Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you.";
} else
if (cl == 'Earthwardens Shield') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Earthwardens Shield";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "-";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "+1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any damage from the attack.";
} else
if (cl == 'Standard of Courage') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Standard of Courage";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Summon, Limited 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def) Quick: You plant this summon in an empty adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves while within the zone. You and allied characters that start their turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you move, placing it in another empty adjacent space. ";
} else
if (cl == 'Bottled Lightning') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Bottled Lightning";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 2";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while partly within the zone.";
} else
if (cl == 'Kinetic Redistributor') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Kinetic Redistributor";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Reaction, 1/round";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack. Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the attack, or gain 2 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'Lore Book') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Lore Book";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Mana 1, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn all of their statistics and abilities.";
} else
if (cl == 'Stoneskin Potion') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "Stoneskin Potion";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "Consumable 3, Quick";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.";
} else
if (cl == 'LIGHT') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "LIGHT";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'MAIN') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "MAIN";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == 'HEAVY') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "HEAVY";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";
} else
if (cl == '') {
document.getElementById("supportname6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("sptsize6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttags6").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("supporttext6").innerHTML = "";

//  Set Technique Stats based on Selection
function setTech1(tech1) {
var select1 = document.getElementById("tech1");
var value1 = select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].value;  
var select2 = document.getElementById("tech2");
var value2 = select2.options[select2.selectedIndex].value;  
var select3 = document.getElementById("tech3");
var value3 = select3.options[select3.selectedIndex].value; 
var select4 = document.getElementById("tech4");
var value4 = select4.options[select4.selectedIndex].value;
var select5 = document.getElementById("tech5");
var value5 = select5.options[select5.selectedIndex].value; 
var select6 = document.getElementById("tech6");
var value6 = select6.options[select6.selectedIndex].value;  
const table = {
  '': [ '', '',	'0',	'',	'',	'',	'-'],  
'Corruption Fiend' : ['Corruption Fiend' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'(Size ½, 5 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-Def 10, Speed 2) Release: Summon a corruption fiend in an empty space within Scope. Enemies that start their turn adjacent to it must pass a MND save or take [1 DOT Energy].' ] ,
'Smoking Cauldron' : ['Smoking Cauldron' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2, Summon' ,'-' ,'(Size ½, 5 HP, Dodge/A-Def 10).Release: You summon a smoking cauldron within Scope. It creates a [Blast 2] zone of fog centered on itself. Characters fully inside the smoke have soft cover, but can’t target characters outside of it. The smoke disappears when the cauldron is destroyed. ' ] ,
'Ravager' : ['Ravager' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'(Size 2, 8 HP, 1 Armor, Dodge/A-Def 10, Speed 2) Release: Summon a ravager in empty spaces within Scope. Enemies that start their turn adjacent to it must pass an AGI save or take [3 Physical] and be Pushed 1 space.' ] ,
'Specter of Sins' : ['Specter of Sins' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Summon, Mana 1' ,'-' ,'(Size= your size, HP= your HP when you RECOVER, 0 armor, Dodge/A-Def=0) When you RECOVER, you can Summon a ghostly manifestation of your sins in a free space within Range 5. As long as you are within Range 2 of the specter, it takes any damage that you would take before resistances and armor, and you take none of the damage. The damage the specter takes can’t be reduced in any way. The specter’s HP is equal to your current HP when you RECOVER. You can only have one specter at a time.' ] ,
'Shadow Clones' : ['Shadow Clones' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Summon, Mana 3' ,'-' ,'(size=your size, 5 HP, 10 dodge/a-def)Release: You create 3 shadow clones of yourself within Scope. They have your speed and size, and you can choose to move them instead of yourself with your standard move. As a free action once on your turn, you can teleport to one of your clones’ spaces, destroying the clone. If you RUSH, you can also move all of your shadow clones. You can destroy any shadow clones during your turn as a free action. You can’t have more than 3 shadow clones at once. If you use this ability again, you only summon new clones until you have 3 (you can always destroy existing ones).' ] ,
'Endurance' : ['Endurance' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'+2 HP' ] ,
'Two Weapon Fighting' : ['Two Weapon Fighting' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'1/round When you make an attack with a LIGHT weapon, you can make a 2nd attack with another LIGHT weapon.' ] ,
'Death Strike' : ['Death Strike' ,'Skill' ,'4' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'1/round, when you crit against a BLOODIED character, they must succeed on a BLK save or immediately take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, depending on whether the attack deals damage or stress. If the attack does both damage and stress, choose either a WOUND or OVERSTRESS.' ] ,
'Cut Through' : ['Cut Through' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'1/round, when you make a character BLOODIED, you can immediately slide up to half your speed. All characters of your choice when you end this movement are MARKED.' ] ,
'Proximity Shield' : ['Proximity Shield' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Quick' ,'-' ,'-' ,'1/turn as a Quick Action, you can spend 1 Parry or Mana to place a proximity shield in a space within Scope. Any character standing on this space gains resistance to damage. You can only have 1 proximity shield at a time. Any new proximity shields end the old one.' ] ,
'Shard of Doubt' : ['Shard of Doubt' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'1/turn when you MARK or hit a character with an attack, you can implant a shard of doubt in them. As a [Channel] action, when you RELEASE, all characters with a shard of doubt must make a MGK save, taking [1d6 force] AP on a failure, or half damage on a success. A character can only have 1 shard at a time, and shards are consumed when you use this channel-release ability.' ] ,
'Wildfire' : ['Wildfire' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'A character that ends their turn next to a character taking DoT from you must pass an AGI save or gain the same DoT.' ] ,
'Soul Shield' : ['Soul Shield' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'-' ,'-' ,'A character within Scope gains 1d3 temporary HP. A character that has temporary HP from this ability doesn’t need to make Concentration Checks to maintain a CHANNEL ability as long as they had the temp HP when the check was triggered. You can spend 1 mana to increase the temporary HP gained to 1d6.: ' ] ,
'Mock' : ['Mock' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'-' ,'-' ,'An enemy within Scope must make a MND save. Success: They take 1 Stress. Failure: They must move their speed straight toward you, or take [2 stress] and be MARKED.' ] ,
'Skybeam' : ['Skybeam' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Call down a beam of energy from the sun or moon. Make a [line 10] spell attack within your Scope, dealing [2d6 force] on a hit. This attack ignores cover.' ] ,
'Crash' : ['Crash' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Channel: Fly straight up to the scene ceiling and hover. If you can’t reach the scene ceiling (for example, because you are in a small corridor), this ability fails. Release: You fly to an empty space on the ground within range 10, ignoring reactions and ENGAGEMENT. All characters within a Burst 1 area must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 Physical] on a fail, or half damage on a success.' ] ,
'Life Shell' : ['Life Shell' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Channel: You gain 1d3 parry, and Interpose / Counterattack cost 1 PARRY until the start of your next turn.  Release: You can share your life with another character within Scope. They gain temp HP equal to the amount of HP you decide to give them from your own HP pool +2. You can’t reduce your HP below 1.' ] ,
'Command' : ['Command' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Choose an ally within Scope. They can immediately Volley/Cast/Fight with +2 DIF. If you take 1 Stress, they do not gain the DIF from this skill.' ] ,
'Jump Pads' : ['Jump Pads' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'SKIRMISH' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Create 2 jump pads in empty spaces within Scope. Allies that enter a jump pad’s space can immediately fly up to 5 spaces. Enemies must pass an AGI save or you can fly them up to 5 spaces in any direction. If they can’t remain flying at the end of their turn, they fall.  Each pad is destroyed after being used, and using this ability again destroys the old pads. Jump pads last until the end of the scene.' ] ,
'Lightning Bolt' : ['Lightning Bolt' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Create a Line 10 area. All targets in the area must make an AGI save. Fail: [1d6 Energy] and they are unable to take Reactions until the end of their next turn. Success: Half damage.  ' ] ,
'Immolation' : ['Immolation' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'-' ,'Mana 1, Unique' ,'-' ,'During your turn as a free action, you can activate a burning aura. Any character that ends their turn adjacent to you takes [2 energy (fire)]. The aura lasts until the start of your next turn' ] ,
'Master of Stealth' : ['Master of Stealth' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'During your turn, you don’t lose HIDDEN while moving if you end your movement in cover.' ] ,
'Magic Missile' : ['Magic Missile' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'VOLLEY' ,'Mana X' ,'-' ,'For every mana spent, a different character you can see within Scope takes [1d6 Force].' ] ,
'Aetheric Cube' : ['Aetheric Cube' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Skirmish or Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Gain the following abilities: Skirmish: Create 1 piece of Size 1 soft cover in an empty space within Scope. Release: Create up to 3 pieces of Size 1 hard cover in empty spaces within Scope. ' ] ,
'Rainfall' : ['Rainfall' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Gain the following CHANNEL options: Soothing Rain: Release: Create a [Blast 1] zone within Scope. When a character starts their turn in the zone, they remove all DOT and clear 1 Stress. This zone lasts until the end of your next turn, but can be extended by another round by spending 1 mana during your turn. Downpour: Release: Create a [Blast 1] zone within Scope. Characters are BLINDED while fully within the zone. This zone lasts until the end of your next turn, but can be extended by another round by spending 1 mana during your turn.' ] ,
'Entangle' : ['Entangle' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast or Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Gain the following options: Cast: [Mana 1] [1d6 physical] On Hit: The target must pass an AGI save or be IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Release: [Mana 2] Create a Blast 1 area within Scope. This area is difficult terrain until the end of the scene or until you dismiss it as a free action. All characters in the area when released are IMMOBILIZED until they RUSH.' ] ,
'Gust of Wind' : ['Gust of Wind' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Cast or Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Gain the following options: Cast: [Push 1] [1d6 force] Release: One target in Scope takes [2d6 force] and is slid 2 spaces. ' ] ,
'Curse Bolt' : ['Curse Bolt' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Gain the following spell attacks:  [Cast, Aetheric] On Hit: The target takes [3 force] and is DAZED until the end of their next turn. [Cast, Aetheric] [2d6 force]. ' ] ,
'Offensive Shielding' : ['Offensive Shielding' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Gain the following spell attacks:  Shield Crush: [Aetheric] [2 Stress] On Hit: The target is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn. Stasis Field: [Aetheric] [1 Stress] On Hit: The target must make a MGK save. On a fail, they are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn, or SLOWED on a success. ' ] ,
'Immolate' : ['Immolate' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'1 Fire DOT (BLK)' ,'If the target already has a DoT, the damage increases to 1d3 instead.' ] ,
'Storm Surge' : ['Storm Surge' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Skirmish' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Make a Line 5 Aetheric spell attack within Scope, facing any direction. On a hit, targets take [2 stress] and must pass a BLK save or be pushed to the end of the line. When using this ability, you can spend 1 mana to also knock PRONE all characters that fail the save.' ] ,
'Chain Lightning Strikes' : ['Chain Lightning Strikes' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'Full Attack' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. On a hit, you can slide yourself 3 spaces and repeat the attack against a different target. Each hit deals [3 Energy], and a target can only be attacked by this ability 1/turn. ' ] ,
'Disarming Strike' : ['Disarming Strike' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'BRAWL' ,'Stress 1 (Self)' ,'-' ,'Make an attack with a melee weapon. On Hit: The target takes half the normal damage and must pass a BLK save or be DISARMED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Coiling Shot' : ['Coiling Shot' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'2d6 Force' ,'On Hit: A spectral serpent coils around the target. Until the end of their next turn, if the target ends their turn next to an allied character, the ally takes [1d6 force] and is DAZED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Transfuse' : ['Transfuse' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'CAST' ,'-' ,'2 Stress' ,'On Hit: If target is BLOODIED, gain 4 temp HP. If target is at their BREAKING POINT, gain 2 mana.' ] ,
'Hinder Spell' : ['Hinder Spell' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Cast' ,'aetheric' ,'2 Stress' ,'On Hit: Target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. ' ] ,
'Swarming Shot' : ['Swarming Shot' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric, Blast 1' ,'1 Stress' ,'On Hit: Target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. The blast area becomes a zone until the start of your next turn. Any character that enters the zone is DAZED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Strangle' : ['Strangle' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric, Mana 1' ,'2 Stress' ,'On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be SILENCED and unable to CHANNEL during their next turn. If they are currently channeling, they have +1 DIF on the save to maintain when hit by this attack.  ' ] ,
'Unwinding Beam' : ['Unwinding Beam' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'2d6 Force' ,'On Hit: Target must succeed on a MGK save or you can teleport them up to 2 spaces.' ] ,
'Chain Shot' : ['Chain Shot' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'1d3 energy' ,'On Hit: The target must pass a MGK save or be IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. You can spend 1 mana to force all characters adjacent to the target to make the save as well.' ] ,
'Stolen Life' : ['Stolen Life' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'2 Stress' ,'On Hit: You or a character within range 5 of you regains 1d3 HP. You can spend 1 mana to increase the healing to 1d6 instead.' ] ,
'Smelling Salts' : ['Smelling Salts' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'Skirmish' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'One character in Scope can immediately stand up if PRONE, and can move up to their speed. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions.' ] ,
'Heal' : ['Heal' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'Skirmish' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'One character within Scope can spend a recovery to heal all their HP.  ' ] ,
'Ablative Armor' : ['Ablative Armor' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Defend' ,'Mana X' ,'-' ,'One character within Scope gains armor equal to the mana you spend using this ability. A character’s armor cannot exceed 4. Whenever the character takes damage, their armor is reduced by 1, to a minimum of its normal value.' ] ,
'Demon Leap' : ['Demon Leap' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Reposition' ,'1 Stress (Self)' ,'-' ,'Pick an empty space on the ground within a range of twice your speed. Fly to that point and land, ignoring opportunity attacks. All adjacent characters when you land must pass an AGI save or take [1d6 Physical].' ] ,
'Scout Form' : ['Scout Form' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Quick' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Quick: You assume a scouting form. Your size becomes ½. Your speed increases by 2, and attacks against you have +1 DIF, but you can’t make attacks or cast spells. As a Quick Action while in this form, you can MARK a character in Scope. This form lasts until the end of the scene or until you end it as a free action. You can only benefit from one form at a time.' ] ,
'Defender Form' : ['Defender Form' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Quick' ,'Mana 3' ,'-' ,'Quick: You assume the form of a defender creature, like a bear. Your size and armor increase by 1 (to a max of 3 each), and you gain 4 temp HP. As a Quick Action while in this form, you can spend 1 mana to gain 2 temp HP. The form lasts until the end of the scene or until you end it as a free action. You can only benefit from one form at a time.' ] ,
'Shadow Meld' : ['Shadow Meld' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Quick' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Quick: You become INVISIBLE until you make an attack or force a save. ' ] ,
'Life Essence Extract' : ['Life Essence Extract' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'Quick' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Quick: You can spend 1 Recovery to regain all uses of a single consumable.' ] ,
'Lay on Hands' : ['Lay on Hands' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Quick' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Quick: You or an adjacent ally can spend a recovery to regain HP equal to half their HP maximum (rounded up).' ] ,
'Armor Training' : ['Armor Training' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'Reduce the support slot size need to equip a piece of armor by 1 step (heavy to main, main to light, light to free).' ] ,
'Haste' : ['Haste' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Release: 1 ally within Scope has their speed doubled and resistance to any Stress taken from using SURGE. They can take their turns before PHASE 1, using any action. This effect lasts until the target takes damage.' ] ,
'Slow' : ['Slow' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Release: A character in Scope that you can see takes 2 stress and is SLOWED until the end of their next turn. ' ] ,
'Entomb' : ['Entomb' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Release: A character within Scope must pass a BLK save or be pulled underground. The entombed character has no line of sight to other characters, and other characters have no line of sight to them. Entombed characters can’t move, can’t attack, and can’t be attacked or take damage except for DOT they already had. They can make a BLK check at the end of each of their turns to reappear above ground in the nearest free space. They take 1 STRESS each time they fail the BLK check.' ] ,
'Fireball' : ['Fireball' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Release: All characters in a [Blast 2] area within Scope must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 fire] on a failure, or half damage on a success.' ] ,
'Arcane Explosion' : ['Arcane Explosion' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: All characters within a Blast 1 area within Scope take [1d6 force]' ] ,
'Song of Rest' : ['Song of Rest' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: Allies within Burst 3 can spend a recovery to regain all their HP. During subsequent turns, you can spend 1 mana to use the following Quick Action until you take a turn and don’t use this quick action. Quick: All allies within a Burst 3 area gain 3 temp HP.' ] ,
'Restore' : ['Restore' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: Choose one of the following: • Remove all conditions and DoT from a character within Scope. • One character within Scope cannot benefit from ACC or DIF and can’t use a MARK until the end of their next turn. ' ] ,
'Healing Well' : ['Healing Well' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 3' ,'-' ,'Release: Create a [blast 1] zone of healing energy within Scope. Any character that starts their turn in the area regains 1d6 HP. The zone lasts until the end of the scene or until you use this ability again.' ] ,
'Soundwave' : ['Soundwave' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Release: Create a Blast 1 zone within Scope, and choose one of the following effects: • Characters are SILENCED while partly within the area. • Characters fully within the area are immune to all spells and spell effects. Existing spell effects are not affected.' ] ,
'Whirlpool' : ['Whirlpool' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 3' ,'-' ,'Release: Create a blast 2 zone within Scope. You can move any character within the area to any empty space within the area. All characters within the area are DAZED and IMMOBILIZED, and any character that enters the area gains these conditions. A character in the area can make a BLK save at the end of each of their turns to end these conditions on themselves. The zone lasts until you dismiss it as a free action or use this ability again.' ] ,
'Wall of Fire' : ['Wall of Fire' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: Create a line 4 wall of fire within Scope, 4 spaces high. This wall doesn’t block line of sight, but attacks that pass through the wall gain +1 DIF. Characters that pass through the wall or that start their turn in it take [1d6+2 energy (fire)]. The wall lasts until the end of the scene, you deactivate it, or you use this ability again. ' ] ,
'Dome Barrier' : ['Dome Barrier' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 3' ,'-' ,'Release: Create a Size 4 dome barrier within Scope. Characters fully inside gain soft cover from attacks that originate outside it. The barrier has 20 HP. Whenever an attack misses a character inside, it deals damage to the barrier instead.' ] ,
'Tidal Healing' : ['Tidal Healing' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Release: One ally within Scope heals 2d6 HP. Another ally within Scope 5 of them heals half of that amount. Roll 1d6. On a 5+, you can continue healing new allies within Scope 5 of the last target for half of the previous amount. You can keep repeating this until you roll a 1-4, there are no other allies within Scope 5 of the last target, or the healing reaches 1. A character can only benefit from this healing 1/turn.' ] ,
'Death Mark' : ['Death Mark' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: One character in Scope is SUNDERED until they are hit by an attack. This ability doesn’t break HIDDEN or INVISIBLE.' ] ,
'Rewind' : ['Rewind' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'Release: Place a marker in the spot where one character you can see within Scope is. Gain the following Reaction. Trigger: The character takes damage or starts their turn. Effect: Negate any damage taken and teleport them back to the marker. Remove the marker. If they are unwilling, they can make a MGK save to resist the effects. If they resist, the marker is removed.  ' ] ,
'Nature Vortex' : ['Nature Vortex' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Release: Pull all characters of your choice within [burst 3] to the closest empty adjacent space to you and IMMOBILIZE them until the end of their next turn. If there are no available adjacent spaces, pull them to the closest empty space to you.' ] ,
'Wall of Thorns' : ['Wall of Thorns' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana X' ,'-' ,'Release: Summon a wall of thorns. You can summon X pieces of Size 1 cover, where X is the amount of mana you spend, up to a maximum of 4 mana. You can place the cover in any empty spaces within Scope. They provide soft cover to adjacent characters, but they can be moved through. A character that moves through one of these spaces takes [4 physical], 1/turn.' ] ,
'Create Elemental' : ['Create Elemental' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'Channel' ,'Mana X' ,'-' ,'Release: Target a piece of cover within Scope. You can temporarily animate it, causing it to move and/or attack a character adjacent to it. The mana cost of this ability is equal to the size of the cover (up to Size 3), plus an additional mana if you attack with it. The cover can move up to 5 spaces. If it attacks, it is considered a melee weapon attack against the target’s dodge. Add your GRIT to the attack roll. It deals [3 physical] per size (so 3 damage for Size 1, 6 damage for Size 2, etc). The animate cover retains any other properties it had, like a Wall of Thorn’s damage. The elemental reverts to a piece of cover at the end of your turn.' ] ,
'Song of Defense' : ['Song of Defense' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Release: You and all allies within range 5 gain 1 PARRY. During subsequent turns, you can spend 1 mana to continue using this ability as a quick action. If you don’t maintain this ability as a quick action, it reverts to a CHANNEL action as normal.' ] ,
'A Face You Know' : ['A Face You Know' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'Channel' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Release: You assume a form that is friendly or important to your foes until the start of your next turn. Any character that attacks you in this form takes 1 Stress. You can extend this effect for another turn by spending 1 mana. Any attacks you make in this form gain +1 DIF. You can only benefit from one form at a time.' ] ,
'Agony' : ['Agony' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'CAST' ,'Aetheric' ,'1 Stress DOT (MND)' ,'The target has +1 DIF on concentration checks triggered from this damage.' ] ,
'Drown' : ['Drown' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric' ,'1 DOT Stress (MGK)' ,'The target is SILENCED while taking this DOT.' ] ,
'Psychopomp' : ['Psychopomp' ,'Reaction' ,'1' ,'Reaction, 1/round' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Trigger: A character within range 20 is defeated. Effect: You teleport to the closest unoccupied space adjacent to them.' ] ,
'Snarl and Bite' : ['Snarl and Bite' ,'Reaction' ,'2' ,'Reaction' ,'2 Stress (Self)' ,'-' ,'Trigger: A melee attack hits or misses you. Effect: You can make a melee attack against the attacker.  ' ] ,
'Rally' : ['Rally' ,'Reaction' ,'2' ,'Reaction' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Trigger: An ally within Scope takes a WOUND or OVERSTRESS.Effect: They gain 4 temp HP and clear any DOT and conditions. ' ] ,
'Block' : ['Block' ,'Reaction' ,'2' ,'Reaction, 1/round' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Trigger: You are hit by an attack. Effect: Increase your DODGE by 1. You can increase your DODGE by +1 for every additional PARRY you spend. If this brings your DODGE above the attack roll, the attack misses.' ] ,
'Mutagen' : ['Mutagen' ,'Reaction' ,'2' ,'Reaction' ,'Consumable 3' ,'-' ,'Trigger: You or a character within Scope fails an attack roll, saving throw, or check.Effect: Roll 1d6 and add the result to their total, potentially turning a failure into a success.' ] ,
'Glancing Blow' : ['Glancing Blow' ,'Reaction' ,'2' ,'Reaction' ,'-' ,'-' ,'Trigger: You would take damage. Effect: You can reduce the damage by 1 for every point of PARRY you spend.' ] ,
'Vent Heat' : ['Vent Heat' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'When a character saves against a DoT you inflicted, they and all characters within burst 1 of them take 2 AP fire damage.' ] ,
'Focus Target' : ['Focus Target' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'When an ally within Scope consumes a MARK, another ally of your choice within Scope can attack the target as a reaction.' ] ,
'Victory Rush' : ['Victory Rush' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'When you defeat an enemy or give them a WOUND, gain temp HP equal to your GRIT + 2.' ] ,
'Lead From The Front' : ['Lead From The Front' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'When you FIGHT, one ally of your choice within Scope gains 1d3 temp HP.' ] ,
'Weight of Earth' : ['Weight of Earth' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'When you hit a creature with a reaction attack, they are IMMOBILIZED until the start of their next turn.' ] ,
'Sap' : ['Sap' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Mana 2' ,'-' ,'When you hit with a weapon attack, 1/turn you can force the hit character to pass a BLK save or be STUNNED until the end of their next turn. Each character can only be stunned by this ability 1/scene.' ] ,
'Smite' : ['Smite' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Mana 1, Unique' ,'-' ,'When you hit with a weapon attack, deal 1d6 bonus damage.' ] ,
'Soul Strike' : ['Soul Strike' ,'Spell' ,'3' ,'-' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'When you make a weapon attack, you can turn it into a soul strike for 1 mana. The attack gains the Aetheric tag. On a hit, the damage is halved, but deals Stress instead of its normal damage type.' ] ,
'Weapon for the Job' : ['Weapon for the Job' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'When you make an attack with a weapon, you can change the damage type to another damage type of your choice (Physical, Energy, or Force). This new damage type remains until you use this ability again.' ] ,
'Curse of Weakness' : ['Curse of Weakness' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'When you MARK a character, they are WEAKENED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Inner Reserves' : ['Inner Reserves' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'When you RECOVER, you gain 1d3 parry and INTERPOSE / COUNTERATTACK cost 1 PARRY until the end of your next turn.' ] ,
'Shadow Step' : ['Shadow Step' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'When you RUSH, you can teleport the distance instead, and if you end your movement in hard cover, you can HIDE as a free action.' ] ,
'Lifeblood' : ['Lifeblood' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'When you would take DOT, you can immediately make the DOT’s save. On a success, you don’t take the DOT.' ] ,
'Let Loose' : ['Let Loose' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'While you are at the Breaking Point, you have resistance to Stress.' ] ,
'Cloak of Darkness' : ['Cloak of Darkness' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You automatically become HIDDEN when not in Line of Sight and behind hard cover. ' ] ,
'Front of the Timeline' : ['Front of the Timeline' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You can always go first in any phase you act in if you want to. This does not count as a PC slot.' ] ,
'Weapon Training, Heavy' : ['Weapon Training, Heavy' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You can equip a single HEAVY weapon in a MAIN slot' ] ,
'Weapon Training, Basic' : ['Weapon Training, Basic' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You can equip a single MAIN weapon in a LIGHT slot' ] ,
'Aim with Heart' : ['Aim with Heart' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'You can make ranged attacks when others could not. When making a ranged attack against a target within your Scope, you ignore up to 1 DIF. When you are BLINDED, you can draw line of sight up to your Scope.' ] ,
'Aether Sight' : ['Aether Sight' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You can see invisible characters, ignoring the INVISIBLE status. You gain +2 ACC to SEARCH checks.' ] ,
'Borrowed Time' : ['Borrowed Time' ,'Skill' ,'3' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'You can take an extra action during an encounter. At the start of each round after doing so, roll a MGK save against your save target. On a fail, you are removed from play for that round, appearing in the same location or nearest unoccupied location at the start of the next round. While removed from play, you can’t take any damage, or be affected by anything. You take no turn. You can’t use this ability again until you fail the saving throw.' ] ,
'Brutal Critical' : ['Brutal Critical' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'You deal +1d6 bonus damage on critical hits.' ] ,
'Mana Reserves' : ['Mana Reserves' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You gain +1 Mana' ] ,
'Keen Senses' : ['Keen Senses' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You gain +2 ACC to SEARCH rolls and attack rolls against HIDDEN or INVISIBLE targets.' ] ,
'Touch of the Grave' : ['Touch of the Grave' ,'Skill' ,'1' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You gain resistance to Dark and Poison' ] ,
'Auras of Resistance' : ['Auras of Resistance' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You gain the following auras, which affect you and all allies within [Range 5]. You can only have one aura active at a time:  Aura of Elemental Resistance: Gain resistance to an energy. Aura of Freedom: Immunity to the Slowed and Grappled conditions. ' ] ,
'Auras of Protection' : ['Auras of Protection' ,'Spell' ,'2' ,'-' ,'-' ,'-' ,'You gain the following auras, which affect you and all allies within [Range 5]. You can only have one aura active at a time: Aura of Protection: Gain +1 armor (up to a max armor of 4). Aura of Retribution: When a character under the effects of this aura is hit by an attack, they deal 1+GRIT light damage to the attacker. ' ] ,
'Gun Kata' : ['Gun Kata' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'You have a gun kata die, a d6 that starts at 0. Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack, you increase the value of the die by 1, to a maximum of 6. Ranged attacks against you gain +1 DIF for every point on the die. Whenever you are attacked or take damage, reduce the value of the die by 1. The die resets to 0 when you take a BOLSTER action or at the end of a scene.' ] ,
'Charge' : ['Charge' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'Rush' ,'Unique' ,'-' ,'You take the RUSH action. If all movement from this action is in a straight line, you can make a single melee attack when you end the movement. ' ] ,
'Spectral Shot' : ['Spectral Shot' ,'Skill' ,'2' ,'-' ,'Mana 1' ,'-' ,'Your ranged attacks can phase through objects. If you have Line of Sight on a target, you can ignore cover when attacking. If you don’t have Line of Sight, you can still attack, but the target benefits from Hard Cover. ' ] ,
'Arcane Bolt' : ['Arcane Bolt' ,'Spell' ,'1' ,'Cast' ,'Aetheric, Accurate' ,'1d3 force' ,'-' ] ,

// find the "row" in the table where the key is 'colours'

let memcost1 = table[ value1 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype1 = table[ value1 ]; 
let techaction1 = table[ value1 ];  
let techtags1 = table[ value1 ]; 
let techdmg1 = table[ value1 ];
let techtext1 = table[ value1 ];
let memcost2 = table[ value2 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype2 = table[ value2 ]; 
let techaction2 = table[ value2 ];  
let techtags2 = table[ value2 ]; 
let techdmg2 = table[ value2 ];
let techtext2 = table[ value2 ];  
let memcost3 = table[ value3 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype3 = table[ value3 ]; 
let techaction3 = table[ value3 ];  
let techtags3 = table[ value3 ]; 
let techdmg3 = table[ value3 ];
let techtext3 = table[ value3 ];
let memcost4 = table[ value4 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype4 = table[ value4 ]; 
let techaction4 = table[ value4 ];  
let techtags4 = table[ value4 ]; 
let techdmg4 = table[ value4 ];
let techtext4 = table[ value4 ];  
let memcost5 = table[ value5 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype5 = table[ value5 ]; 
let techaction5 = table[ value5 ];  
let techtags5 = table[ value5 ]; 
let techdmg5 = table[ value5 ];
let techtext5 = table[ value5 ];  
let memcost6 = table[ value6 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let techtype6 = table[ value6 ]; 
let techaction6 = table[ value6 ];  
let techtags6 = table[ value6 ]; 
let techdmg6 = table[ value6 ];
let techtext6 = table[ value6 ];   
document.getElementById("techname1").innerHTML= value1;
document.getElementById("techtype1").innerHTML = techtype1[1];
document.getElementById("memcost1").value = techtype1[2];
document.getElementById("techaction1").innerHTML = techtype1[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags1").innerHTML = techtype1[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg1").innerHTML = techtype1[5];
document.getElementById("techtext1").innerHTML = techtype1[6];
document.getElementById("techname2").innerHTML= value2;
document.getElementById("techtype2").innerHTML = techtype2[1];
document.getElementById("memcost2").value = techtype2[2];
document.getElementById("techaction2").innerHTML = techtype2[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags2").innerHTML = techtype2[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg2").innerHTML = techtype2[5];
document.getElementById("techtext2").innerHTML = techtype2[6]; 
document.getElementById("techname3").innerHTML= value3;
document.getElementById("techtype3").innerHTML = techtype3[1];
document.getElementById("memcost3").value = techtype3[2];
document.getElementById("techaction3").innerHTML = techtype3[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags3").innerHTML = techtype3[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg3").innerHTML = techtype3[5];
document.getElementById("techtext3").innerHTML = techtype3[6];
document.getElementById("techname4").innerHTML= value4;
document.getElementById("techtype4").innerHTML = techtype4[1];
document.getElementById("memcost4").value = techtype4[2];
document.getElementById("techaction4").innerHTML = techtype4[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags4").innerHTML = techtype4[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg4").innerHTML = techtype4[5];
document.getElementById("techtext4").innerHTML = techtype4[6]; 
document.getElementById("techname5").innerHTML= value5;
document.getElementById("techtype5").innerHTML = techtype5[1];
document.getElementById("memcost5").value = techtype5[2];
document.getElementById("techaction5").innerHTML = techtype5[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags5").innerHTML = techtype5[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg5").innerHTML = techtype5[5];
document.getElementById("techtext5").innerHTML = techtype5[6]; 
document.getElementById("techname6").innerHTML= value6;
document.getElementById("techtype6").innerHTML = techtype6[1];
document.getElementById("memcost6").value = techtype6[2];
document.getElementById("techaction6").innerHTML = techtype6[3]; 
document.getElementById("techtags6").innerHTML = techtype6[4];
document.getElementById("techdmg6").innerHTML = techtype6[5];
document.getElementById("techtext6").innerHTML = techtype6[6];     

//Calculate MEM Available to Spend
function updateCalcMem() {
  var playerLevel = parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value);
  var grit = Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("playerLevel").value)/2);
  var mindbonus = Math.floor (parseInt(document.getElementById("mind").value)/2);
  var memory1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost1").value);
  var memory2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost2").value);
  var memory3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost3").value);
  var memory4 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost4").value);
  var memory5 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost5").value);
  var memory6 = parseInt(document.getElementById("memcost6").value);
  var memmax = parseInt(document.getElementById("baseMem").value) + grit + mindbonus ;
  document.getElementById("calcMem").value = memmax ;
  document.getElementById("memAdd").value = memory1 + memory2 + memory3 + memory4 + memory5 + memory6; 

//  Set Talent Stats based on Selection
function setTalent() {
var select1 = document.getElementById("talentview");
var value1 = select1.options[select1.selectedIndex].value;  

const table = {
  'Select a Talent to View': [ '', '',	'0',	'',	'',	''],  
'Archmage' : ['Spell Sculptor' ,'When you cast a spell with an area of effect (Blast, Burst, Cone, Line), you can spend 1 mana to exclude 1 target from the area.' ,'Arcane Turret' ,'When you are CHANNELING, your armor increases by +2, to a maximum of 4.' ,'Focused Caster' ,'The following option is added to the REROLL TABLE: a. Spend 1 mana to reroll.' ] ,
'Armored Defender' : ['Adamantine Armor' ,'Your armor support items cannot be destroyed. If they would be destroyed from a WOUND / OVERSTRESS, ignore that result. ' ,'Fitted Armor' ,'Your DODGE and SPEED isn’t reduced by armor.' ,'Bodyguard' ,'You can INTERPOSE an ally within range 2 (instead of just adjacent).' ] ,
'Artillerist' : ['Ragefinder' ,'The range of your ranged weapons increases by 3.' ,'Bombard' ,'You gain the following CHANNEL ability. Channel: Create a Blast 1 Zone centered within the range of one of your weapons. Release: You make an attack with one of your weapons against a target in the zone, including SLOW weapons. The attack cannot miss. ' ,'Rain Fire' ,'When you use your BOMBARD ability from this talent, you can create up to 2 blast 1 zones within range instead of one. The zones cannot be adjacent to each other. When you release, you can attack a creature in either zone.  ' ] ,
'Brawler' : ['Quick Hands' ,'When you hit with an IMPROVISED ATTACK, you can take 1 stress to automatically GRAPPLE the target.' ,'Fisticuffs' ,'Your IMPROVISED ATTACK deals 1d6 physical. On a crit, choose one: o The target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. o You can automatically succeed on a PUSH against the target.' ,'Submission' ,'You gain the following CHANNEL ability, usable on a grappled character. Channel: A character grappled by you becomes IMMOBILIZED as long as this ability is channeled, regardless of size. Release: The grappled character must make a BLK save. On a failure, they take [2d6 Physical] and are DISABLED until the end of their next turn, or half damage on a success. If the target is no longer grappled, this effect fails. ' ] ,
'Breaker' : ['Sunder Armor' ,'When you crit with a club, the target is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn and their armor is decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 0) until the end of the scene.' ,'Dazing Blows' ,'1/round when you hit a character with a club, the target must bass a BLK save or be DAZED until the end of their next turn.' ,'Ring the Bell' ,'You gain the following CHANNEL ability. Release: Make a melee attack with a club, including SLOW ones. On Hit: The weapon deals its normal damage and effects, and the target must succeed on a BLK save or be STUNNED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Called Shots' : ['Body Parts' ,'On a crit with a weapon attack, you can choose one of the following additional effects: a. Arm. Target is DISARMED until the end of their next turn. b. Throat. Target is SILENCED until the end of their next turn. c. Head. Target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. ' ,'Precision' ,'1/round you can take +1 DIF on an attack. If the attack hits, you ignore their armor for that attack. In addition, the head body part now grants DAZED until they use an action during any phase to remove it.' ,'Pinpoint Lethality' ,'The following options are added to the body parts list: a. Heart. Target must pass a BLK save or be STUNNED until the end of their next turn. A target can only be subject to this effect 1/scene. b. Leg. Target is IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. c. Body. Target is knocked PRONE. d. Eye. Target is BLINDED until the end of their next turn.' ] ,
'Commander' : ['Commanders Mark' ,'When you MARK a character, you can make it a special COMMANDER’S MARK. It functions as a normal mark, but when a character consumes it, they roll 1d6. On a 5+, the COMMANDER’S MARK remains. You can only have 1 COMMANDER’S MARK at a time, and placing a new one turns the old one into a normal mark.' ,'Planning' ,'When an ally takes stress to reroll an attack against your COMMANDER’S MARK target, the stress cost is reduced by 1. The COMMANDER’S MARK remains on a 4+ instead of a 5+.' ,'Order' ,'When you MARK a target, you can announce an action that you want any ally to take against that target. The first ally that takes that action against the target while it is MARKED gains 2+ your GRIT temp HP. ' ] ,
'Dervish' : ['Tempo' ,'Every weapon attack after your first attack in a turn gains +1 ACC, cumulative. Attacks with an AOE count as one attack.' ,'Dual Wielder' ,'A [MAIN] or [LIGHT∞LIGHT] weapon slot becomes a [MAIN∞LIGHT] slot, or a [LIGHT] slot becomes a [LIGHT∞LIGHT] slot. Every weapon attack after your first attack in a turn deals +1 damage, cumulative. Attacks with an AOE count as one attack.' ,'Twin Strike' ,'If you hit with both attacks from a linked weapon, the 2nd attack deals +1d3 bonus damage. ' ] ,
'Duelist' : ['Seize Initiative' ,'You gain +1 ACC on the first melee attack you make on your turn.' ,'Riposte' ,'You can spend parry to COUNTERATTACK when you are missed by an attack, and the cost is always 1 parry.' ,'Flourish' ,'You gain the following additional options for COUNTERATTACK, instead of making an attack: • Disarm: The target must succeed on an AGI save or be DISARMED until the end of their next turn. • Deflect: You gain resistance to all damage and stress from the attack. • Trip: The target must succeed on an AGI save or fall PRONE • Disengage: You ignore opportunity attacks from the target until the end of your next turn.' ] ,
'Enchanter' : ['Enchantments' ,'Each mission, you can equip one of the following enchantments for free. • Keen [any weapon]. On Crit, deal +1d3 bonus damage. • Variable [any weapon]. Before each mission and when you RECOVER or REST, you can change the damage type of the weapon between [physical, force, energy]. Only these damage types can be changed, and only between each other. • Aspected [armor]. This armor grants +1 ACC to checks and saves with BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC, chosen when you equip this enchantment.' ,'Portfolio of Enchantments' ,'The support slot cost of enchantments is reduced by one size (Heavy -> Main -> Light), to a minimum of LIGHT. The following enchantments are added to your list of available enchantments from rank 1 of this talent. • Vorpal [any melee weapon]. When you roll the maximum damage on a die with this weapon, roll the die again and add that result to the total damage. This effect can trigger multiple times. Only the damage from the weapon trigger this effect, not any bonus damage.  • Speed [any weapon]. You can use this weapon during PHASE 1: BOLSTER. • Adamant [any armor]. As a Quick Action, gain 1 PARRY.' ,'Master Enchanter' ,'One item of your choice can hold two enchantments at a time, instead of just one. You can equip a single support item with the ENCHANTMENT tag for free. ' ] ,
'Great Weapon Master' : ['Momentum' ,'You can use the stress option from the REROLL TABLE an unlimited number of times per turn when attacking with a heavy melee weapon' ,'Carry Through' ,'Your attacks with a heavy melee weapon gain RELIABLE equal to the number of times you use the REROLL TABLE for that attack.' ,'Cleave' ,'1/round when you defeat a character with an attack from a heavy melee weapon, you can immediately make another attack with that same weapon as a free action against a different target. ' ] ,
'Hospitaler' : ['Reserves' ,'When you RECOVER, you can pick 2 options from the 2nd set of choices. ' ,'Help' ,'When you RECOVER, you or an adjacent ally gains 3 + your GRIT temp HP.' ,'Medic' ,'When you RECOVER, you can spend 1 recovery to allow an adjacent ally to also gain the benefits of whatever options you selected. ' ] ,
'Juggernaut' : ['Leverage' ,'You are considered one size larger for PUSH, and you don’t suffer DIF from being smaller. If you succeed on a PUSH, you can decide to push the target up to 3 spaces instead of 1.' ,'Locomotion' ,'If you PUSH a character into another character or object, they take [1d6 physical]. If they are pushed into another character, both must succeed on an AGI save against your save target or fall PRONE. ' ,'Runaway Train' ,'You gain the following RUSH action:  RUSH: You move up to your speed in a straight line, and can move through the space of other characters. Deal [10 AP Physical] per your size (minimum 10) to any objects in your path. If an object is destroyed, you continue moving. You ignore engagement and difficult terrain. 1/turn If you move through a character, they must succeed on an AGI or be automatically affected by a PUSH from you.' ] ,
'Lancet' : ['Quick Step' ,'When you attack with a longarm, you can SLIDE yourself 1 space after the attack.' ,'Poke and Prod' ,'When you crit with a longarm, the target is WEAKENED until the end of their next turn.' ,'Impale' ,'1/turn when you attack with a longarm, you can turn the attack into a line attack with a length equal to the weapon’s reach. ' ] ,
'Lichdom' : ['Phylactery' ,'You gain a Phylactery, which is a free Support Item with the Consumable 1 tag. As a Quick Action, you can expend a charge to create a phylactery in an empty space adjacent to you. The phylactery is a size ½ object with 10 HP. While your phylactery is on the scene, you gain the following reaction: • Reformed. [Reaction] Trigger: You would take damage or stress. Effect: Negate the damage / stress and any other effects. Immediately teleport to your phylactery, destroying it. ' ,'Demilich' ,'Whenever you defeat a character, you regain 1 charge of your Phylactery support item. During a SHORT REST, you can remove WOUNDS or OVERSTRESS with 1 RECOVERY.' ,'Living Phylactery' ,'When you would be defeated, your body disappears and you become a size ½ object that occupies one of your spaces. This is your living phylactery, and it has 10 HP. A phylactery can take no actions and can’t move. At the start of each round, roll a d6 and gain that many charges. Once you have 6 charges, the phylactery is replaced by you, and you return with full HP, mana, and 0 Stress. If you would have 4 or more WOUNDS / OVERSTRESS, you go to 3 instead.' ] ,
'Leyline Walker' : ['Leyline Sensor' ,'At the start of a combat, create 3 [Blast 1] zones centered on empty spaces on the map. These are leylines. A character that starts their turn partly within one of these zones rolls a d6. On a 5+, they gain 1 mana. ' ,'Leyline Drain' ,'1/round as a reaction when a character enters a leyline zone, you can force them to make a MGK save. On a fail, they lose 1d3 mana, and you regain mana equal to the amount they lost. A character regains mana in these zones on a 4+ of the d6. ' ,'Leyline Transportation' ,'Create 4 leylines at the start of combat instead of 3. While you are standing in a leyline, you can use a PHASE 4: REPOSITION action to teleport to another leyline. The leyline you left is destroyed. ' ] ,
'Parkour' : ['Limber' ,'You have +1 ACC on AGI checks and saves, and you ignore difficult terrain.' ,'Tumble' ,'You can move through the spaces of hostile characters, but can’t end your movement in them. At the start of your turn, you can slide yourself 1 space if you aren’t IMMOBILIZED.' ,'Free Movement' ,'You can climb vertical surfaces when you move and can jump horizontally up to your speed, and vertically either up to half your speed or your size (whichever is higher). You can run across non-solid surfaces like water as long as you end your movement on solid ground. ' ] ,
'Slasher' : ['Bleeding Cut' ,'1/round when you hit with a blade attack, you can take 1 stress to MARK the target. ' ,'Hamstring' ,'1/round when you crit with a blade weapon, the target must pass a BLK save or be SLOWED until the end of their next turn.' ,'Slash Stance' ,'As a quick action, you assume one of the following stances or deactivate one. You can only benefit from one stance at a time. o Aggressive. You gain +1 ACC on attacks with blade weapons, but whenever you take physical, force, or energy damage, roll 1d6 and take extra damage equal to the number rolled.   o Defensive. You gain 1 PARRY whenever you attack with a blade weapon.  o Lunging. Your reach with blades is increased by +1, but you are permanently SLOWED while in this stance.' ] ,
'Shadow' : ['Blend' ,'You have +1 ACC on your first attack roll while hidden. You can HIDE in soft cover.' ,'Hunt' ,'You don’t lose HIDDEN while moving, and you can HIDE even when in Line of Sight of an enemy. You still lose HIDDEN if you end your turn within Line of Sight or out of cover.' ,'Infiltration' ,'You can deploy in any empty space within range 5 of an edge of the map. If you defeat a foe while HIDDEN, roll a d6. On a 5+, you remain HIDDEN. ' ] ,
'Sniper' : ['Steady Shot' ,'At the start of your turn, you can choose to IMMOBILIZE yourself until the start of your next turn. If you do so, you gain +1 ACC on all ranged attacks until the start of your next turn.' ,'Zero In' ,'If you miss with a ranged attack, you gain +1 ACC on ranged attacks until you hit with one. This effect stacks. ' ,'Pinpoint Shot' ,'On a crit with a ranged attack, you ignore armor and resistance. ' ] ,
'Speedster' : ['Zig Zag' ,'You gain soft cover when you RUSH until the start of your next turn.' ,'Sprint' ,'When you move or REPOSITION, you can move 1d6 spaces further, but you take stress equal to half of the extra movement.' ,'Tactical Reposition' ,'When you RUSH, you get both options instead of choosing.' ] ,
'Spellbreaker' : ['Broken Focus' ,'When you force a character to make a concentration save, they have +1 DIF on it.' ,'Spell Evasion' ,'If you succeed on a save against a spell that has a reduced effect on a save, you don’t suffer those effects.' ,'Break' ,'1/round as a reaction when a character begins channeling within one of your weapon’s reach, you can make an attack against them with that weapon.' ] ,
'Spotter' : ['Shotcaller' ,'When you MARK a target, they must succeed on a MND save or be SUNDERED until the end of their next turn.' ,'Radar' ,'You gain the following FULL ATTACK action. [FULL ATTACK] You can MARK twice. ' ,'Quick Call' ,'At the start of your turn, you can take 1 stress to MARK as a free action.' ] ,
'Summoner' : ['Strong Summons' ,'Your summons gain +5 HP. As a Quick Action, you can move one of your summons up to 4 spaces as long as they are within your Scope.' ,'Defender Summons' ,'Your summons may spend your PARRY, and they have access to the INTERPOSE reaction.' ,'Tend to the Swarm' ,'As a Quick Action, you can spend 1 mana to restore 1d6 HP to one of your summons within your Scope.' ] ,
'Sun Blotter' : ['Overdraw' ,'As a Quick Action, you increase the range of your next bow attack by +5. You are IMMOBILIZED until you fire a bow or dismiss this effect as a free action. ' ,'Rain of Arrows' ,'Whenever you attack with a bow, you can take 1 stress to turn an adjacent empty space (or space within the attack’s area of effect) into dangerous terrain, dealing physical damage. The dangerous terrain is triggered when a character enters any vertical spaces above it as well. The terrain lasts until a character moves into or above the space. ' ,'High Shot' ,'Whenever you fire a bow, you fire another shot into the air. Whenever you make an attack with a bow, gain 1 ARROW. Anytime you attack with a bow, you can consume all of your ARROWS, rolling an extra d20 for each shot and using the highest result for the attack roll. All ARROWS expire at the end of the scene' ] ,
'Technician' : ['Growing Power' ,'Whenever you crit with a magitech weapon, you get a Power Die, which is a d6. You can have up to 6 Power Die, and they last until the end of a mission or until spent. Whenever you make an attack or damage roll, after the dice are rolled, you can expend any number of Power Die and roll them. The highest number rolled is added to the attack or damage roll.  ' ,'Mana Ammo' ,'When you hit with a magitech weapon, you can spend up to 6 mana to deal +1 damage per mana spent. ' ,'Unstable Power Core' ,'1/round when you crit with a magitech weapon, you can apply one of the following effects: o Magnetic. The target is DISARMED until the end of their next turn. o Shielded. You gain 1d3 PARRY. o Shock. The target is DAZED and SLOWED until the end of their next turn. o Soul Gem. The target is WEAKENED until the end of their next turn and MARKED. o Volatile. The target is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn and knocked PRONE.' ] ,
'Thaumaturge' : ['Magical Charges' ,'On a crit with an artifact, regain 1 mana. ' ,'Overcharge' ,'You gain the following CHANNEL / RELEASE action. Release: Make an attack with an artifact weapon, including SLOW ones. The attack can’t miss.' ,'Empowerment' ,'1/round when you hit a target with an artifact, you can spend 1 mana for one of the following effects: o Cold: Target is SLOWED until the end of their next turn.  o Dark: Target is must pass a MGK save or be BLINDED until the end of their next turn.  o Fire: Target takes 1 AP energy (fire) damage for every space they move until the start of their next turn. o Force: Attack gains PUSH 1 and the target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. o Light: Target is MARKED. o Lightning: Target is unable to take any reactions until the end of their next turn. o Toxic: Target is DAZED until the end of their next turn. Any of their allies that become adjacent to them while they have this condition become MARKED.' ] ,
'Warcaster' : ['Maintain' ,'You gain +1 ACC on BLK saves to maintain a Channel ability. You don’t suffer +1 DIF for ranged spell attacks while engaged.' ,'Spellfighter' ,'You can make opportunity attacks with spells if they have a SKIRMISH or BRAWL action.' ,'Focus' ,'You gain resistance to physical, energy, and force damage while channeling' ] ,

// find the "row" in the table where the key is 'colours'

let talentname1 = table[ value1 ]; //the name that appears here should be variable
let talentrank1 = table[ value1 ]; 
let talentname2 = table[ value1 ]; 
let talentrank2 = table[ value1 ]; 
let talentname3 = table[ value1 ]; 
let talentrank3 = table[ value1 ];    
document.getElementById("talentname1").innerHTML = talentname1[0];  
document.getElementById("talentrank1").innerHTML = talentrank1[1];
document.getElementById("talentname2").innerHTML = talentname2[2];
document.getElementById("talentrank2").innerHTML = talentrank2[3]; 
document.getElementById("talentname3").innerHTML = talentname3[4];
document.getElementById("talentrank3").innerHTML = talentrank3[5]; 

See video how I got the code: https://www.loom.com/share/b5c26dfe62b44615b7217e1eb2e616c0

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
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