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Fix what appears on Search

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Hello everyone, 

I have messed up big time! How do I fix the description that comes when people search our company?

At the moment our site appears like this:


I have disabled the 'Logo' on my page settings and Have hidden it on page results so I do not understand why it is still showing.

Another things is the description of our company. First part: Aviation. airport. 

This is our site: https://ptphotography.squarespace.com

if you can see the very last thumbnail is titled Aviation and airport. Dont know why this one appears. can we get rid of it?

Next in line is @Paul Thuysbaert Photography. All rights reserve. Having Difficulty etc.. 

Now this one is embarrassing!

This is the footer of our unlinked (SHOP page): 


Please advise me how to fix what appears on web search. 

Thank you in advance,
Kind regards,



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Hi @Ptphotography,

If you've made changes to your site's SEO recently, you'll have to make Google aware of this, as they only crawl sites periodically, meaning it could take them days or weeks to notice SEO changes. You can find out how to do that here

In this case, I would recommend running through all the steps of our SEO checklist, and then requesting Google reindex your site. After you submit your site for reindexing, you won't see changes to your search results immediately, as it can again take Google a few days or longer to update.

You may also consider hiring an independent SEO specialist to help you out.

I hope this helps!


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Hi @SpencerC The articles helped me a lot. Thank you so much for this! 

Just one question, in Google search console, what happens If I temporarily remove URL? In this case the 'Logo' and perhaps even 'About' so what remains on the google search is purely the description of our website.

Correct me if I am wrong, if I remove it, it will simply remove the information/content in google search but will be visible once visited right?

Please educate this newbie. 

Thank you and stay safe,


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Hi @Ptphotography,

I'm not quite sure to be honest as I'm not an SEO expert, nor do I have insight on how Google Search Console works. But removing URLs on Google's end wouldn't affect what URLs or pages actually exist on your Squarespace site, as that would have to be done on our end.

Removing a URL in GSC may remove it from their search results, but those pages would still be navigable from the site itself. If you want to use Squarespace's default setting for hiding pages from search results, try these steps.

I'd recommend reaching out to Google directly to learn more about what the functions of GSC do.


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