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Adding additional Store Page links to category sidebar.

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Site URL: https://www.parkbrewing.company/products-attack-the-block

I have four store pages, I call them "Collections:" 

Collection: Attack-the-Block
Collection: Park Brewing
Collection: Sask Rec.
Collection: Dub-Dub! 
The issue I am having is when you are on one store page for example "Collection: Attack-the-Block". There is no navigation ability to switch between store pages. I would like to access the other three store pages "Collection: Park Brewing" etc. for example.  I have done a number of edits to the {products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-tree-wrapper} etc. and nested the sidebar menu on mobile.
My biggest request would be to add these store page links into the side-bar category navigation. I would be happy with that outcome.
If possible and practical Ivwould like the store pages to be structured like this. As a drop down menu. The menu wouldn't have to actively change when you clicked on other store pages. But would just change when we moved pages from the "Collection: Attack-the-Block" to "Collection: Sask Rec."  It would function like this...

Collection: Attack-the-Block
   Shipped From Canada
   Shipped From Europe
   Shipped From USA
   Tees & Shirts
   Hats & Beanies (Toques)
   Hoddies & Jackets
Collection: Park Brewing
Collection: Sask Rec.
Collection: Dub-Dub!
Collection: Attack-the-Block
Collection: Park Brewing
Collection: Sask Rec.
   Shipped From Canada
   Shipped From Europe
   Shipped From USA
   Tees & Shirts
   Hats & Beanies (Toques)
   Hoddies & Jackets
Collection: Dub-Dub!
If it isn't simple or easy to achieve the drop down affect, I would appreciate a sidebar like this. With the four store pages above the categories, and just to display the categories of the active page, and with the active page underlined and bold. 
Collection: Attack-the-Block
Collection: Park Brewing
Collection: Sask Rec.
Collection: Dub-Dub!
Shipped From Canada
Shipped From Europe
Shipped From USA
Tees & Shirts
Hats & Beanies (Toques)
Hoddies & Jackets


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