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Layout Feedback on a Photo Blog Web site Welcomed

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Start a trial, build a new one while you old one is up. The biggest tip I can give you is the one you have now is not going to get people to look at it. Think of it this way, right now your pictures are in a box under your bed, the box may be very organized lots of separate folders, but not fun to look at, and its a box, no way to change that. A new site will hang your photographs on a wall, framed, arranged for people to want to stand in front of them and admire. Its up to you. You can have as many pages on the site as you can build, even if you have a personal plan, you put ten galleries up for awhile, disable them move them to unlinked and move ten different ones up to take their place, you rotate. I do that on my site. If you put your galleries in a blog, you can move them all. The three templates I mentioned in my first response are still you best choices. Good luck!

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I'm new to Squarespace, having just developed my own web site.  I looked at your photos a week or so ago.  I was impressed with the quality and variety of your photos.  I didn't spend a lot of time looking at it, but a different format might allow the viewer to find photos they are more interested in from thumbnails, instead of from a listing.

I'm a structural engineer and just developed my first website for a firm that has been in business since 1952.  I'd be curious to hear input from people with no engineering background on what they think of my site... it's www.petersonengineerswdm.com      I developed it more for a retrospective on my work of the past 40 years than for a marketing tool.  A vast majority of my clients are architects and contractors that bring me repeat business.

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The link will make your site easier to get to. I like your site, but I may not be that impartial since I am also an Avenue user, for five years. Two sites, used to be three the third was for a business that shut down. Your site, like Avenue is very clean and classic, strong grid approach. Avenue can also be made to be quite whimsical, art deco like. In other words, its very adaptable for desktop. You have to be careful with certain layouts as to how they look on mobile, most 7.0 templates are not as automatically adaptable for mobile as brine or 7.1. Avenue is a browser's kind of site. Designed for artists, craftsmen, fashion, for people who come there and spend time looking. Its a good template to showcase what you have in other words. I think you made a good choice and used it well. I have one suggestion, make the hover opacity effect more pronounced with your thumbnail grid. Depending on how the contrast is set on peoples screens they will not see it. Other than that one thing, very nice site. 

You should consider starting your own thread to get more feedback on your site. If you do I will copy and paste this reply there. 

Here are mine:



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