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Issue with html code not displaying or loading properly first time loaded on website

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Site URL: https://lilyrothrock.com/services


I have a custom html table for my services on my services page www.lilyrothrock.com/services

The first time you load the page, it doesn't show.  you have to reload it for it to show!

here's the code

<div class="table table--4cols">
<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--head"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--head"></div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that does a damn good job explaining you and your product or service, and connects with your customer's or client's reality</p></div>
<div class="strong">Essential Copy</div>
<div class="text">Core Messaging for Website Homepage or Landing Pages</div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that multiplies the effect of your Essential Copy and keeps clients coming back to your website to read again and again and keep gaining value from what you have to say</p></div>
<div class="strong">Extended Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 5 Additional Pages worth of copy such as About, Bio,Services, Values, Mission</div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Comprehensive Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 10 additional pages of copy, such as descriptions of multiple Services, multiple Bios, Origin/Mission Story</div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>So you will never get stuck on a blank box when writing Facebook or Instagram Posts, newsletters, blogs, or other promotional copy</p></div>
<div class="strong">Personalized Marketing Strategy Plan + Cheat Sheet</div>
<div class="text">Reference guide for growing your business through strategic messaging &amp; story elements</div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Personalized Technical Assistance</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Custom Squarespace Website</div>
<div style="order:8;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment"></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1">
<div class="highlight">Core Copy</div>
<div class="text">Central marketing copy that builds trust &amp; connection with your clients. For your website, brochures, and descriptions (Website not included)</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:8;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">1,500 - 3,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1 highlight-business-top"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead highlight-business">
<div class="highlight">Business</div>
<div class="text">Reach out and get known for the difference you make for your clients (Includes Core Copy + Website)</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell highlight-business"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell highlight-business"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell highlight-business"></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell highlight-business"></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell highlight-business assistance">2 Weeks of Support Post-Website Handoff</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell highlight-business"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:8;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">2,500 - 4,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head-1"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1">
<div class="highlight">Premium</div>
<div class="text">You're ready for that next level of success (Includes Core Copy, Full Website + Strategic Plan)</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell">
  <span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell assistance">4 Weeks of Support Post-Website Handoff</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:8;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">4,500 - 5,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

<div class="table table--2cols">
<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--head"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that does a damn good job explaining you and your product or service, and connects with your customer's or client's reality</p></div>
<div class="strong">Essential Copy</div>
<div class="text">Core Messaging for Website Homepage or Landing Pages</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that multiplies the effect of your Essential Copy and keeps clients coming back to your website to read again and again and keep gaining value from what you have to say</p></div>
<div class="strong">Extended Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 5 Additional Pages worth of copy such as About, Bio,Services, Values, Mission</div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Comprehensive Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 10 additional pages of copy, such as descriptions of multiple Services, multiple Bios, Origin/Mission Story</div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>So you will never get stuck on a blank box when writing Facebook or Instagram Posts, newsletters, blogs, or other promotional copy</p></div>
<div class="strong">Personalized Marketing Strategy Plan + Cheat Sheet</div>
<div class="text">Reference guide for growing your business through strategic messaging &amp; story elements</div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell">
<div class="strong">Personalized Technical Assistance</div></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--foot">
<div class="strong">Custom Squarespace Website</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment"></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1">
<div class="highlight">Core Copy</div>
<div class="text">Central marketing copy that builds trust &amp; connection with your clients. For your website, brochures, and descriptions (Website not included)</div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">1,500-3,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

<div class="table table--2cols">
<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--head explanations"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that does a damn good job explaining you and your product or service, and connects with your customer's or client's reality</p></div>
<div class="strong">Essential Copy</div>
<div class="text">Core Messaging for Website Homepage or Landing Pages</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that multiplies the effect of your Essential Copy and keeps clients coming back to your website to read again and again and keep gaining value from what you have to say</p></div>
<div class="strong">Extended Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 5 Additional Pages worth of copy such as About, Bio,Services, Values, Mission</div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations">
<div class="strong">Comprehensive Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 10 additional pages of copy, such as descriptions of multiple Services, multiple Bios, Origin/Mission Story</div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations">
<div class="help-tip"><p>So you will never get stuck on a blank box when writing Facebook or Instagram Posts, newsletters, blogs, or other promotional copy</p></div>
<div class="strong">Personalized Marketing Strategy Plan + Cheat Sheet</div>
<div class="text">Reference guide for growing your business through strategic messaging &amp; story elements</div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations">
<div class="strong">Personalized Technical Assistance</div></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell cell-1 explanations table-cell--foot">
<div class="strong">Custom Squarespace Website</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment"></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1">
<div class="highlight">Business</div>
<div class="text">Reach out and get known for the difference you make for your clients (Includes Core Copy + Website)</div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell"></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell assistance">2 Weeks of Support Post-Website Handoff</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">2,500 - 4,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

<div class="table table--2cols">
<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--head"></div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell cell-1 ">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that does a damn good job explaining you and your product or service, and connects with your customer's or client's reality</p></div>
<div class="strong">Essential Copy</div>
<div class="text">Core Messaging for Website Homepage or Landing Pages</div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>Written content that multiplies the effect of your Essential Copy and keeps clients coming back to your website to read again and again and keep gaining value from what you have to say</p></div>
<div class="strong">Extended Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 5 Additional Pages worth of copy such as About, Bio,Services, Values, Mission</div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Comprehensive Copy</div>
<div class="text">Up to 10 additional pages of copy, such as descriptions of multiple Services, multiple Bios, Origin/Mission Story</div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="help-tip"><p>So you will never get stuck on a blank box when writing Facebook or Instagram Posts, newsletters, blogs, or other promotional copy</p></div>
<div class="strong">Personalized Marketing Strategy Plan + Cheat Sheet</div>
<div class="text">Reference guide for growing your business through strategic messaging &amp; story elements</div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Personalized Technical Assistance</div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell cell-1">
<div class="strong">Custom Squarespace Website</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-1 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment"></div>

<div style="order:0;" class="table-cell table-cell--head highlight-lead-1">
<div class="highlight">Premium</div>
<div class="text">You're ready for that next level of success (Includes Core Copy, Full Website + Strategic Plan)</div>
<div style="order:1;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:2;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:3;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:4;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:5;" class="table-cell"><span class="checkmark"></span></div>
<div style="order:6;" class="table-cell assistance">4 Weeks of Support Post-Website Handoff</div>
<div style="order:7;" class="table-cell cell-7 table-cell--foot">
<div class="payment">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="price">4,500 - 5,500</span>
<div class="caption">Average Cost</div>
<div class="quote"><a href="https://lilyrothrock.com/work-with-me">Get A Quote</a></div>

what is going on?



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  • 3 months later...

So my post above was premature,

FIXED reload issue:

For anyone stumbling upon this: Turning off AJAX loading in site styles appears to have fixed the problem of the code not showing on 1st page load. In our case it was an elfsight widget that wouldn't show. 

thanks, Kristy

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