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How to disable calendar pop up links

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Is there a way to disable the link that appears in the pop up window of a calendar.

When you hover over a date with an event, information for that event appears within a hover box. these details link through to the events page. I dont want it to, i want to disable that links....

Any help?

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Please post a link to the page in question. 

I'm Colin Irwin aka silvabokis.  I've been a Squarespace designer & developer since 2013. 
I remember when it was all wild prairies round these here parts. 🐃🤠
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Add  the following to your custom css after any other code that may already be there. 

.flyoutitem a {
    pointer-events: none !important;


I'm Colin Irwin aka silvabokis.  I've been a Squarespace designer & developer since 2013. 
I remember when it was all wild prairies round these here parts. 🐃🤠
Advice I give on here is free, though I may sometimes post an affiliate link or promote something I've written.
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This version will also hide the arrow so the text doesn't look like a link. 

.flyoutitem a {
    pointer-events: none !important;
  .flyoutitem-link-arrow {
  	display: none;

I'm Colin Irwin aka silvabokis.  I've been a Squarespace designer & developer since 2013. 
I remember when it was all wild prairies round these here parts. 🐃🤠
Advice I give on here is free, though I may sometimes post an affiliate link or promote something I've written.
That reminds me.. ..you might want to check out my
Squarespace template finder or have a look at my other Squarespace tips
Speaking of tips, 💲I've got a tip jar that you're welcome to throw a few quid into if you think I've helped you. 
If you're looking for a Squarespace developer 
Book a chat or Drop me a line - first meeting is always free  


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  • 1 year later...

@colin.irwin - Is there a way to stop the calendar popup completely? I am using my calendar to show available / unavailable, I don't want there to be a pop-up on hover.


Green means the dates are unavailable, grey means they are available (I am going to make that clear elsewhere. 



I don't want there to be a pop-up when I hover over the date - currently- as you can see below- when I hover over the date "8", there is a grey black popup that appears. 




Thanks in advance!

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On 12/30/2020 at 2:01 AM, hlzcp said:

@colin.irwin - Is there a way to stop the calendar popup completely? I am using my calendar to show available / unavailable, I don't want there to be a pop-up on hover.


Green means the dates are unavailable, grey means they are available (I am going to make that clear elsewhere. 



I don't want there to be a pop-up when I hover over the date - currently- as you can see below- when I hover over the date "8", there is a grey black popup that appears. 




Thanks in advance!

Can you share link to page in screenshot? We can help easier

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

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