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Everything posted by thirteen38

  1. I am trying to add a caption to below the video that appears in that lighbox/popup. I have gotten close, as you can see from this image.... You can see there is extra space above now but the caption seems visible. I do have a new question too. Do you know a way to add a social share button on these gallery items? So that someone can share the video on their social platforms? I tried "Addthis" app and it seems to only let me share the main gallery page as opposed to each individual video. See second screen shot.
  2. Here is the code I am using: .collection-type-gallery #slideshowWrapper .image-description { text-align: center; width: 100%; padding: 10px 0px 0; background: #fff; display: block; position: relative; bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 25px; } .collection-type-gallery #slideshowWrapper .sqs-gallery-design-stacked-slide img { max-height: 90%; width: auto !important; margin: 0 auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; top: 0 !important; } .collection-type-gallery #slideshowWrapper .sqs-gallery-design-stacked-slide .sqs-video-wrapper.video-fit { position: sticky; max-height: 100%; width: 800px !important; margin: auto; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(0%, 0%); right: auto !important; } .collection-type-gallery #slideshowWrapper .sqs-gallery-design-stacked-slide .sqs-video-wrapper.video-fit .intrinsic-inner { text-align: center; }
  3. Hi @bangank36, I was wondering if you were able to provide any insight on the Wexley template: I provided my password on the other thread:

    I have created a gallery page (of videos) in the Wexley template. I would like to have the description appear as a caption below the video in the lightbox view.  I like how the title is the only thing you see on hover in the Gallery but hoping to add a bit more messaging to the lightbox. Any ideas? I am not a code person but can follow instructions 🙂  I have tried another solution and it doesn't seem to work for videos (just images).


    thank you for any insights you can provide.


    1. thirteen38


      It looks like the caption is actually there but it is too low so it is getting cut off? thoughts



  4. Site URL: https://watermelon-robin-nhdz.squarespace.com/config/pages/618c171f9cbcb131a242f035 Hey All, I have created a gallery page (of videos) in the Wexley template. I would like to have the description appear as a caption below the video in the lightbox view. I like how the title is the only thing you see on hover in the Gallery but hoping to add a bit more messaging to the lightbox. Any ideas? I am not a code person but can follow instructions 🙂 I have tried another solution and it doesn't seem to work for videos. Thanks!
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