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St Lukes

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  1. We're modifying our site and have switched to the Pacific template. We are experiencing some very strange behaviour on our site: If the viewer is looking at the site using a very large 4k monitor or if someone zooms their browser window way out (see screenshots attached) the navigation menu items split and move up to either side of the logo. Does anyone know of any CSS code that can be added to force the nav bar to stay below the logo on all pages? Thanks, Mike https://www.slte.org
  2. Sorry @jpeter, you are correct that we are using a gallery for a makeshift rotating banner image. So, when I tried your code, it didn't work as expected. However, when I switched from using a gallery to using an animated GIF, everything worked like we wanted without any modifications. Unfortunately, an animated GIF is a much larger file and it is more difficult to make changes to. Thanks for your help, but I think we've got it working for us.
  3. We are playing with a new site layout, using the Pacific template. We are placing a full-width banner image at the top of the page right under the navigation. our "Site Padding" is currently set 0 (zero), but there's still something containing the banner image to a set size limit. We would like our banner image to size itself to go all the way to the left & right browser borders, but not affect our text margins. Any help would be appreciated. https://lute-harmonica-3bk2.squarespace.com/ justanothertest
  4. I'm experimenting with a new site, using the Pacific template. I'd like to have control of the space (padding) between text blocks. Controlling all of them with one CSS code segment would be good, but being able to control by Heading style would be awesome! Is this even possible?
  5. Yep. That did it. I was using Chrome's developer tool to inspect the element to try to override it. but I forgot the !important tag. Thanks again.
  6. Thank you. However, that code only seems to control the padding below the line. I'm also trying to control the padding above the line.
  7. My next question, "How can I change the Horizontal Rule padding in the Pacific template", would probably be easy for you.
  8. I'm working with the Pacific tempate for a new site, but the <hr> (horizontal rule) object has too much padding at the top and bottom. Any ideas how I can reduce this padding?
  9. I found out that the browser plug-in didn't change. The change appears to have been made by Squarespace, to their analytics page code. If anyone needs a solution to this issue, I found a plug-in that works correctly. It's called "Awesome Screen Recorder & Screenshot".
  10. @MayaViolet - Thank you, thank you!!! your CSS code worked perfectly! And, thank you for the explanation/sequence of the variables. You were a HUGE help!
  11. Thanks @MayaViolet. I'd appreciate any help you can provide. lute-harmonica-3bk2.squarespace.com Test**Test
  12. I'm working with the Pacific tempate for a new site, but I'd like to reduce or totally eliminate the top & bottom padding in the footer. I would post the address, but it's currently "private". Can someone help me?
  13. I create PDFs of my analytics so I can share them and compare them over time. I typically use a browser extension called GoFullPage because simply using the print function doesn't capture everything that shows on the analtyics pages. However, 2 days ago I was printing our December analytics and they weren't printing correctly (see attached image). Instead of scrolling vertically, like normal, the screenshot looked like it was scrolling to the side - as if I was running dual monitors. I'm not. I tried other pages and they all scrolled normally for the screenshot. Only the analytics pages had this malfunction. I contacted the developer of GoFullPage and they said this is something they see caused by the web platform developer (SqSp in this case). I'm not running any plug-ins or modifications to my website, just a template provided by SqSp. I haven't been on these forums for a long time. I used to be able to reach a SqSp support person, but that option doesn't appear to be visible anymore. Any ideas how I can get this resolved, reach a support person, or a better way to print/save my analytics? I typically run Chrome on macOS, currently Ventura (fully up to date). Thanks for any help.
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